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7 Neutral

About Geus

  • Rank
    Helicopter Hunter

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  1. Geus

    Bandits do NOT ruin DayZ!

    until there is more thing to do atm the only thing amusing is killing others,
  2. Geus


    we could really use them.... i no its alpha... but some people starting to loose interest.. just my 2 cent And base building :(
  3. its hacking or cheating. so yes
  4. Server is now Set to Hardcore. Cheers
  5. Confirm not fixed for me PLEASE WAIT. Your dead. Please wait... uncounsion, Please wait...
  6. New Server No Reset bug as previous server did have
  7. Geus

    Server Events.

    Server event now
  8. For Server events please visit the web site. under Guild Events , Cheers.
  9. Geus

    More AI npcs?

    always nice to save Bambi even more when they have Beans on them :)
  10. Geus

    Server Events.

    Hi hope this is the right place... i can add this. Tonight ( if i am available ) we should have a server Event. from 8Pm Est time More info here http://www.obsidianfear.com/officers/events/ Cheers.
  11. Geus

    Server list by last joined time

    just add into your favorite server the one you like the most.
  12. Geus

    [Bug/Lag]Position reset

    the way i have solved this was to run in a new path. kinda weird.. but it worked for me when i crash 4 time.
  13. Geus


    the hardest part was to get alive to my hostage location from real bandit lol