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Everything posted by chompster

  1. chompster

    mosin whit bipods

    I play mainly on experimental so i'm not aware of any stable wipes or not. See it being thrown around quite a bit on the forums so assumed there was one at some point.
  2. chompster

    mosin whit bipods

    He probably still had it since before they took the feature out. My friend who hadn't played for months came on and still had a mosin with a bipod as well. Not sure how they eluded the char wipes though.(if there were any)
  3. chompster

    September Rant Topic.

    As much as i can't stand people like the OP, your list of whiteknighting has some pretty absurd things in it.. I mean really? configure your system better? that's a load of shit, this is 100% an issue on the games side that the player has no control over. And just because the bridge hack has never happened to you it suddenly isn't an issue? oh wow if only it were that easy then DayZ wouldn't have any issues at all. http://cloud-4.steampowered.com/ugc/558765675354776465/8F45F9007D3A0994C6F9253E5FDE7DE1992C7A40/ I won't bother with some of the other things you said. Some of the stuff the OP listed are quite disgruntling to still have(random sounds) while other aren't, it does give a feeling like he isn't aware of what an alpha is (eventhough he keeps saying otherwise). But the way you try and whiteknight everything away isn't any better.
  4. Well you're wrong, it's real. happened to me as well. http://cloud-4.steampowered.com/ugc/558765675354776465/8F45F9007D3A0994C6F9253E5FDE7DE1992C7A40/
  5. chompster

    Character customization?

    last i heard from an interview(don't recall which one) he did was that there won't be anything further than some more pre-made heads/skins you can choose from.
  6. chompster

    "Vehicle component design"

    I have a feeling persistence will long be at a good/working stage by the time we get (car-like)vehicles..
  7. chompster

    Light fire to clothes.

    The fire might not, but you'll no doubt die from shock if left on fire. And why shouldn't it be used to grief? it's something that can, and very sadly does, happen.
  8. chompster

    "Vehicle component design"

    Especially the wheels.. fucking chicken wire fence with sticks can take out MRAP reinforced tires for gods sake. I also really hope for a proper suspension and traction system. Not asking for a Racing simulator but Arma engine vehicles have a disgusting history of being stiff as hell and have 0 loss of traction/drift when turning at high speeds.
  9. chompster

    "Vehicle component design"

    Seeing how rocket said that you'd even need to find the right engine spark plugs, having to find the right oil and air filters is hardly "getting a little too deep"
  10. chompster

    Light fire to clothes.

    I sure hope so, otherwise that would rule out Molotovs.
  11. chompster

    Proper Forest!

    Isn't that what the new rendering system is suppose to fix?(or at the very least improve..) Can't for the life of me remember where i read it, but not long ago somewhere i read that pretty much everything is being rendered while you play which is why you get complete shit frames in big towns. And so the new way the renderer will work is that it will only fully render things that are within a certain proximity or in your line of sight. don't quote me on that, it's something along those lines. I wouldn't go as far and say it's the only one that can do it on this scale, it's more that they're the only ones doing it. But scale to quality wise it is pretty good, though it's clear that performance definitely wasn't on their mind.. nor optimization.
  12. chompster

    DayZ seasonal weather changes?

    I don't recall where(a video) but Dean mentioned that they will add snowing in eventually, only that it won't accumulate on the ground sadly. And i agree that it should be something that needs to be syncd across all servers. otherwise people would simply jump over to a server where weather conditions were better(lets say from heavy snow to a warm sunny server) and just wait to get all warmed up then switch back and keep going.
  13. chompster

    Do we want vehicles?

    I fail to see how other people having fun finding parts to assemble a car and then driving said car around is going to stop you from running around the map doing the things you do now.. When have they confirmed airplanes? i don't recall it even being mentioned, helicopters, sure. Also it seems you need to do some more research, it's been said many times that vehicles will be extremely rare and hard to find let alone assemble and keep running. You post/concern is completely useless/flawed.
  14. chompster

    Experimental Branch: 0.48 Discussion

    i spawned just outside of Polana on a UK server and it was practicaly empty. no players and but 1 zombie.
  15. chompster

    Experimental Branch: 0.48 Discussion

    http://cloud-4.steampowered.com/ugc/566644437557047014/CF5FAD7C8CC3F734051F83F934B2696FE0C30587/ found these in that orange building at the top of the stairs that go nowhere. CR527 isn't new right?
  16. chompster

    Experimental Branch: 0.48 Discussion

    Yeah that was always possible, but the cooking pot is new. wonder if it works with the ammo and medical boxes as well.
  17. chompster

    Experimental Branch: 0.48 Discussion

    don't recall this being so in last exp but you can put items that arent food in the cooking pot now. http://cloud-4.steampowered.com/ugc/566644437555237096/F1E0DEAB7EA8B55782BA7B1D3910C4A479F1A608/ edit: hmm apparently only when you don't have any other slots left and you pick it up with the action menu it puts it in there.
  18. Though i'd love for there to be soft body physics or cars simply showing damage/dents, knowing the engines history it's HIGHLY unlikely you'll see anything we havent already(i.e. change in textures thats more scratched/has bullet holes) But for other physics, pretty much everything katana67 said plus something i can't stress enough. proper suspension physics and weight. Though it improved slightly in Arma3, vehicles are still incredibly stiff and "fly" or float when you're going at high speed and get some air. In real life your car will come clanking down if it comes off the ground, but with the arma engine you gently glide down. it's really frustrating, especially when going off road. If they get that right + everything Katana67 said i'll be one happy camper. But at the very least i really want there to be proper suspension physics.
  19. chompster

    My friend said he found chickens

    A friend and I found a chicken once, killed by a zombie in Vyshnoye. Even cooked it. dead: http://cloud-4.steampowered.com/ugc/3260919109285191208/4A9685B389DAE134EA53C46BA48088D7501740A7/ filet: http://cloud-4.steampowered.com/ugc/3260919109285194179/9F4D65B04DE7CA4161647AFF36051E4AAD6D9828/ cooked: http://cloud-4.steampowered.com/ugc/3260919109287602358/012145EC3E11E4D18AC925A7BECD37042CCA002A/ burned: http://cloud-2.steampowered.com/ugc/3260919109287603620/C21653F91285EB20814762735891796C673B1ABC/
  20. chompster


    Not that i don't agree with what you're trying to say.. But there really isn't anything to discuss. It's been repeated a thousand times that vehicles won't be in until it's at the point where Dean wants them to be(needing parts and are customizable) and that's been estimated to be near Q3 which isn't too far off. Which leads me to believe that they're nowhere near getting to how they want them, so im holding on to late Q4 earlie Q1 at best to expect vehicles.
  21. chompster

    Experimental Branch: 0.47 Discussion

    Anyone else get their characters reset?
  22. I don't. The way Dayz does it now feels very unnatural. I'd much rather have it like RO2 or Insurgency where you have aiming deadzone/freelook so that when you move your mouse the gun moves and your view "lags" a bit behind and catches up. But this thread.. oh my this thread. Throw away the whole suggestion section(kidding of course) and just have this please my god would many of these things improve the game x1000