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Everything posted by Freyed

  1. Once you get the basics down this game (so far) is pretty basic. Gear up, get supplies and learn the layout of the map. The choices you make afterwards is what actually defines the game for you. Do you want to roam forever alone way up north and live by yourself all the time or do you want to initiate contact by travelling to the more populated areas. My first few days I played up north out of fear of being shot over my can of soda and splitting axe, as it had happened about 5 times before. I decided to distance myself so I could get used to the controls without having to worry too much. Once I figured most of the stuff out I went hunting for military loot. I died a few times to fully geared players just appearing beside me and shooting instantly. After going through the cycle a few times I was able to gear my character up when it dawned on me....is this it? What do I do now? This is where you make the game your own. Do you run around killing everyone you see, try to initiate contact instead, help people, make friends, or just collect food and water and move around by yourself. I decided to try and help people. I went to the coast where I knew the new players would be to try to find and help them. Maybe save them some of the frustration I went through from being slaughtered over and over again for really no gain to the opposing player. I seen what I though was a zombie at first as he was just standing there, sort of bobbing. As I got closer I realized it was a player. I watched him from a distance for a bit not wanting to scare him. I could tell he was trying to figure out how the inventory system worked. I went up to him and raised my hand, asked if he was okay. He said yes, thanks. He explained he was new and was trying to figure stuff out. I explained as long as he didn't attack me I wouldn't hurt him. I dropped him a bottle of water, a bag of rice, and a loaded pistol on the ground. It was actually quite funny to watch. He would eat some rice then throw the 75% bag on the ground, pick up the water and drink it, throw the bottle on the ground. Repeat. All the while the loaded gun is just sitting there on the ground. It made me realize I had truly found a first time spawn. We talked for a bit, me on my mic and him through in-game text. He thanked me up and down and then I decided I was going to move on to help the next player. As I was typing my steamID out in chat in case he would like to add me to play, or answer anything it happened... 3 fully armed players ran into the building and just blew him up instantly. No warning, nothing. I was already out of the building so I don't think they even saw me. I got about 3 buildings down then I said to myself fuck this. I crept back to the building we were in and the 3 players were standing over the body of my new friend. I couldn't really make out what they were saying over voice chat. I emptied my entire clip into them and then a second clip into their bodies just to make sure. All 3 of them lost everything over a bag of rice and a bottle of water. Worth it. I'm writing this in hopes that the dead player reads it. He probably thinks I killed him as it happened so fast. GeneralTragedy if you do see this feel free to add Freyed1 on steam. I still have the bottle of water and rice if you need it. To the 3 players that died, thank you for the backpack and extra clips. They will serve me well in my attempts to help new players until the inevitable happens. I either get an axe to the head for my efforts, or the bandits get the drop on me. Have fun everyone.
  2. I don't mind at all. Always looking to meet new people. Thanks for the help on finding players. Ya Norris, it lets you see steam players you've encountered and on which game. I didn't know that either. Nice feature.