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Everything posted by PulpJulesW

  1. PulpJulesW

    US 554 Hosted by Fat Lasagna

    Well, running a server isn't my full time job so I get to these things as I can. I will look into this and dish out bans as needed soon. We have a website where there is a 'contact us' button that is affiliated with our server. It is part of a players responsbilities to, I don't know, contact us when stuff like this happens since we can't monitor the server 24/7. It isn't like we aren't accessible.
  2. PulpJulesW

    STANAG ammo

    My friend and I just found a box of STANAG SG in the town to the North of Elektro, starts with an M. The name escapes me off the top of my head. We are both pretty sure a hacker spawned it and we think we found the hacker that did it. We were making our way to the NW Airfield when we find a guy in a ghillie suit dead and he had 16~!~!~!~! clips of Stanag SD ammo on top of the firehouse. Well, needless to say my friend and I not both have M4A1's and enough ammo to last us a month. :)
  3. Well, I'm to the point where I shoot on sight. Good luck with your DayZ episodes as I produce my own with some friends. We used to help random pubs on our server. We'd give them guns and help them out with blood transfusions, supplies and you name it when we ran across them. Then a few times we helped some guys guy and they opened fire on us with the guns we gave them. From that point forward we just decided to shoot on sight. It is a shame that people are that way but the game pretty much encourages a kill everyone approach. There needs to be some real consequences to player killing but I am not sure what that could be. There needs to be a trade off for being a bandit IMHO. It could likely only be achieved via 'safe zones' where only friendly people can go because bandits have bounties on them or something. Perhaps War Z can capture that. All I know is that right now you only have everything to lose by helping someone.
  4. Well, I'm to the point where I shoot on sight. Good luck with your DayZ episodes as I produce my own with some friends. We used to help random pubs on our server. We'd give them guns and help them out with blood transfusions, supplies and you name it when we ran across them. Then a few times we helped some guys guy and they opened fire on us with the guns we gave them. From that point forward we just decided to shoot on sight. It is a shame that people are that way but the game pretty much encourages a kill everyone approach. There needs to be some real consequences to player killing but I am not sure what that could be. There needs to be a trade off for being a bandit IMHO. It could likely only be achieved via 'safe zones' where only friendly people can go because bandits have bounties on them or something. Perhaps War Z can capture that. All I know is that right now you only have everything to lose by helping someone.
  5. US 92 TX Steamgamers.com server. My home server was down so... I was loafing around and found a campsite with three cars. There were three when I found the campsite earlier in the day. When I decided to make a video of going back to it, I only saw two of them. Anyway, I decided to share unlike the guys that rounded up every single vehicle on the server. :) Let the tree stand be your guide. The video will make it very easy once it is uploaded. Heh. Here is a map clearly showing where the campsite is. Here is the video (it may still be uploading when you see this):
  6. Hmm, well, I logged in this morning to go ahead and die and it appeared these were still there. Hard to believe no one took one for a joy ride. Heh.
  7. US 92 TX Steamgamers.com server. My home server was down so... I was loafing around and found a campsite with three cars. There were three when I found the campsite earlier in the day. When I decided to make a video of going back to it, I only saw two of them. Anyway, I decided to share unlike the guys that rounded up every single vehicle on the server. :) Let the tree stand be your guide. The video will make it very easy once it is uploaded. Heh. Here is a map clearly showing where the campsite is. Here is the video (it may still be uploading when you see this):
  8. PulpJulesW

    Want some vehicles? I can show you the way.

    Hmm, well, I logged in this morning to go ahead and die and it appeared these were still there. Hard to believe no one took one for a joy ride. Heh.
  9. I have had several. One time I just logged in dead. I've been one hit killed by zombies three times (also, all on video) and I've been hacked and turned into a goat in the middle of the ocean to die several times. However, the most annoying had to be this...
  10. PulpJulesW

    Zombies way too hard now

    Nice zombie pile. Heh. I've had this happen NUMEROUS times. One time we just spawned in and aggro'd a million zombies. Both massive hordes are at the very start of each episode, about five minutes in length.
  11. PulpJulesW

    Having Much Trouble Finding Vehicles/Cars.

    My favorite vehicle is the bike, FWIW. It goes fast even off road and it easily hidden and more covert. Plus, no need for fuel. From my experience they are pretty common spawns too.
  12. PulpJulesW

    Having Much Trouble Finding Vehicles/Cars.

    Too many groups like this:
  13. PulpJulesW

    Want some vehicles? I can show you the way.

    Haha, bummer.
  14. Nice. :) TBH, if this had been on my server my friends and I would have done the same thing. But it wasn't and I wouldn't be on that server enough to justify taking them. Would have just been a waste. I hope your friends and yourself enjoy them. :)
  15. TBH, I don't really give a fuck if they have every car. I am showing people how to get cars if they want.
  16. PulpJulesW

    Want some vehicles? I can show you the way.

    Well, the video is up now for those that need extra help.
  17. Well, the video is up now.
  18. Well, I have no desire the use the cars on that server since I will likely never play on that server again. If my own server wasn't being reinstalled to try to get rid of the graphical problems caused by this latest patch, I never would have played on it to begin with. But when you just happen across a find like this you may as well share with the world. :)
  19. PulpJulesW

    Want some vehicles? I can show you the way.

    Good, so you verify my story. :) They had three the first time I went to their site but when I went back to make my video and show the route to get there, they only had 2. Dude, I've had vehicles and lost vehicles on my own server. Life goes on. For people that have never played with vehicles here is their chance. I hold their hand and take them right to them. lol, ok.
  20. lol, ok. I run a server US 554 Hosted by Fat-Lasagna.com. I found these vehicles on US92 TX (Steamgamers). I can assure you this is not a trap. But act accordingly.
  21. https://dl.dropbox.com/u/87488313/cars.png Does that work better? The video is still uploading/processing on youtube.
  22. PulpJulesW

    Geez -- Graphical Issues galore!

    VSync did not fix it. :( The game is completely unplayable for me right now near Balota, Cherno and any of the airfields.
  23. PulpJulesW

    Geez -- Graphical Issues galore!

    And what causes that? It must be able to be fixed seeing as it doesn't happen in any other game. I have a 580 GTX which is still one of the top 5 cards on the market. So, it certainly can't be my video card either. The fact it didn't do this before also leads me to believe this can be fixed. I've recorded other footage in that same spot from a month ago and I've never had this happen before.
  24. PulpJulesW

    Why do regular/recruit servers exist?

    Well, I keep setting my server to Veteran (US 554) but everytime it is restarted it drops back to regular and even recently changed to recruit. So, I don't know. Maybe the admins aren't the ones changing it because I certainly don't change mine.
  25. So, the script.txt for my server is bloated beyond belief with essentially 4 guys getting logged by battleye over and over and over. My question is, can anyone tell me from this snipet what these guys were doing exactly and if I should ban them. More importantly, how do I ban them. I've ran TF2, BF3, L4D1 and L4D2 servers before but I have never dealt with battleye and so far it hasn't been very noob friendly as far as accessing needed data and doing something about it. Guy#1 (there are hundreds of these occurrences) 21.07.2012 15:11:50: faiyte ( 4f94ee56a882fa3dd5499549c9c9cbcb - #36 "Die"; }; player allowDamage true; player addWeapon "Loot"; player addWeapon "Flare"; r_player_ 21.07.2012 15:12:01: faiyte ( 4f94ee56a882fa3dd5499549c9c9cbcb - #36 "Die"; }; player allowDamage true; player addWeapon "Loot"; player addWeapon "Flare"; r_player_ 21.07.2012 15:12:05: faiyte ( 4f94ee56a882fa3dd5499549c9c9cbcb - #36 "Die"; }; player allowDamage true; player addWeapon "Loot"; player addWeapon "Flare"; r_player_ 21.07.2012 15:12:12: faiyte ( 4f94ee56a882fa3dd5499549c9c9cbcb - #36 "Die"; }; player allowDamage true; player addWeapon "Loot"; player addWeapon "Flare"; Guy #2 r_player_ 21.07.2012 15:14:25: DrBackJack ( 1fc9e2d7b3e180988b6e420152b0263f - #36 y + _tQty; }; if (_iItem != "") then { _item addWeaponCargoGlobal [_iItem,1]; }; }; case "weapon": { 21.07.2012 15:14:29: DrBackJack ( 1fc9e2d7b3e180988b6e420152b0263f - #36 "Die"; }; player allowDamage true; player addWeapon "Loot"; player addWeapon "Flare"; r_player_ 21.07.2012 15:14:31: DrBackJack ( 1fc9e2d7b3e180988b6e420152b0263f - #36 y + _tQty; }; if (_iItem != "") then { _item addWeaponCargoGlobal [_iItem,1]; }; }; case "weapon": { 21.07.2012 15:14:35: DrBackJack ( 1fc9e2d7b3e180988b6e420152b0263f - #36 "Die"; }; player allowDamage true; player addWeapon "Loot"; player addWeapon "Flare"; r_player_ 21.07.2012 15:14:38: DrBackJack ( 1fc9e2d7b3e180988b6e420152b0263f - #36 "Die"; }; player allowDamage true; player addWeapon "Loot"; player addWeapon "Flare"; Guy #3 r_player_ 21.07.2012 15:19:16: [iCT]Toomadtoplay ( 1e3c4881663fc2b918f55bfe18323f21 - #36 select 1; }; _countr = 0; { dayz_myBackpack addWeaponCargoGlobal [_x,(_backpackWpnQtys select _coun 21.07.2012 15:19:16: [iCT]Toomadtoplay ( 1e3c4881663fc2b918f55bfe18323f21 - #36 azine _x; } forEach _magazines; { _newUnit addWeapon _x; } forEach _weapons; if(str(_magazines) 21.07.2012 15:19:16: [iCT]Toomadtoplay ( 1e3c4881663fc2b918f55bfe18323f21 - #36 CfgWeapons" >> _x); if (_isOK) then { player addWeapon _x; }; } forEach _wpns; }; 21.07.2012 15:19:17: [iCT]Toomadtoplay ( 1e3c4881663fc2b918f55bfe18323f21 - #36 CfgWeapons" >> _x); if (_isOK) then { player addWeapon _x; }; } forEach _wpns; player addBackpack _ 21.07.2012 15:19:17: DrBackJack ( 1fc9e2d7b3e180988b6e420152b0263f - #36 "Die"; }; player allowDamage true; player addWeapon "Loot"; player addWeapon "Flare"; r_player_ 21.07.2012 15:19:17: [iCT]Toomadtoplay ( 1e3c4881663fc2b918f55bfe18323f21 - #36 "Die"; }; player allowDamage true; player addWeapon "Loot"; player addWeapon "Flare"; Guy #4 r_player_ 21.07.2012 15:19:35: [iCT]Castor Troy ( 26fc9fb093a506b9ec66217cd8708ed1 - #36 select 1; }; _countr = 0; { dayz_myBackpack addWeaponCargoGlobal [_x,(_backpackWpnQtys select _coun 21.07.2012 15:19:35: [iCT]Castor Troy ( 26fc9fb093a506b9ec66217cd8708ed1 - #36 azine _x; } forEach _magazines; { _newUnit addWeapon _x; } forEach _weapons; if(str(_magazines) 21.07.2012 15:19:35: [iCT]Castor Troy ( 26fc9fb093a506b9ec66217cd8708ed1 - #36 CfgWeapons" >> _x); if (_isOK) then { player addWeapon _x; }; } forEach _wpns; }; 21.07.2012 15:19:35: [iCT]Castor Troy ( 26fc9fb093a506b9ec66217cd8708ed1 - #36 CfgWeapons" >> _x); if (_isOK) then { player addWeapon _x; }; } forEach _wpns; player addBackpack _ 21.07.2012 15:19:35: [iCT]Castor Troy ( 26fc9fb093a506b9ec66217cd8708ed1 - #36 "Die"; }; player allowDamage true; player addWeapon "Loot"; player addWeapon "Flare"; r_player_ 21.07.2012 15:19:36: [iCT]Castor Troy ( 26fc9fb093a506b9ec66217cd8708ed1 - #30 g", "enablesimulation", "addEventhandler", "createMarkerLocal", "setMarkerPosLocal", "hideObject" ]; 21.07.2012 15:19:36: [iCT]Castor Troy ( 26fc9fb093a506b9ec66217cd8708ed1 - #31 ", "addEventhandler", "createMarkerLocal", "setMarkerPosLocal", "hideObject" ]; _libraryCustom = 21.07.2012 15:19:36: [iCT]Castor Troy ( 26fc9fb093a506b9ec66217cd8708ed1 - #36 "createDiaryRecord", "removeAllWeapons", "addWeapon", "addWeaponCargo", "addMagazine", "addMag