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About auraslip

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  1. auraslip

    us85 huge base to be raided

    Dude I know! I got everything I needed from this camp!
  2. I don't know if you've played recently, but admins abusing their power would be totally acceptale by me if it meant we could cut the number of hackers in half.
  3. So they can ban hackers, dupers, and DCers at will. Sure they might cast too wide a net or abuse their power, but at this point it seems like it's getting impossible to play this game because of the amount of bullshit that goes on. Disruptive/lame players > admin abuse when it comes to game breaking..... at this point the game is in alpha - let the admins police their turf until BI is able too.
  4. auraslip

    Hacking in US 85.

    btw, i feel really bad for the oneshot and streak because they spend so much time dealing with hackers. it's like everyday on this server or something. everytime they set up a camp it gets found within 24 hours. then the daily nuking and players spawing in choppas. fuck that shit.
  5. auraslip

    Hacking in US 85.

  6. auraslip

    Props to Williams

    Thanks for letting me practice my closed quarters fire fight skills. Sorry the MP5 sucks!
  7. Zombiestubble, you are spot on about the speed difference between road bikes and mountain bikes. Those are a pretty good guesstimate of how fast you can go on bikes! 90% of the bikes out there besides the department store wannabe mountain bikes in America are road bikes. Defiantly should be hard to find mountain bikes in eastern europe. This game bills itself as realism. What's more realistic; finding a bike in a house or a ww1 rifle? Oh and another thing I just saw. A ton of those commuter bikes have generators on them for running a dinky little headlight. That'd be a cool feature to have to. Light only stays on while you're moving. I think in a real zombie Apocalypse bicycles would be the number one vehicle to be used after the fuel pumps stopped working. Lets make dayz embrace that fact!
  8. Title says it all. The number of bikes in the world vastly out numbers motor vehicles. We don't realize it as much in 1rst world countries, but in other regions they are everywhere and are the standard mode of transport. They really should be everywhere. In almost every house. This would be realism! But, they need to be nerfed. The only bikes that go 40kmph are electric bikes! Electric bikes would be awesome in the zombie apocalypse if you had a generator, but I don't think that'd work in this mod. Also, I'd suggest adding a bicycle repair kit. Bikes are extremely reliable, and repair kits are pretty simple. Just patches to repair flat tires. Maybe a chain breaker to repair and replace a broken chain. This would make the game a whole lot less tedious. My hand gets sore holding down W. I end up just sticking a pen cap in my keyboard to cruise on autopilot. If you wanna say, "deal with running for 15 minutes straight - it's realistic," please re-read the part where I said bikes would be everywhere in a zombie apocalypse.
  9. auraslip


    The whole UI will need to be reworked when dayz is a stand alone. People saying "to deal with it" are right in the fact that it's in alpha, but retarded to think it's good design. It's not, but it may take awhile for them to get around to fixing it.
  10. So Imagine what would happen during a zombie apocalypse. The military would come in and attempt to create a safe zone some where on the map. Possibly to evacuate all non-infected. This would be somewhere up north. Some where easily defended. But of course the camp gets over run in a giant cluster fuck of blood and bullets. Now since this is where most of the population was this is where the zombies in the game come from. How? Zombies trickle out in random groups (roaming zombie hoards of up to 50 zeds?)... usually less than a dozen. These zombies follow roads to a few key buffer cities located around the map. Elekctro, cherno, stary, berezino, the air field. When a zombie dies in non buffer town, a zombie leaves from the buffer town to replace it. Ideally, the buffer towns should be placed so at most it takes 20 minutes for new zombies to get there. Now we all know that zombies have some sort of memory of their past life. That's why they hang around in the fields around their homes and the streets of their cities. This would mean that they'd take the route they were familiar with. They wouldn't walk in a straight line. They'd follow the road. So no zombies roaming the woods. Just on the roads. Avoid the roads. The refugee camp itself would be like the air field times 10x. Firing a shot off inside it would mean certain death as it would be holding hundreds of zombies at a time. Unlike the air field where players pose the biggest risk the camp would be the biggest environmental challenge a group of players could tackle. But the loot in a camp would be in tents. Sorry, intense ;) Vehicles, military loot, medical supplies. Everything. Anyways, I've been playing with this idea for a few weeks. I don't think it's something easily done, but I think it would be an amazing feature to an already kick ass game.