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Everything posted by NorthCode

  1. NorthCode

    LOL at those who think

    It won't be 6-8 zombies! It will be a fucking horde like Walking Dead gtfo you stupid troll!
  2. NorthCode

    Hackers in DAYZ

    Imma side with the Hackers this time! You deserved to die! Sitting on a roof sniping people KoS style! Go back to Battlefield!
  3. NorthCode

    How to spot new servers or create some of my own?

    I too would like to know this! I'm tired of servers without loot!
  4. NorthCode

    Hotfix changelog: Stable Branch: 0.35.115188

    Don't even get me started! Yes i get the feeling all the time! And it is true! Take a Russian made game for example! It's fucked up
  5. NorthCode

    Dice Bandits

    Wow you're a bunch of annoying assholes! Why do you feel the need to play bossy in game? What the fuck was he going to do with an Axe vs 3,4 people? There wasn't even any reason for him to put his hands up! This is a poor excuse of a hold up! Next time do it with a good geared player at least!
  6. NorthCode

    Update Rev. 0.36.115535 (Experimental branch)

    I don't get this....? Why are we getting Ruger 10/22 animations but not the actual gun?
  7. DayZ Logic: Multiple axe hits = You're find!? But a random punch? = KO MOTHERFUCKER!
  8. I usually tell them to stay at a certain distance which is out of melee distance, And then i place the goods on the ground! However i never give free stuff to kids! As they're most likely from the COD community and are overall usually annoying!
  9. NorthCode

    what should i do? My fiend is evil

    Well you said it yourself he is a Demon Fiend! You have to eradicate him using the New Testament!
  10. NorthCode

    My First Death - Not angry but I am confused

    No there isn't! That guy was just an asshole! He is no Bandit but a KoS player! I say KoS because he wasn't going to give you a chance anyways and just wanted to play bossy!
  11. NorthCode

    rain incl thunder and lightening

    It already is live! I tried it yesterday on 2 different servers COMPLETELY stable and no fps loss! I also tried it at launch but it was broken at the time! :) Some servers might have it some might not
  12. NorthCode

    Six hours of "stuffed"

    Being stuffed in a Yellow or Orange indicator is not bad but red is
  13. NorthCode

    Why DayZ is no survival game

    Obviously people are going to suicide... I mean first of all loot doesn't re spawn reason: Alpha. Dying in the middle of nowhere because of buggy stairs reason: Alpha. obviously nobody wants to crawl for more than 2 hours to find some Morphine or to create a splint.... There is a limit to how realistic Survival games are going to be....
  14. Are you serious right now...? If you killed him anyways you couldn't have been mad at the guy for combat logging if he did... And whats the point of sitting through all this if you're a fresh spawn with nothing but a flash light...? You can just die and restart! I always combat log/run until shot if some blood bandits wants my blood because there really isn't any reason to stay behind it's just a waste of time and losing half your blood from the start is annoying
  15. NorthCode

    Longest Surviving Character?

    Not even a week before i die from stairs.
  16. NorthCode

    Cheating you've encountered

    I've seen nothing yet been playing since release.
  17. NorthCode

    Servers with threatening names

    I see a server everyday called ''Join and i will fist your mother, join = Kick and deletion of character''
  18. NorthCode

    Healthy Or Sick?

    Healthy only means you've eaten/drunk enough so now you'll regenerate small amounts of blood and then after that ''Health'' The sick icon and the Healthy icon has nothing to do with each-other but i'm pretty sure once you get to the level of sickness where you'll lose blood and energy etc.. The healthy badge will disappear but i can see the confusing part!
  19. Fuck yeah! Can't believe how awesome this is! Thanks!! :beans: :beans: :beans: :beans:
  20. Fck yeah! Thanks for the huge update! Now this is awesome i didn't like how players were able to get an M4 10 minutes into the game!
  21. NorthCode

    Porn in dayz?! Dayz (funny) video (LP part 1)

    Erotic Roleplay Level: DayZ