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Steel Rat (DayZ)

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About Steel Rat (DayZ)

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    Behind you with my fire axe.
  1. Steel Rat (DayZ)

    I dont understand why there is no AUTO RUN KEY!!!

    Next we'll be seeing posts demanding hearthstones and jetpacks..... ok... jet packs would be cool... OMG Implement jetpacks already.. WTF!!!!!!11!1?
  2. Steel Rat (DayZ)

    Welcome to the War! We need your intel reports.

    I'm pretty sure you are just kicking the beehive here.... By telling people they will finally get the PvP fix they want and all they have to do is snipe a few spawnies is pretty much like telling a fat kid he can have chocolate if he punches his younger sibling in the arm. (no offense to actual fat kids or their siblings). What is stopping them from having a couple of their KoSing asshat buddies stand naked at a spawn they have covered and call you into an ambush? I honestly salute what you're trying to do, but I think you're fighting a losing battle and risking more aggressive spawn killing. Good luck though! :thumbsup:
  3. Steel Rat (DayZ)

    What the **** is going on in Electro?

    This is how the game will be played on most if not all public servers even after alpha and beta testing is finished. The only way it will be controlled is when server renters are able to go private and recruit like minded players. Sad but true.
  4. Steel Rat (DayZ)

    I think the map is too small for cars. Am I the only one

    I think bicycles would be great and would be pretty realistic. Another option I would like to see are pack animals and horses. Vehicles should be either very rare, or very difficult to keep running. Fuel levels at gas stations should be set at server restart and run out eventually until the next restart. Maybe even make people find components to be able to produce bio-diesel or Wood gas converters.... how far down the rabbit hole do we want to go with this? As far as the map, I think it's a decent size for what the game is at this time, but it would be cool if they added expansions down the road with other areas. All in all it matters little. As soon as people see a vehicle, they will kill it just to do so. The only vehicles I would really REALLY like to see are derelict emergency and military vehicles that spawn item drops. Let me get my fire axe off of the zombie fireman I killed near an overturned fire engine or handcuffs off a zombie prisoner in the back of a prison transport bus and I'll play this game till my eyes bleed.
  5. I stopped reading after the first page of this crap. People are paying a lot of money per month to provide a platform for this title to alpha test on. In my opinion, the devs should respect that and allow server admins to determine how they want the server they are paying for to be run (KoS/No KoS). How freaking tough is that? All these kids that convinced their parents to pay $30 for the game should not have more rights than the people paying close to $100 PER MONTH. I personally won't pay for a server until private hives are allowed, why in the hell would I pay to have some ass tell me he's going to troll my server just because I wish to play this game in a different way? The devs have us all by the short hairs because we love the concept of this type of game. Pay for our alpha.. Oh and also pay for the servers to play it on, but don't you even think about trying to enjoy it unless you like to run around killing people at random! Sadly at this rate I think this game will implode eventually and be added to all the other games that had great concepts but were destroyed by a generation of instant gratification WoW tards.
  6. Steel Rat (DayZ)

    The only solution for DayZ: Simulation.

    For those claiming that this game isn't a simulator, I just have to say you're wrong. This is a "Sprinting through trees, lying about being friendly, find a way to kill yourself when you don't spawn in a place you like, pants stealing, can opener scavenger hunt, tuna eating, finding sticks in cars for splints and not off the nearest tree even though we're all lumberjacks, ladder challenge, server hopping, well water drinking, zombie dodging (when you actually see them), murder" simulator. I'm just surprised this game is still in Alpha, it does all these things very well! /sarcasm off Ok, seriously though, great ideas... (mostly). I fir one would like this game to be very heavily simulator based. There are 10 bazzilion FPS deathmatch games out there for those that just want to virtually kill people. Those of us that want a more immersive experience always get shafted so that Little Joey 12 year old can log in and instantly kill the first thing his warped little mind finds. In my opinion the way to stop 90% of the KoS madness is to make the game so complex they give up within 20 minutes or have to make a serious investment of time and resources to be effective at it. Let the people with IQs above the average yearly rainfall in Death Valley have a game to finally call their own. All in all though, I'm having a blast watching all the people cry about things in a game that has been clearly advertised as being in Alpha. Just be glad you have the option to play.... whatever this is.
  7. Steel Rat (DayZ)

    Books, books books!!

    I'm just waiting for the patch where I can force feed books to the uneducated masses.
  8. Steel Rat (DayZ)

    Server hoppers: A renewable resource.

    Server hoppers are my Zombie Apocalypse Home Shopping Network. I just wait for them to show up and see what they brought me. I sit there with no backpack on and when they go down, I grab theirs. Works most of the time, but some people are pretty quick with that exit button. I have no way to thank them personally for their loot and delivery service, so I'll make a public one here. Thank you! I have been able to save hours of running around and caught up on a couple shows on Netflix waiting for your deliveries. Keep up the good work!
  9. Steel Rat (DayZ)

    Rarest Item?

    Clearly the rarest item in the game is laundry detergent to clean all these funky clothes we find laying around all over.... Oh! Maybe a iPod to listen to while I run my daily marathons through the countryside looking for gear.
  10. Steel Rat (DayZ)

    This is not what I hoped DayZ would be

    I don't think it is fair to call PvPers "griefers" in this game. I personally don't like to KoS, but I'll admit that my trigger finger is a little more twitchy after being killed for my beans a few dozen times. The fact is that most of the PvPers usually stick to a few places on the map. If you want to play in peace, I suggest you fine one of the more remote towns on this huge map and enjoy the game your way. Common sense should tell you by now that if you are in a major city or a military location, your chance of meeting that bullet with your name on it goes up dramatically. As sad as it sounds, it is fairly realistic that in a breakdown of society that cities and other places of rare supplies will be full of gangs and killers that will take your life, your wife and your can opener. Maybe one day when they allow private servers, we'll be able to form that utopian society where we all unite for the common good and cleanse the world of the zombie hordes... Until then, we'll just have to cowboy up and survive the chaos. Zombieland Rule #32: Enjoy the little things.
  11. Steel Rat (DayZ)

    Okay here's the problem : Gear Hoarding

    Anyone new to the game is naturally going to get overly invested in their gear until they hit that breaking point of realizing the fragile state this game puts them in. This is why 99.9999% of games avoid permadeath and PvP-Looting, because people get stressed over it. Personally, I was pretty pissed the first time my "fully geared" avatar died, especially when I spent hours hunting the stuff down, but now I'm to the point where I just say a colorful adjective or two, go look out the window for a minute to realize it wasn't really me that just died because I glitched off a ladder, or hit my direct communication key by accident while fighting 4 zombies where my last statement to them was "awasawaawssssawdddd", or shot in the face by a guy with no pants asking for food. I love how this game has no way of identifying people, no scoreboards for kills, no global messages showing how Tweedle Dee just killed Tweedle Dumb with a screwdriver.... You just survive until you don't. We don't need posts blasting people for getting upset, the game itself will root them out or make them stronger. Oh and for those keeping score at home, the only time I used the word "aint" in this post was just then to show that it is possible to do. Please keep your baboon dung to yourselves, thank you.
  12. Steel Rat (DayZ)

    DayZ Standalone Server Hosting

    Yeah, so basically the people causing the problem and not paying for the servers have more rights to play the way they seem fit than those who are paying and providing a platform for game testing to take place.... Nice logic.
  13. Steel Rat (DayZ)

    DayZ Standalone Server Hosting

    Wouldn't allowing people (people that pay close to $100 per month in the effort to experience this game the way that they envision it) the ability to lock "their" server fix most of this nonsense? I've already seen a hacker duplicating himself in a building, people server jumping to get loot, etc. Being able to lock a server you are paying some decent cash for in order to avoid people like that would be nice. Can someone give me a logical reason why locking a server should NOT be allowed other than because it might cause a shortage of servers for the people that don't help pay for them? By the way, I'm not talking about scripting or otherwise being able to alter game mechanics on private servers, just the ability to lock them.