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Everything posted by chompster

  1. chompster

    American compounds in Chernarus

    What would these even be doing there?
  2. chompster

    When Do We Get Hovercars?

    how nice, a facepalm, that sure adds a lot to the discussion. Btw I'm pretty sure you got misunderstood the post you quoted before and out of nowhere started talking a out server hopers which has nothing to do with the actual variety in weapons.
  3. chompster

    When Do We Get Hovercars?

    Actually, it is low.variety =/= quantity.
  4. chompster

    Mosin + Bipod?

    He asked which weapons can have it, and the ak can so that's why I said it.Idk nor care why anyone would or wouldn't.
  5. chompster

    Mosin + Bipod?

    m4 with RIS and AK with handguard that has rails.
  6. a program many companies use to store, share, backup and distribute an internal version of a project.Basically a very fancy and advanced dropbox.
  7. which is exactly why I said for short stretches, not kilometers. And you really don't need military training to crouch run, I do it all the time when playing paintball to move from cover to cover. Its really a very basic and instinctive thing many people do.And by that logic we shouldnt be able to take apart or assemble/swap things on m4s, AKs and other weapons as most people never got the training to let alone ever seen or held one before.
  8. Arma 3 crouch sprint is definitely possible in real life and would love to see something like it. Of course only for short stretches. But yeah, controls are heading in the right direction they just need some tweaking(especially the melee)
  9. chompster

    Really? Still this bad?!

    this.At least not face to face. I have been a victim of the inventory hackers last patch. It never have I actually ran into one(also with 250+ hours)
  10. chompster

    Tents in standalone soon?

    Storage and possibly shelter for when rain actually does anything.
  11. 0.47 movement is a real double edged sword. It's for the better of PvP imo, but also makes the PvE frustrating and even more clunky than arma 2 controls.. Though i dont mind it for the guns, it's unbelievably frustrating and dumb when it comes to melee weapons. Unless i'm doing something wrong, all you can do when you have a raised melee weapon is walk slowly(making you an easy target for EVERYTHING) or sprint full speed when you double tab W and having to stop take a swing and run again. Very Unintuitive and clunky.
  12. chompster

    Tents in standalone soon?

    i highly doubt it, and it would be completely useless unless they add persistence as well in the next exp.
  13. Hope that's not the case. You should always spawn where you last were or in a random location if you're a new spawn. None of this magical teleportation to friendlies bullshit.
  14. chompster

    Dean Hall on Vehicles and Barricading

    A few things that i can't stress enough for them to get. right. Something that Arma has been known for being absolutely terrible at. Vehicle. Physics. Suspension. Weight. Traction. If you've played any of the previous games you know that this has always been complete shit. In arma3 it's been improved somewhat but it's still very unrealistic. Though a much better suspension system they still aren't reactive enough, cars seem to have little to no weight at all(very apparent when going on a bumpy road at high speeds) they feel very floaty as they bob up and down. Traction is also a huge problem. Going at fast speeds and suddenly taking a turn doesn't make your wheel lock or lose control as it should, instead you just start to turn slowing down slightly and never stop. Also when going up terrain, your wheels never lose traction and start to spin you either crawl up slowly, or you just stop and start going in reverse. The rarity of them and needing to find all the parts is cool, but unless they get the actual feeling of vehicles right, we're just going to have arma2 mod vehicles again..
  15. chompster

    MP5-K and Flashbang Obtained

    that honestly doesn't make much sense. All you would end up doing is attracting even more from the loud bang.
  16. chompster

    So.. Is this what its about?

    nice.. but dat low FoV exploit though..
  17. chompster

    Animal Locations

    They aren't completely random. the cow location under vyshnoye has always had cows whenever i go there. found a chicken at 065 092 071 096 boar 029 073 cows 033 056 boar
  18. chompster

    The sun... so OTT, needs toning down.

    It actually does on a very specific time of day + weather setting.. http://cloud-4.steampowered.com/ugc/3280057505967132896/E78DC9C491C8CA88C844D5D84072BE13D9294C1E/ Time was around 14:00-15:00 and fairly cloudy but nothing that would make it seem like night. If you look at the ground it would be fine, but as soon as you even have a little bit of sky on your screen it would turn to that.
  19. chompster

    Animal Locations

    boar at 074 069 EDIT: more animals! boar and Elk(?) spotted on that huge field above Novy 076 074 deer? spotted at 076 040 deer? at 083 039 boar at 088 067
  20. chompster


    first one was on regular that was was a patch or 2 ago i think experimental. second 3 days ago on HC in a police station and lost it yesterday due to inventory hackers.
  21. chompster


    I'v only found them twice. Lost the first one due to character reset and the second due to inventory stealing hackers..
  22. chompster

    The sun... so OTT, needs toning down.

    Not really. lighting in Arma3 is "perfect" and i really hope DayZ ends up with something pretty much exactly like it. Arma2 was a bit less but i'd still take it over what we have now any time.
  23. chompster

    The sun... so OTT, needs toning down.

    Yes, of course you should be at a disadvantage when facing the sun. But as it stands the sun is outrageously unrealistic, and i'm really surprised that it hasn't changed at all since launch. These are acceptable: http://cloud-4.steampowered.com/ugc/3260919109146710216/DEF14A338E05481CF9435651A858B07BDA2AC6E7/ http://cloud-4.steampowered.com/ugc/3260919109082212514/6628FB21B3E7488F41F1AF28C33FCBD64F8D59FC/ http://cloud-4.steampowered.com/ugc/3260919109082213664/F48AFF1109A2E852C9C5C9EE408E9A8EC3A69714/ But these are just WTF nerf dat sun please.. http://cloud-2.steampowered.com/ugc/3278933045011888087/49189D938F58E2D1BBD6702832D67754FFA95410/ http://cloud-2.steampowered.com/ugc/3278933045011874111/A6F583281C3AEA49CE352E7B43314448A83384A4/ http://cloud-3.steampowered.com/ugc/3300321172025908689/34A0825982899D39557C587DE5427E87689758A7/
  24. Persistencevehiclesstamina/weight system more/smarter(dumber?) zombiesgreater focus on survival Expanded map wouldn't hurt either.
  25. chompster

    AKM Weapon Sway through PS10 Scope

    Bohemia. That's wat.