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About antonioajc

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    Dismissing claims one by one...

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    Loot. That's it, that's the only thing I like. Loot.
  1. antonioajc

    Lootable Garbage Cans

  2. antonioajc

    Gas masks

    "Gas mask? Yep, a bandit."
  3. antonioajc

    Would you like DayZ on Console?

    There would be no change IF the game gets ported after it has finished the development process and players on both platforms are in separate hives.
  4. antonioajc

    Would you like DayZ on Console?

    Bohemia said that once the game is finished that they will consider DayZ for consoles... In which will be in about a year or a year and a half. I haven't seen a game that was released in an alpha state and getting constant updates on a console. AND is multi-platform on consoles and PC.
  5. antonioajc

    Rockets Life While Developing DayZ Mod and DayZ: SA

    Man's been through a lot, I have to give him that. I mean, rotten noodles? Shit man, that's... Fucked up...
  6. antonioajc

    will the bow and crossbow be a primery

    Only thing I don't get is why they'd put it in the SA since it's a pistol used by the Germans in WW2? :huh: I'm guessing they're referring to that setting, they ended up in Chernarussia by Germans invading Soviet-Union in WW2...I really don't know why the dev team wants to implement so many WW2 weaponry tough. And if they're gonna implement German guns from that era, I'd rather have another primary: A Modded Kar98K or even an STG-44 :) Yeah these could be weapons that were abandoned by the Germans after the failure of Operation Barbarossa.
  7. antonioajc

    Servers being ddos?

    95 ping is considered DDoS? Wut. Well, that's the norm for me since I live in Central America.
  8. antonioajc

    Can't play dayz

  9. antonioajc

    will the bow and crossbow be a primery

    Yeah, Chris Torchia gave a teaser of a model, people guessed it was part of the P38, a gun the man himself said he wanted it some time ago. He later confirmed it. You can probably see the exchanges of this on twitter. Dunno, I mean, the model with textures seems to be done already as shown by previous teasers (The model only) and Hall's speech at Rezzed showing it having textures on the slides.
  10. You forgot the kill streaks, and the helicopter support, and the care packages, and the tactical nuke, AND OF COURSE, the UAV. OUR UAV IS ONLINE!
  11. antonioajc

    Three words. Land. Mine.

    3 words: A metal stick for poking the ground.
  12. Same thing can be said for 3rd person issues. Don't like it? Join a hardcore server.
  13. antonioajc

    Arma3 Third person fix mod...thoughts?

    Thing is, you can exploit the 3rd person view to see other players where you wouldn't normally see them. This mod doesn't change the third person view, it just obscures/removes players that cannot be seen in your 1st person view.
  14. antonioajc

    I have finally found it!

    Heh, imagine a special type of zombie that stays in the rooftops and jumps down and attacks people on street level. Kind of like the Hunter from L4D.
  15. Yeah, I hope the optimizations come sooner rather than later. 64 bit, oh how I need thee! I can literally run games like War Thunder at 60 frames per second with everything maxed out including things like anti-aliasing and other geometric options. Although the fire in the game burns (He, see what I did there?) through the FPS when the plane is static i.e crashed or landed.