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Everything posted by teufel937

  1. I like all the new boots :D And back to the topic, the M4 is fairly accurate in this game you guys just don't know how to handle it, have you ever handled one in real life? And shot hundreds of rounds from it? I had an M4 with a RIS and an ACOG and was knocking Zeds down from hundreds of meters away, you guys are too used to playing BF4 and CoD where you just mash on your left click button and something dies, there is a reason most military issue M4's (IRL) only come with two firing selectors, Semi and Burst, because you only have to place a few rounds where it counts, next time try going single action style with it or burst, you will be very surprised at the results.
  2. teufel937

    What do you guys think happened here?

    Happened to me when I was being pursued by multiple zeds, door didn't open then I popped through, as did the 5 zeds... so I was flustered trying to open it getting back out the house..
  3. teufel937

    Chernarus Survivor Census - the CSC

    90% of the time I will play solo because... I trust no one.
  4. teufel937


    They also snarl like zombies ;)
  5. teufel937


    Add me up all info in my profile !
  6. teufel937

    Manually Updating B.e.

    Can anyone give me a run down on how to manually update, delete or reinstall B.E. ? I tried donwloading the .dll (Deleted the old .dll from DayZ directory then copypasta the new one into it's folder) from B.E.'s site but still running into the same issue when connecting to a server.
  7. teufel937

    Manually Updating B.e.

    Ah okay, because I was getting kicked from a server every time I joined it, not sure if this would cause it but a week or so ago I had died and lost my character, so started fresh spawn, then got back on and my old character was back, completely geared up?? Did this happen to anyone else after the update? Will verify integrity now and see what happens!!
  8. teufel937

    Kicked - Battleye: Unknown Game Version

    Any idea if that would work for me as well? Verifying integrity again of the game to see if that works.. got to be up at 0430 and it's already 2300.. so its about my bedtime will have to see if it helps after work tomorrow evening
  9. teufel937

    Kicked - Battleye: Unknown Game Version

    Similar issue with my but getting a different error, refer to ; http://forums.dayzgame.com/index.php?/topic/167768-you-were-kicked-off-the-game/page-2 Posted in an open topic with someone with the same issue as me, still no fix.
  10. teufel937

    You were kicked off the game.

    Ok, so I just had logged in today, after not touching the game in well over a week, and had the same issue as OP. And before all you turds say "myg0t hacks hacks n00b hacks" let me get this out of the way, I DON'T F*CKIN' HACK. With that said, the closest thing I have to a "hack" are mods for Skyrim installed onto my PC. and the NexusModManager. Other than that all I have on my PC is the OS, Steam, Origin, and games. Now to my next question, will a manual reinstall of BattleEye fix this issue? And from the last update were the hives rolled back because my character is not where I "left" him. Manual install of BattleEye replaced .dll in my DayZ directory, no fix.
  11. teufel937

    Trave's Bazaar in Elektro

    Lol, sorry for that guy being a total douche nozzle, similar thing happened to me, had all pristine M4 decked completely out. I took him through the air fields got him set up, got attacked, as well as had epi-pen in my inventory. Passed out, instead of reviving me he robs me completely blind..
  12. teufel937

    Anyone else seen this yet?

  13. Lol, well just keep that paranoia and weariness up, don't ever be too trusting!
  14. Watch out for those Stream Snipers :)
  15. teufel937

    Cleaning weapons..

    So I was thinking about it not sure if it has been brought up and shame on me for not searching. But I think it'd be a good idea to add a Weapons Cleaning Kit to maintain your weapons. The key points of this would be : Adding a weapon failure rate. Adding a jam rate. Adding cleaning kits to prevent those. Add CLP to well... Clean, Lube, and Protect your weapons. I think this would be a great addition to the game and make people respect their firearms more and possibly make the risk higher of using a weapon. I bring this up because weapons like the M4A1, and the M16 series, can jam a lot after a long duration of use, and the bolts in these weapons can rust very quickly and seize the bolt into the carrier. I have seen it happen when dumb privates don't take their weapon cleaning serious and next thing you know we are at a range and it looks like they smashed cheetohs into their bolt carriers... anyways the M16/M4 series are actually a high maintenance weapon in the environments such as Chernarus they rust quickly, they jam more often than you think. Now to the jams I think there should be different types of jams, of course early into the degredation you just have to tap reload and he will charge the weapon again. Later down the road of the weapon not being cleaned you start to get double feeds and stove top jams, which you would need a screw driver or gerber/leatherman/multi-tool to pry out the jammed, and now ruined rounds. But I think long story short it would be an interesting aspect to add into the game... if they add the .50 cal machine gun we should have to do the head space and timing for it as well.... :D But I don't know how it would be implemented maybe as an item that can be hotkeyed and used with the weapon, and could be used sort of like 'x%' process of the cleaning takes 'x' seconds, or go more in-depth and make it more tedious.
  16. teufel937

    Cleaning weapons..

    Would be nice if they added the 4:1 ratio for tracers as well :)
  17. teufel937

    Cleaning weapons..

    We did have some extremely old rifles in Korea
  18. teufel937

    Cleaning weapons..

    I know how to clear my rifle if it jams, haha. But it would be nice to have tools to be used with it every now and then you get that one jam, mostly with linked ammunition you need a tool to bust it out.
  19. teufel937

    Cleaning weapons..

    Spend 30 days in the field in Korea and see if your bolt doesn't rust.. And for the AK comment we don't have AK in SA, and M4 series doesn't just come with a rod...Cleaning weapons isn't as simple as a rod and a rag.
  20. teufel937

    Cleaning weapons..

    Was going for more of a discussion of the topic, but I don't want to double post it, if a mod would move it then that is fine.
  21. Just wanted to say thanks for the help yesterday! Appreciate it!
  22. teufel937

    Painted Mosin Picture

    Would be nice to paint your mountain packs, those are big bright targets, also maybe to paint the Combat Helmets :)
  23. teufel937

    A badly needed attachment

    I personally don't think the 5.56mm NATO round is all that loud in real life... maybe I am just used to shooting 7.62 and .50 cal, but with a suppressor on an M4 it is actually toned down a lot, I don't want them to over do the suppression but I would like to see it muffled.
  24. teufel937

    We NEED "XXXXXX" why isn't it in yet?

    Sir, have my beans. I think it is just that so many people are used to buying a polished game, and don't truly understand the aspect of what Alpha really is...