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About WhiteySD

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. That's nice and all, but how about you fix the fucking game breaking attributes before you start adding more stuff in. Like the No Clipping Zombies for example? The fact that the "Respawn" button doesn't work? Or falling through a metal railing and dying, or the sound bugs? Or the fact that you can't hear shots from like 1000 yards away ? Or death animation which looks stupid as hell for someone being shot ? Or the server lag? I'm sure there's a shit load more issues that need to be addressed also other than the ones I've listed.
  2. WhiteySD


    Hahah if you guys wanna meet up or something add me on Steam WhiteySD, I've got a tonne of gear I can flog off on you guys so I can open up some more room in my inv. Just pm me when you add me on steam and let me know you're from the forums.
  3. WhiteySD


    Looking for people to play with, this games pretty boring when you're playing by yourself........ Oh, I'm also really really really lost .... I don't have the slightest clue how to go about reading the map, so I've just been wandering aimlessly most of the day. I think I might be near Devils Castle? I can't be 100% sure though, anyways, pm me or something.