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Everything posted by Startrance

  1. indeed, me and my friend ran all the way from Skalisty island --> Elektrozavodsk --> Staroye --> Gorka --> Grishino --> and stopped at the big airfield, me and my friend then got lagg and swapped server, and then poof i started at the beach with no gear,pretty horrible feeling but then again it's an alpha they will properly fix this in future patches, i hope :)
  2. Same have happend for me 2 times, one time yesterday and onetime today, when i relogged server due to a crash i started back at the beach with no gear, i was at the airfield big one at top, and suddenly im at the beach, i tried to relogg the server again but nothing my gear was gone, i restarted the game and computer but nothing helped. Hope this can and will be fixed in future patches :)