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About Ghostflux

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  1. The only thing that sets DayZ apart from other zombie survival shooters is the fact that it tries to be as raw and authentic as possible. A group system would be great, but it would detract heavily from the approach it is going for.
  2. Not a valid reason, it would be better to just have things like doors/footsteps make proper sounds. Bugs need to be resolved, not worked around them. Also not a valid reason. Yet it isn't a proper solution, things like login timers are always better than having to ruin the immersion once ingame.
  3. Considering DayZ Standalone was born from a mod, I do think that somewhere along the line we'll see some kind of mod support, post release that is. If you can mod the game, then I don't think DLC is that useful, because modders could simply use the existing concept of the DLC and make their own improved version free of charge.
  4. Ghostflux

    pushing latest EXP to STABLE... ?

    As much as I'm looking forward to this patch, I am not looking forward to a rushed patch where there's tons of issues that don't allow for atleast somewhat of a stable experience.
  5. Yep, and I don't think that disclaimers or apologies should be methods of getting rid of certain arguments. If you have knowledge of things, then why don't you act upon that knowledge. It makes no sense to me. In my opinion if you wanted a thread focussed at delivering a certain point, then take what we already know and build upon that. Basically if it was like ACE you would be happy right? That however doesn't require you to criticize the current system, when it's still a work in progress. The topic would even be very useful if you perhaps have suggestions that go beyond the ACE system.
  6. The question here more importantly is: Why do you feel like they intend to keep it? When they have specifically mentioned that the whole system is getting an overhaul? This thread makes no sense to me.
  7. Ghostflux

    The New #1 Melee Weapon

    The fireaxe takes only 1 hit to kill zombies when they are not aggro'd. But it takes atleast 2 hits to kill once the zombie has seen you.
  8. I wish BattleEye could scan for people that do things like that, and ban them straight away. Because that's nothing more than the behaviour of a cheater, you use an external program to give you an advantage in-game.
  9. Ghostflux

    Is there an ETA on ambient sounds ?

    Even the footsteps in this game could use work, some surfaces make nearly no sound while others make a ton. It's a good concept but it doesn't work well enough. Doors also make no sound, they don't all have to be squeeking, but some noise would be good.
  10. Perhaps also something to remember, is that a zombie will more easily die when it's not being aggro yet. Aggrod zombies are substancially more resistant.
  11. Ghostflux

    Can somebody tell me WTF just happened?!

    It's a common issue for the zombie to give you one last hit even after it dies when there's a bit of lag.
  12. Ghostflux

    Can somebody tell me WTF just happened?!

    Perhaps you were facing an uphill battle?
  13. Ghostflux

    Can somebody tell me WTF just happened?!

    That doesn't matter to a zombie though, they are naturally vicious creatures.
  14. Ghostflux

    Can somebody tell me WTF just happened?!

    It's not an alpha issue but an intended balance feature. Zombies aim for the body while lashing out to you. If you engage them while crouched or prone, their hits will not hit the body but the head. When zombies give you a headshot, you die.