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Everything posted by king_of_the_beans

  1. king_of_the_beans

    I found a great beginners guide

    I am watching a guy tell people in a guide to completely avoid people or else they will "take your hard earned stuff with sniper rifles and machine guns" This isn't a good guide, 90% of people who will listen to this will get bored out of there mind. Human interaction is what make the game amazing.
  2. king_of_the_beans

    Newly installed, problems running game

    It is probaly not the graphics card, as of the moment DayZ relies heavily on your Processor, this is because DayZ is not optimized perfectly yet. Also you never mentioned what the graphics card is so I cant asses if it is good or not.
  3. king_of_the_beans

    My Full Auto Frying Pan

    Still more accurate then the M4A1
  4. king_of_the_beans

    Most Desirable Loot for Trade?

    o- blood filled iv kits is really valuable also esp morphine. source: since 90% of our patients come with either low blood or broken legs those are valuable to store.
  5. king_of_the_beans

    Vehicle Discussion

    Q4 will be occurring this summer the time where SIMPLE vehicles would have already been implemented and they would be working on complex ones.
  6. king_of_the_beans

    Do anyone know when is the Q2, Q3 and Q4?

    I just want my persistent storage objects I am going to go camp hunting. also since alot of people are not familiar with camps alot will place them near spawn towns :D
  7. king_of_the_beans

    Why did you buy DayZ?

    So what is your reason for buying the game in the first place? Was it the zombies? Or the Hardcore survival aspect the game looked like it offered? Or was it just for the PvP? In all, we should not focus on what we want out of DayZ now, but what brought us the the game in the first place. If that aspect of the game, the part that made you think, "hmmm, this game looks nice, maybe I should spend some money on this/download the mod" Then you will have a game that people would love.
  8. king_of_the_beans

    PvP Event in Svelojarsk

    Bad location for a event people will just come back
  9. king_of_the_beans

    Don't know if I am perseverant or just dumb

    I love your dedication, that it was survival truly is. but... In the general discussion our group, tmw is sticked providing free medical assistance to anyone.
  10. king_of_the_beans

    Need help at cargo ship

    TMW is pinned in the general discussion providing free medical assistance to all
  11. king_of_the_beans

    Extremely weird

    you have accidentally done a duping glitch
  12. king_of_the_beans

    Anyone at the lighthouse at Komorovo?

    You should try TMW next time we can help you just like the Reddit rescue force :3 (we are sticked in the general discussion)
  13. king_of_the_beans

    Describe your dayz experience in 1 word

    Wasteland with zombies I'm such a rebel I put 3 words...
  14. king_of_the_beans

    Will the new AKM suck ?

    I think that you playing a little to much Berizino Warfare my boy.
  15. king_of_the_beans

    Alternatives to the ballistic helmet

    A ballistic helmet should solely stay as the best helmet... for bullet penetration. A ballistic helm is made specifically to protect your head from bullets, you use this helmet because you expect to get what you need from it protection from bullets and this beauty delivers.
  16. king_of_the_beans

    What Mods do you want in the SA

    So soon in Q2 there would be support for mods in the SA. I want to see what you people would want in a mod for the SA. If you can create any type of mod you want for the SA what would it be and why?
  17. king_of_the_beans

    How's The Game Lookin'?

    I think that if you are not interested in helping test the development of the game then stay away because you will get disappointed very quickly
  18. king_of_the_beans

    Need Medical Assistance in DayZ SA ? Find Your medic here!

    I knew I wasn't the only person this happened to :P
  19. king_of_the_beans

    When firearms wont work?

    You had a great opportunity to take him with the SKS, Also you would have gotten him with zero problems if you aimed before shooting.
  20. There is no reason to, the high loot areas are notoriously dangerous, you are taking a risk all on its own for going there. The only problem is that there is too many servers making loot easy to get.
  21. king_of_the_beans

    Server Hoppers

    3 things I noticed. 1. You missed 9 great opportunities to take those guys out. (counted) 2. You are either wearing a invisibility cloak or the guys were blind because you were sticking out like a sore thumb. 3. You were just asking for trouble going up there out numbered.
  22. king_of_the_beans

    My character was lost

    From what I understood you have gotten hit by zombies as you was logging in, I guess that you were outside or where zombies traditionally spawn in great numbers. One other possibility is that you was in a high danger area and got your self killed as you were logging in.
  23. king_of_the_beans


    People would just kill them self to get the best class.
  24. king_of_the_beans

    [SA] Realistic Nutrition System

    *The sounds of a character pooping is slowly getting louder and louder*