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About solostah

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    On the Coast

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  1. Oh okay champ. Just thought when you are indicated sick you are most likely F***** :). But i did try to vomit before, didnt help. But ill try keep up with the food and drinks. Cheers !
  2. So since i just took antibiotics after beeing shot. (Thought the wound might been infected) Now im sick because i didnt need to take the pills.. So i just need to force feed my character till he vomits and ill be fine ?
  3. solostah

    Safehouses +other ideas

    I don't know really. I kinda like that you can stag stuff, but i also find it boring if people wouldnt be able to raid me. And that SH thingy, that follows you around is just alittle meh really. I don't see it working proppa. And the search for items will also die, and thats probably the next most exciting thing you can do other than hunt people ;) .. But if you could like build underground bases, where you can hold up - stag some weapons, and you can upgrade like weapon, meds food storages, build tables and chairs where you can sit and chat with your group (lol). But the place can be raided if founded and lokcpicked (whatever) But then you have something to protect and search for to build/upgrade. This will probably also make more people stalk each other, because now most of us just KOS when seeing someone. Because we know hes heading for NWAF or just looting. But now you can choose to, KOS or stalk his ass, for like miles and try not to be seen. And if it is the base he was heading for... theres a good payout for your time :)
  4. Atm the only prevention for combat logging right now is.. Don't be a logger. Why combat log just because you can? lol. As already stated it takes out the fun. What i don't get is you are asking/demanding for something to prevent combat loggings. But you just did it, to prove what exactly, that it's pretty irritating ? (lawlz). But to answer it, its already been addressed that combat logging won't be possible on release. This is still Alpha mate! Loggers is the least of Rockets team worries :-)
  5. solostah

    Messing with people. Can turn ugly

    Good job.