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About Wotane

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  1. My server was renamed to US914. I had nothing to do with it, just received an email telling me to change it. If you enjoy playing on my server, you can still find it via the tx3 thing, or you will have to find it via US914. Sorry for the inconvenience guys. Also, if anyone wants to get up to date information on the server or just check out our community, it is www.truegritclan.com Thanks Guys
  2. Wotane

    US79 TX3 suspected cheating.

    As with most servers, the server automatically restarts without warning, as far as I'm aware there is no other way. As I'm the only one who can restart the server, which btw is called US 914 now, nope! Also, with most servers, the server will automatically lock when X number of people are in the lobby. That way it doesn't get overwhelmed by people attempting to reconnect after it restarts. Also, why would I restart the server to make your corpse disappear without going to loot it? Seems a little strange. I haven't even been on the DayZ server in a while :P
  3. Wotane

    More Like Admin Abuse

    actually the post I said about the someone said it on the internet so it must be true was to the post that apparently got deleted saying how the DayZ staff are hackers and stuff o.O Weird. Anyways, there is no warning besides the initial warning that it restarts every 8 hours. Just think its kinda funny you go instantly for admin abuse when the server restarts after you kill two people lol. No way it can be a coincidence! Absolutely not! Thats just impossible and silly! Let me reiterate incase you failed to understand my first post. The ONLY admin on the server is me, WOTANE, no one else can restart the server. Nor would I if I was killed, the ONLY time it is restarted is every 8 hours OR when applying updates. There is ZERO warning when it restarts.
  4. Wotane

    More Like Admin Abuse

    the DayZ staff cheat and exploit? Someone said it on the internet so it must be true!
  5. Wotane

    More Like Admin Abuse

    lol the only admin on the server is me. The server restarts every 8 hours. I haven't even been on the server for almost a week, nor do I know those players so don't think that happen. And why would an admin bother restarting to protect his winchester and AK? lolol
  6. They must be using the old mission file. The new one removes chat unless the admins edit the mission file, which I will point out, is a big no no.
  7. Wotane

    US79 TX3 Server is Passworded

    You need to get your information right Botono. The only time it was passworded was literally for 2mins to see if it was working. The only time it locks is when BEC flood locks it. Stop trying to create conflict where there is none.
  8. Wotane

    US79 entire server killed.

    The log for this day was over 700MB. I gotta take a look at it.
  9. Wotane

    server log question (for admins)

    would love to see someone reply who actually knows what they are talking about tho! Seen a bunch of it today on mine too.
  10. Wotane

    server log question (for admins)

    I was told that code indicates someone hacking :S
  11. Wotane

    Pending Update 1.7.1 Details

    Rocket we all appreciate your hard work! Thank you for being so awesome :p
  12. Here is how to fix this for server hosts: http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?135936-ARMA-2-OA-beta-build-93825-(1-60-MP-compatible-build-post-1-60-release)&p=2172746&viewfull=1#post2172746
  13. Wotane

    5 minute timer

    I understand and agree with the timer as a punishment, however, there are a few problems with it. My friend who plays with me all the time keeps getting the timer. He could play for over an hour d/c and reconnect with zero pvp action including hurting himself and he gets the 3min timer. Its very frustrating to him. I'll get him to post something here about his experiences with it as well.
  14. When I last saw HLSW on the market, pretty sure it said the difference between the paid and free version was that the paid version let you access RCON. But from the reviews on that app, doesn't seem worth it. Anywho, I use firedaemon to keep my server running 24/7 and to restart it every 8 hours. I suggest that. It cost money tho. Free 30day trial.