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End User

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About End User

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    On the Coast
  1. I reported a server a while ago for kicking people who killed others in churches, I'm pretty sure I saw a battleye message saying that the person was kicked for this somehow. and there were frequent warnings about it, is this kind of thing allowed? my post never got past forum mods. I think the servers were CA 20 and/or CA 24 (both in Vancouver) but the details are in a post that never saw the light of day it seems.
  2. I think I clicked on what I guess is some kind of server control button from my map and got banned for it, MANY HOURS OF GRINDING to put some stuff in a tent only to get banned for nothing. Zombie John Lennon 964378590d65d440fff25d02a08939de
  3. hm I don't think anyone cares what you believe, seriously I hate how everyone acts like bogus kicks/bans are not a problem, it happens to me every now and then, right now I am pissed becasue I am banned from a server where I Was fixing up an ATV and I have a tent full of stuff.
  4. Date/Time: ~noon pacific time What happened: corpse vanished within a few seconds of killing someone, appeared to be connected to player suicide after spawning. Where you were: Cherno, in a yard behind the corner of the fence directly outside the church doors. What you were doing: axe murdering and looting *Current installed version: *Server(s) you were on: Seattle - TARKOVSKY *Your system specs: i7 950 quad core @3.07 ghz, 6gb DDR3 ram ,Radeon HD 6950 2 GB *Timeline of events before/after error: I was in the church in cherno with only an axe for a weapon, I saw some flashlight outside like someone sitting at the corner of a fence , I saw "friendly?" in chat so I ran up and axed him in the face while he was typing, (sorry I wanted that alice pack) I looted the pack and most of the tools but by the time I got to the Remington he had his corpse de spawned and it seemed synced with him suiciding after spawning again. but I cant be 100% sure about that. ALSO: flies are still hanging around :(