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Everything posted by ochn0e

  1. ochn0e

    Ruined stuff when shoot me?

    Your backpack isn't bulletproof so it does NOT help to put stuff in there, especially if you're shot in the back...(pack).
  2. have fun I'm outta here. This makes no sense.
  3. And then your char is dead, so what ? Shit happens. This game is not responsible for your personal life or occurrences within it. If your power cuts out then it's not the fault of the game. This is getting ridiculous.
  4. So you are saying that you still would care about a game if a family member dies ? Because I for sure would not and you could kill my char in which ever crucial way you like.
  5. If you got not much time you shouldn't play or stay away from dangerous locations and if you have to go in a hurry it's not the fault of the game either. You are responsible for your time management. If you can't do this by yourself I don't see a reason why a game should help you and if a UFO hits your house ...well bad luck. I'm really getting bored with this discussion. A 30 sec logout is not rocket science.
  6. It still no excuse for beeing lazy. You have to make sure that you can logout if you stay for a short period of time you will see if something comes running.
  7. ochn0e

    East Coast Spawns Only ?

    Exactly east coast spawns only. From elektro to berezino, that's it.
  8. If a zombie can catch up to you in 30sec and beat you to death you should question what you were thinking in the first place and if someone really manages to stalk you he kinda deserves the kill. Really ? Most creatures are stationary until they see you. They don't wander around the woods. If this is a problem yeah well... I'm sorry for you.
  9. The logout timer is not there to prevent server hopping. It's just to prevent combat logging. If you're not a total retard you will find a place to log out safely. If you can abort the process of logging out it defeats it's purpose. For example: You're in a building and surrounded. The only option for you to avoid get shot at would be logging of. You try to log of and then you see a door open. You abort the process and the chances are 50/50 in the upcoming engagement. You tried to cheat your way out of a situation and you aren't punished for it. That's a failed system right there.
  10. ochn0e

    Food/drink condition

    You have a 50% chance to get light food poisoning upon eating rotten fruit and a 5% chance of a medium food poisoning. It doesn't matter if your rotten kiwi was pristine or not.
  11. ochn0e

    Alcohol tincture and sick?

    Colors are the indicator for your blood. Blurryness is the indicator for health (if postprocessing is enabled). So if you have full colors and your screen isn't blurry you should be fine.
  12. ochn0e

    Hardcore Exp 114782 / Role-playing Hostage Situation.

    Thanks, because of you I'll never know if the hacksaw would have worked. >:(
  13. ochn0e

    Some general newbie questions

    health and blood are two different things. You don't lose health or blood until you are really low. You start with 1800/4000 water and 1000/20000energy (20k that is no typo). You get thirsty at 2000 water. You get hungry at 600 energy. You're dying of thirst at 0 water -> -5 health/sec -1% blood/sec You're starving at 100 energy -> -1health/sec -0,5% blood/sec So right now you start thirsty and you have 1 hour until starvation is an issue. This should give you enough time to run across the map and find some food. There are two different regenerations ingame. low regen: 3000 water and 3500 energy 1blood/sec high regen: 3500 water and 5000energy 3blood/sec and after full on blood 3health/sec. If you don't know how much water and energy the food you consume gives you. It's hard to know where you're at. http://pastebin.com/pMmkK1F6 With the next patch there will be colored status bars beside your char in the inventory so you can somewhat know how high your water and energy levels are and if you have to drink or eat to get healthy or to the next regeneration level. Right now if i'm starting a new char I'll search for the next water pump and drink until I'm full. This gives me enough time to find some food. After that, I eat immediately as long as my stomach isn't full. There really is no point in hoarding a lot of food, because you can store 20000 energy in your body. If you eat enough you will get a "healthy" status bar. That means that you'll regenerate blood when hurt. Just eat as much as you can and drink at least every hour (half an hour). A picture that could help: http://i.imgur.com/EU2m2TT.png
  14. ochn0e

    Player markers on Maps?

    Yes this isn't 1980 but the apocalypse, were the shit hits the fan and everything turns to garbage. So don't expect to much out of your toys.
  15. ochn0e

    SKS & Mossin ?

    Different ammo. 10 round stripper clip loading system. Works automatically.
  16. ochn0e

    Losing interest by design.

    So you were walking ? The map is 15x15 kilometer which means you are slower than 5km/h.
  17. ochn0e

    Modern Weapons

    Modern weapons are boring. Too many hightech weapons would actually ruin the gameplay because it would be to easy to kill. I like the fact that you can't camp 1000meters away and snipe a moving target with precision. You have to be really good and/or lucky to pull that off.
  18. ochn0e

    My first kill.

    No you're an asshole an like it seems very proud of it.
  19. ochn0e

    My Character Screams In Pain

    Yes I am. All cases are from the current patch: http://www.reddit.com/r/RedditRescueForce/comments/1w7uz4/n_broken_leg_l_berezinos_giant_crane/ http://www.reddit.com/r/RedditRescueForce/comments/1wgjft/n_need_morhpine_broken_bone_l_krasnostav_under/ http://www.reddit.com/r/RedditRescueForce/comments/1w8jl0/n_lost_a_lot_of_blood_leg_broken_from_falling_off/ http://www.reddit.com/r/RedditRescueForce/comments/1w7kza/n_morphine_l_barn_in_outskirts_of_cherno/
  20. ochn0e

    Play Style

    I didn't call your playstyle stupid, I really don't care how you play. I called your suggestion stupid and that's a big difference. But please go on and send more new players which already are complaining about dying, along the coast through elektro,cherno to balota.
  21. ochn0e

    My Character Screams In Pain

    I'm sorry but no it does not work atm. Most medical items don't work (correctly). 12:18 painkiller
  22. ochn0e

    My Character Screams In Pain

    Painkillers really don't work and a simple relog will fix your problem for now (also broken legs). edit: the relog will also fix broken legs and not broken legs fix the moaning ;P
  23. ochn0e

    Drinking Too Much Water Affects Energy?

    oO? You're starting with 1800/4000 water and 1000/20000 energy. First thirsty message with 2000 and first hungry with 600. Dying of dehydration at 0 water and dying of starvation at 100 energy. http://i.imgur.com/EU2m2TT.png
  24. ochn0e

    Go Home House, Your Drunk

    I've noticed this a few times before that some houses and metal sheds seem to move with the wind like a tree.