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Everything posted by big_t

  1. Totally this. Also the start with weapons negates the script kids just spawning themselves weapons, levels the playing field a bit more.
  2. But Rocket's Baby is also a Mod of "Arma 2 creator's" Baby. Those servers exist and are popular because people enjoy playing that style so that should tell you something about the game and players: Ei starting weapons / side chat / more vehicles . It's like someone designing a paintbrush and saying "This is my brush it's only meant to paint in straight lines, that is how it was intended to be used" and be confused when people start painting and enjoying circles. (not saying rocket thinks this way, but it's the only analogy I could muster at the moment) Don't get me wrong I love the orig vanilla style, but the mods and deviations are also fun for different reasons. Most people have figured out how to survive by now, so it's a natural progression to modify game styles within the realm of the sandbox.
  3. big_t

    What if we removed the crosshair?

    I agree, Crosshairs or no crosshairs issue should be debated in terms of ballistic combat. Player interaction with objects needs to be addressed in a big way anyway and imho is one of the main contributing factors to the glitchy feel when playing the game. If somehow the detectable area of live objects could be increased (ei the area around a ladder that is clickable) possibly this could help. Also having a set general "action" key would be great, although I'm not sure if there is a way to keybind currently. When running from zombies and trying to climb a ladder, realistically you would just scramble up that bad boy in a hurry, not stop aim your rifle around at the base, then take the time scroll wheel click to climb it. Thats what makes the game feel awkward and sometimes frustrating.
  4. big_t

    DayZ: Origins (RELEASED)

    Played a bit last night. It took about 3 tries of total hanging on origins log in screen to finally log into a game properly. It was fun except my game totally bugged out even though I apparently had decent ping, I was in a bus with some poeple and when I exited the bus was teleported way back to place when I got out of the bus about 30min previous. Also Zombies were bugged out. Never seen that type of buggin on other games so I'm not sure if it was the mod or the server, but something was not right. It could have been the server was jammed because there were 59/60 players on by the time I left. Hopefully it's all sorted, the mod seemed pretty cool.
  5. big_t


    I totally agree with you. That would be the best scenario, but the sad fact is the standalone will also get hacked. The hard factor of the game is one of the best parts for me, but some people just want to win, and when they can't, they cheat.
  6. big_t


    I agree with "Pathetically Easy Mode" and Here is why: The Main reason why script kiddies and hackers do what they do and try to ruin the game is because they have no skill and will never be able to play Dayz properly. Just look at all the "this is why I hacked" threads: "awwee dude I ran down the train tracks into cherno and some dude shot me for nooooo reason, screw that I'm goign to hack" QQ, wha wha, looks in the mirror and cries, then masterbates to gilf porn ect. Let the retarded children have a super easy fun time mode where they can all wear helmets and bump into each other. Sew much funz! I'm playing dayzeeeee.
  7. big_t

    Third person vs First person view

    I would be willing to live with this. As long as it can't be used to gain an advantage. I understand it is hard to simulate actual human vision on a computer screen. (until we get those super cool 180 degree glasses)
  8. big_t

    Third person vs First person view

    I really hope you are correct. 1rst person with headbob turned almost all the way down = The best dayz experience. 3rd person is just an exploit. I real life,, magically seeing over walls and around corners... seems legit
  9. big_t

    PLaying DayZ on a Mac

    I Would have to say if you have more room to spare go for 120 gb. Once you feel the power of PC gaming most likely you will install other titles :)
  10. big_t

    DayZ Standalone Framerates

    Thanks I'll try your method.
  11. big_t

    DayZ Standalone Framerates

    What the?? Can you please share your settings with me?
  12. big_t

    DayZ Standalone Framerates

    One thing I don't understand why people say overclock or dayz is cpu intensive, but I still only see dayz using about 20-25% of the cpu at any given moment. Will an overclock still help in this situation? I have a 3770k with mild overclock to 4.2 and 6870 gpu. I get about 40-30 fps. but it still feels choppy compared to Arma2 or bf3
  13. I do realize posting anything other than the sandbox mantra is flame bait but I would love to see optional multiplayer missions on small parts of the map. Some missions could be: • Rescuing a family held up in a supermarket and surrounded by zombies. • Delivering medical supplies to a church • transporting some injured players to an army base. • ideas ? I know theoretically these could be done in the current sandbox setup but having laid out set of objectives would be a great way to meet new players, force team effort, and foster positive player to player interaction. Undoubtedly all manner of banditry would ensue only making the struggle even more fun :) Of course this would be a certain selectable "game mode" and played as a distraction to the regular sandbox style. Thoughts?
  14. I guess the main thing that I had hoped would happen with dayz but never did is this: The evolution of certain areas on the map as safe zones and others bandit strongholds ect, with those factions forming, occasionally fighting and taking over territory and generally more "groups" forming. I would think this is how it might play out in real life but who knows.These things do happen naturally but it seems very rare. How it is now is a server basically full of paranoid lone wolfs with a couple small bandit or medic clans but they are such a tiny percentage of the general playing force. This is still fun no doubt, but more team efforts seem to be the a lot of fun. It's tricky to actually form a decent sized group unless you are in a clan. I suppose it's just the way The mulitplayer with central hive is laid out, it seems impossible to have long term evolving group interactions. also: @ torama,, It would be nice to leave notes in camping tents as well.: "sorry bro I really needed that can of beans,, I have left you a few lee enfield mags in trade, good luck buddy, if you are ever in find yourself in Polana, know you have a friend there,,, Big_T"
  15. Dude I have written probably a 400 hour story in dayz. The episodes lately read like the writer is trying a bit hard to stretch the plot. Sometimes I want a different side mission within the bounds of the game style, for a distraction and change in pace (namely faster pace) once in a while. I'm saying as an option. So as the game sits now, there is little much to do after you : • figure out how to survive, • gear up, • repair the heli, • help some noobs, • get tired of helping noobs, • eventually end up in a state of senseless banditry as the main form of in game entertainment. This seems to be the life cycle of the many gamers, well at least the ones I talk to. "Yay I finally found a DMR! , what to do now? Snipe players I guess" could be: "Yay I finally found a DMR! , now I can offer sniper support for the medical convoy" The game is fun as is, but side missions would add a new element of fun and game dynamic.
  16. When my GF is talking on and on about her day at work,,, and I see a broken red chain in the bottom right corner of my vision.
  17. big_t

    Third person vs First person view

    Take out 3rd person all together, or if you must have it in for mechanics and navigating around tricky areas keep the field of view the same but more importantly the elevation. I exploit the laying in the grass 3rd person exploit all the time. My head buried in a shrub, but I can see everything? Totally unrealistic. Also the looking around corners Exploit. IT's not fair, and not realistic at all. Help to make a more engrossing experience, please remove
  18. big_t

    Standalone could slip to 2013

    Waiting if fine, but delaying into feb will miss a lot of sales. Before Xmass everyone is cashed up and in the spending spirit. Everyone games like crazy because so many days off for christmas vacation. Jan, Feb, it's back to the grind.
  19. Yep, well administered private hives are the only way to go these days. Less butthurt hackers.
  20. big_t

    Rag tag Musty Vigilantes

    Funny story! Keep up the good work!
  21. 4 body with a 9mm pistol at near range and a person doesn't die or completely out of commission? Tell me how this is realistic. Increase all ballistic damage, especially pistols. Also as soon as you get shot, there should be a delay before you can aim properly. Like a stunned phase for a second. Countless times while playing utes, I get the drop on a someone , shoot them square in the chest with a 7.62 AKM, they shake it off , take aim and manage to kill me before they check out. really?
  22. My fist is ready,, clutching a wad of crumpled bills,, eager to shove into the face of anyone who will Take My Money!!! :P