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Everything posted by InvisiMan2013

  1. InvisiMan2013

    Happened to me last night...

    Met up with a friendly who was starving last night. I had nothing to open canned food, so I offered to accompany him to Cherno in order to find something before he died. While running there, he said "is that the new SKS?", referring to the SKS I had on my shoulder (no ammo). So I told him I'd drop it so he can have a look. He was happy to see how cool it was and I told him we'd better run if we were going to save his life, so we ran off and I let him hold the gun, assuming he'd give it back or I'd pick it up off his body once he died of starvation... we make it to some houses and BAM... server restarted... needless to say, I no longer have the SKS. :lol:
  2. InvisiMan2013

    Happened to me last night...

    I've turned my steam chat off the last few weeks because I find it much more enjoyable to meet randoms and communicate through the direct comms in-game... I was more concerned about finding a can opener than losing my stuff, but with the experimental servers restarting quite frequently last night, I should have known better. I was hoping they'd respawn back into the same server, but it was really unstable and I didn't know if they even knew what the name of the sever we were in was called. Oh well, my character mysteriously died a short while later in the middle of nowhere without any gunshots or players near by :o
  3. InvisiMan2013

    KoS is acceptable for me.

    What would that person look like? I currently have a character with three firearms and an axe, yet I'm looking for people to help and give some stuff too... it sucks to kill a friendly.
  4. Can't wait to try the experimental build again tonight. Last night was a big of a nightmare on US servers - seems like they were restarting every 30 seconds to a few minutes; I'd die and then get my character back; super-bad lag where I couldn't open doors or access inventory context menus for 15-20 seconds at a time, etc.
  5. InvisiMan2013

    What do we really want as far as zombies?

    I'd like to see what more zombies add to the game before making a judgement call... I'm use to the "State of Decay" style zombie system, where heavily populated areas have more zombies, but there are also hordes, infestations and "special" zombies, so there's a nice variety of challenges to face.
  6. InvisiMan2013

    Like flies on shit!

    Yeah so, I was minding my own business, trying to get a drink at the local water pump and I apparently pissed a few zeds off...
  7. InvisiMan2013

    Zombie attack=everything ruined in backpack?

    I actually love that shit gets damaged now and unusable... however, I think some stuff shouldn't be as fragile as egg shells. I'm looking forward to seeing how this damage system evolves.
  8. My frame rate has gotten worse with this experimental patch. :(
  9. InvisiMan2013

    Look At My Crotch

  10. Regarding the "sever hopping" penalties... could there be a server that offers no loot, no death, no injuries, that can be used SOLELY for testing graphic settings/bug testing? I've entered and exited several servers many times repeatedly in order to test certain graphic settings and/or game recorder software and I'd hate to be penalized for that, since I don't "server hop" for gain, but simply to test.
  11. Looks like they are simply rotating loot locations (perhaps to test the system). I'm constantly finding loot in places where they never spawned and nothing in places I knew loot use to spawn.
  12. InvisiMan2013

    Clothes That Say: I'm The Good Guy.

    The last time I intentionally dressed to look friendly, I was a female character and had pink/purple everything. I was looking for players to give some gear to and was moping up zombies in cherno. While dispatching a few zeds on the street out of nowhere I was shot and killed. It was the most unnecessary kos I've been the victim of.
  13. InvisiMan2013

    The most common 'cheat' used in DayZ...

    Some of my best moments have been using direct coms, especially in a city where other players can hear you - it gets tense when you hear movement and have to stay silent so you don't blow your cover. When I watch these youtube videos of people playing teams, third-person with teamspeak, not only are they playing with a huge advantage over regular players, but they miss out on much of the experience of Dayz.
  14. InvisiMan2013

    Obs Vs. Bandicam Recording Software

    I was considering bandicam, but their damn license is stupid! You have to purchase a copy for every computer you use it on... that's extremely rigid for this type of software. I'm using MSI Afterburner, which is free and offers many recording options, but the developers a huge asshole who's on a major ego trip. I've seen him chew out users on the support forum just for reporting bugs... if you use it, don't expect support (unless you like being berated).
  15. InvisiMan2013

    Servers with connection issues to central hive

    1) You can only really use one filter at a time, so sorting by day/night messes up the rest of your filtering. 2) It's easy to implement a day/night filter..... 3) What's wrong with offering input that really would benefit players in the long haul?
  16. InvisiMan2013

    So does this game run smooth yet?

    I find it interesting how many people seem to get bad frame rates in cities and excellent frame rates in the woods... I'm the opposite - in the woods my frames drop to as low as 14fps and in cities, it averages around 25fps and about 30-35 on the coast. I don't plan on upgrading my laptop any time soon (it's not even a year old!), so I'll keep dropping pennies into the wishing well and hope this optimization happens in the next year.
  17. InvisiMan2013

    So does this game run smooth yet?

    I heard Dean talk about that in a live stream the other day... he said something like "based on their (nvidia et. al), there's a lot of room for optimization.". I hope he's right. Playing on "very low"/"disabled" for almost all the settings is making me sad, especially considering that almost all other modern games run at high/very-high/ultra without any performance issues for me.
  18. InvisiMan2013

    Zombies should run faster than players

    I'd love to see hordes. Thinking about it more, this game/engine is too clunky (at least at the moment) to be running away from Usain Bolt Zombies. I mean, they still walk through walls and doors and the hit detection is terrible... it would cause a lot of rage quits guaranteed.
  19. InvisiMan2013

    Zombies should run faster than players

    I can't stand fast zombies - they are suppose to be reanimated dead, not super-humans. If fast zombies are going to be added, I hope it's only for some special class of zombie and not universal.
  20. InvisiMan2013

    Post Patch thoughts - i work 9 / 5 shifts.

    People aren't working 9-5 during the zombie apocalypse... this is a game and people shouldn't be forced into night servers. It's really aggravating when you want to play at 9pm and can't find any hardcore servers that are daylight and connected to the main hive.
  21. InvisiMan2013

    Give us a Duckin Map

    I think the map fragments found in the game should be relevant to the location they were found in. For example, I have a map fragment of NW and South, but I haven't been in those areas with this character, so both maps are useless.
  22. InvisiMan2013

    Raining in DayZ?

    After watching this video, I wonder if rain works when clouds are turned on, since the clouds add so much to the experience. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Nh3OqTbKnz4
  23. InvisiMan2013


    Why not just play as a friendly and see how long you can last... I bet it'll offer you more of a challenge than anything else in the game right now :)