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About SploogeMcDuck

  • Rank
    On the Coast

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  • Location
    Newcastle Upon Tyne
  1. SploogeMcDuck

    News Regarding New Update(s)?

    I agree with the other guys, being from Britain I know the winter holidays consist of getting shit faced :P
  2. I've been playing DayZ since the initial release of the mod, I know that map like the back of my hand and I used to fucking love the game so much. Eventually new people joined and the killing on sight started which more or less fucked up the entire experience. After about nearly year of playing I took a break for a while and just couldn't seem to get back into and enjoy the game as much but then standalone came out. So far I've loved the standalone, it does a much better job of immersion than the mod and there isn't even that much there to do yet but one thing I've noticed is that there are A LOT of players who live by the rules of being an asshole. The other day I had an axe, no food, no water, nothing really and I had just trekked from Drakon to balota to meet a friend and went inside the control tower, one guy comes down the stairs and claims friendly I lower my axe and he walks towards his two friends standing outside, they stand for a minute looking at me and then unload a pistol into my face...I've met one person who was genuinely friendly, a youtuber, I think his name was ManBearPig or something but we parted ways fairly quickly after a little chat. Really, I'm posting this thread because I want to know how you guys play, are you all around friendly no matter what the cost, do you KOS for shits and giggles, destroying all loot in the process, do you hold people up or do you just avoid people as much a possible? I've came to the conclusion that if they have a gun the best bet is to stay hidden or if they're moving towards you, seem like a threat and aren't responding to VoIP, as much as i hate doing it, take the shot. I'm actually quite interested in how people play the current game just to see how many people Call of Duty it and death match in the middle of cherno :P