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Everything posted by Nonapona2

  1. Hey! I have done some experimenting on finding routes that works the best for me to find high end Military loot and fast. I am not really a very good artist but you get the idea, hope this helps you out! If you spawn decently close to Elektro, use this route, Route #1. First make your way to Elektro, be very careful because Elektro is almost always highly populated and if you are not careful you will be killed, high risk high reward. After Elektro you want to make your way to Cherno, it is not much of a heatzone anymore as everyone just hangs around in Elektro, but always be careful. Note that if you need food and fast I suggest you going to the large houses more up the hill, and not into Chernogorsk itself, however the 2 ways through Cherno are good for supplies. There is a jail in the middle of the large houses in the area north-east of Balota, which ofcourse spawns Military loot. After that, you go down to Balota, however same as Cherno Balota is not very much of a heatzone compared to before they changed the spawnpoints, but always be careful because if you do happen to see someone, he most likely has a weapon. After Balota you want to make your way to Kamenka, there you will find a road that goes north, follow it about 1000 meters and stick to the road, look to your right and you should see a Military base, same as all Military bases, it's dangerous, always be careful. After you looted that you want to head to Zelenogorsk, where you will find a couple of Barracks and a prison right as you enter it, looting the rest of the town in optional. After Zelenogorsk you want to make your way to Green Mountain, and after that make your way north-east-ish to the Military base to the south-east of Vybor. After the Military base near Vybor you can follow a treeline directly from the base up to the North West Airfield, where there usually is someone, after this, you are most likely to have all Military loot you would ever need and want. If you spawn in Solnichny or even closer to Berezino, use this route, Route #2. Make your way from your spawn point (except if you spawn in Berezino) to Berezino, loot through that, it should be decently safe, but again, always be careful. Loot through Berezino and make your way to Svetlo (the town North of Berezino), is Svetlo you should find tons of weapon, try searching the Police Station (Yes, Police Station, I was surprised too!) where it always spawns 2-3 weapons each time I've been there, and you should also check the Office building (big one, can't miss it), and I would suggest looting the rest of the town also. When you have done that, make your way to the North East Airfield, this is a hotspot, as it is the only Military area close to where you actually can spawn, which does mean that a lot of people go there. After you looted that, you can pretty much go wherever you want, this will probably not give you the high ends equipment, but you will have a weapon, food, water, ammo, pretty much high end. Thank you for reading, beans are appreciated! :) -Nona
  2. Thanks for the feedback :) The second route this might be the case, but it's a big chance that you will be able to get a weapon, food, ammo and water from it still, as many people usually only wants to go to Elektro and have fun. In this case it is most likely that you are the one in 10-15 people that don't suicide in Solnichny. Same as the second route the first route might also be the case. First route loot varies, and is extremely dangerous, "Route of the Dead", if you will. This is why you need to be extremely cautious when taking this route, but this route definately gives you more loot along the way, it's actually easy to survive this even on a 30-40 pop server if you know how to play safely.
  3. You indeed are very likely to get some bandits on you, that is why you have to be careful, I by no means are forcing you to use this route, if you just wanna try it out I can tell you that it does work great if you try to stay away from the trouble :).
  4. Nonapona2


    Yeah I just had this too, with my best gear I've ever had and my Mosin with a Long Range pristine scope I had to drop it all to see it never come back either, it just disappeared after about 2 minutes of waiting still nothing. Kind of sucks but now my game is working flawlessly. Now all I need to do is to delete all my shit on Regular too x) But yeah, drop all your stuff and it works just fine without crashes.
  5. Nonapona2

    What does your weapon say about you?

    "With a few exceptions" The M4 gets many people to be like "heeeeeeeeeewl yee dats a noice lookin' gun n I can go ratatatata wid'it, while da mosin be all slow n shiz!"
  6. Nonapona2

    The Campaign for Iron Sight Zoom

    But this isn't ARMA II, this is DayZ Standalone, its own game, yes, it does feature shittons from ARMA II but it is still not DayZ Standalone.
  7. Nonapona2

    What does your weapon say about you?

    The snipers - probably watched you from a long distance, and for some time, saw that you were not a threat and then approached you. The SKS users - This is a pretty strong weapon, and it is flexible but not as aggressive as the M4, depending on your weapon they would have seen you as a different threat. The M4 - Rambo uses mostly fully automated weapons too. Pretty much the M4 users are the run & gunners of DayZ, with a few exceptions. It is the most hell bringing weapon in the game, and is therefore the most aggressive of the others mentioned.
  8. I have 2 questions. One is the title, how do I join an Experimental/Testing server? It says that I have a bad version, also, why are there no other servers up besides the Experimental ones? I must've missed some important shit
  9. Nonapona2

    No loot spawning anywhere

    Me and my friends were playing on a server and then suddenly we got huge ping/desync issues. We logged out and tried a different server, but we did notice that the server lists were very weird, like the maximum players were 22/40 and when trying to join it said "Wait for host" for like 30 seconds, so we decided to wait a bit. Finally, the servers were going back up and everything was looking normal. We then logged into another server and we started going around Balota checking for stuff, there was nothing to be found, anywhere. Not anything rotten, no paper, no pens, no books etc. We then got into a huge firefight and 2 of my friends died, I escaped. When they started looting fresh spawn village houses (Solnichny) the doors were not open, a good sign, but there was still nothing to be found in those houses either. We then tried a different server and there was the same problem there. Any answers to this?
  10. Nonapona2

    No loot spawning anywhere

    There are no empty servers except the locked ones and 999 ping ones. + I do not server hop, but I do get what you mean and it doesn't seem as bad in this situation, but I am still not comfortable to do it,
  11. Nonapona2

    Weapon Sling

    Remember that this is a game, pretty realistic in some ways, but still a game. I don't think that if they do add a sling, which I definately want them to, there probably won't come up a message "My balls hurt".
  12. I sure hope that they fix the tents :|
  13. Nonapona2

    How to join an Experimental/testing server?

    I tried the search function. Holy crap this community, it's even worse than League of Legends' one.
  14. Nonapona2

    How to join an Experimental/testing server?

    No, I simply don't know where to read these news.
  15. Nonapona2

    Player corpses despawning really fast

    Happened to me too.
  16. Nonapona2

    The Anti-Server hopping.

    The Anti-serving hopping thing is broken to pieces. I logged into the wrong server, logged off, logged into the right one and now I have to wait 300 sec to spawn, and I'm just standing there in the middle of the open with full gear. I mean it was my mistake for logging into the wrong server and it's clearly the start of trying to decrease server hopping, but it needs a change :|
  17. Hello everyone, I thought it would be fun to have a topic where you could share you recent exciting events. I'll start off. Right now I'm fully kitted out, I have a Mosin (without a long range scope) and plenty of food and water, and since I already have all supplies I need and more, I decided to go to Kamyshovo, a town where there are many fresh spawns, but which also is very dangerous due to the high Bandit activity around there. My goal was to scout around and see if there were any freshies I could help. There were none. After 10 minutes of searching the seemingly empty town, I decided to head up to Solnichny, I did not get far from Kamyshovo until I discovered a group of 3 people with full Military equipment killing and robbing fresh spawns. Luckily I had not been seen, so I decided to do my assigned duty and keep the fresh spawns safe. But I wanted to wait for the right time to strike. I followed them for about 5-10 minutes as they headed into Kamyshovo, they found a fresh spawn that I must've missed in my search and they robbed him. This was my chance to get into a position without them noticing me. As they were robbing him they were distracted by robbing and robbing only, typical foolish Bandits. I went into my spot, a bush beside the main road, and as they let the fresh spawn go, I aim. I shoot, 1 down, 2 to go. I could notice that these were very inexperienced Bandits. They split up immediately and ran for safety. You know what they say, Bandits do what they do because they are scared. I kept my eye on one of them which had a Mosin, so I knew he would be the most dangerous one. I took another shot, it missed. Another one, missed that too. The Bandit made his way to a bush where he logged out. I decided to look for the other one, as I knew he ran down towards the sea, he was nowhere to be found. After that I didn't even bother looting the one I killed, I simply hid his body and I went into Kamyshovo again, searching for the freshie that had been robbed. I found him, and I gave him some food and water, and it turned out that he had 2 other friends in the town, hiding in houses. I gave them food and water too, and then went on with my duties. That's the end of my story for today. Please share yours, I would love to read a few, banditry or heroism, if they were exciting, this is the right topic to share them!
  18. Nonapona2

    Beware The Spraycans

    If you find a Mosin, do yourself a favour and do not spraypaint it, the Mosin sometimes disappears if you paint it.
  19. Nonapona2

    Problem with servers

    Hello, I can not find any servers when pressing "Change server", I downloaded the update but it still doesn't work. Any help, please? PS. My friend can find and join servers, so they obviously aren't done. Thanks in advance.
  20. Nonapona2

    Confirmation of Changes

    Hey, I need some help here. I felt like playing some DayZ and when I open up the server browser, I only get a handfull of servers, and the server with the least people on it is 38/40 When I try to connect to the servers, it says "Confirmation of Changes, connecting failed" Help please :| Note: I have played this game before, I have played it for almost 50 hours in total and it has never had this problem. Thanks in advance
  21. Nonapona2

    Confirmation of Changes

    Oh well I'm a retard and I must be a bit blind too. Thanks e.e
  22. Looks nice Add me on steam, my name is either PewPewYouDead or Nonapona1 I'm not too sure if it's my tag or account name, try both But before anything, KoS or Hero-ish Playstyle?
  23. Dead Call is a new formed squad in the DayZ Standalone with no current members, I'm Reality, the leader of the squad. The squad will only hold 3 members as more will only become too many. The goal of this squad is to having 3 people going through the world of DayZ and helping eachother getting end-game gear, as going in as a lone wolf is one of the worst things you can do right now because everyone kills on sight. We kill players unless it is a player without a ranged weapon, we will try to hold that person up with locking him/her up with handcuffs, and if the person does not cooperate, we kill him/her, if however that person does cooperate, we help him/her. By the fact that you can easily knock someone out even with no weapon, e.g a fresh spawn, we will take no exceptions. Application Form (copy - paste) In-game name: Where are you from?: How old are you?: How much experience do you have in DayZ Standalone?: How much do you lag, a lot, not so much?: Why do you want to join this Squad?: About how long can you play each day?: Do you have fluent English?: Do you have a good mic and Skype? ___________________________________ Regards, Reality