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I Feel Thirsty

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Everything posted by I Feel Thirsty

  1. I Feel Thirsty

    The Hunt For Mobius - Reddits Most Wanted

    That guy didn't realise he only had 1 bullet in his Mosin? What a fucking moron. I think I've seen comments by this guy before. I hope you kill him next time!
  2. I Feel Thirsty

    [VIDEO] Chernarus Quiz Masters - Quizzing New Spawns

    Loved the video man, definitely a nice change from the videos of people just gunning down new spawns in Elecktro!
  3. I think it's more of an immersion thing. Rather than going colorblind from lack of blood, I would prefer my vision to get blurry and possibly have some physical cues such as stumbling.
  4. I Feel Thirsty

    Electro Murder Fun Time! [Video]

    I have never killed a fresh spawn or unarmed player. In fact I've only ever killed 1 player in 60 hours of playtime. He was fully geared and I took him on with my fists in the Vybor Military Base.
  5. I Feel Thirsty

    The prison.

    Wasn't the prison supposed to be off the south-east coast on the mod island, Utes? Shame they scrapped it. I like the idea of a prison on an island!
  6. What happened to that guy at 4:19? Did he go unconscious or get shot? It sounded like he was hit by an axe or something? Another great video! Have some beans!
  7. Cool! Is it going to be in the same places again or other parts of the map? I don't like your chances at the NW Airfield. Maybe have the keys in your pack along with a gun and ask them to get it out of your bag? To see if they steal all your stuff
  8. I Feel Thirsty

    Duplication Bug (What a load of S***)

    Just don't play until it's fixed then?
  9. I Feel Thirsty

    Bambi Killings - Episode 1

    I'm glad that peoples bodies disappear when they die at the moment. It's satisfying to know that when someone kills you for no reason they don't get your gear.
  10. I Feel Thirsty

    Boxing At Balota

    "I'll take my shirt back bitch!" Hahahah! That guy was fantastic. Nice boxing bro.