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Everything posted by chompster

  1. chompster


    No. Read the latest blog, they're still designing and making the components.
  2. chompster

    Zombies Opening Doors

    I don't get why people don;t just use the steam browser to open the map.. Alt-tabbing is so 2013..
  3. chompster

    Weapons - Where Should They Go Next?

    I really hope so too, but doubt it. For sake of making it modular they'll most likely go with the A3.
  4. chompster

    Permadeath losing it's edge

    These are some really solid suggestions that would definitely push things in the right direction.
  5. No, as i never end up using it making it a waste of inventory space.
  6. chompster

    Weapons - Where Should They Go Next?

    Good thing that isn't the case already then.
  7. OHGODYESPLEASESOSEXY!. *ahem* But yeah agree that body armor should definitely provide at least some sort of protection. If not then they shouldn't slow you don't either nor would there be any reason to bother going to a military location and get one. Not much else to say that other haven't already. So to answer the OP Anyone else feel they should make ballistic helmets, Kevlar vests, plate carriers and other personal body armor items purely cosmetic and not have any sort of personal protection and instead only be sought after due to their look and carry capacity ? No.
  8. chompster

    Weapons - Where Should They Go Next?

    Don't fully agree. Military gear are great for end-game objectives and continue to keep players pushing deeper to more dangerous areas. Feel like i'v been brainwashed by Katana, but it's all about rarity. If they can get that right (which no doubt will take them some time..) Then there can be just as much military gear as residential and hunting. Just that they'd be way harder to find. In the end it doesn't matter what they add, just how they balance the amount of it all.
  9. chompster

    Weapons - Where Should They Go Next?

    Guess they just need to make them a lot more common, as right now i always find them after i'v found hundreds of AKs, shotguns and other rifles. Aside from maybe the shotgun, pistols should be the "entry" level weapon you would see most people with. And even so, i think pistols should always outnumber the amount of rifles.
  10. Yeah i really hope they bring that back. Not only could it help with sprinting faster, but also help with looking less hostile.
  11. chompster

    Weapons - Where Should They Go Next?

    I'd like them to move away from rifles for a bit and instead add more melee weapons, pistols, SMGs and shotguns.
  12. This also counts for some other items, like the compass. That one makes even less sense to hold with both hands when sprinting.
  13. For those that haven't yet, here's a link to a recent Q&A where barricading was brought up. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0DjdtfQhmmw#t=1262
  14. chompster

    Why nobody want to play in the night time?

    Because gamma/brightness exploit and light passing through everything.
  15. chompster

    2-3 months creating one unique building -SenChi

    Unless he's talking about the very start of someone starting the concept.. adjustments..approval.. start modeling.. more adjustments.. testing.. adjustments.. more testing.. approval.. animations.. testing.. etc. Then i can kind of get it. But if he meant 2-3 months to actually make the 3D model and textures for a single building(he didn't specify size) then that's absolutely ridiculous.
  16. chompster

    Experimental Branch: 0.49 Discussion

    Oh right i forgot about the mask slot. Awesome.
  17. chompster

    You show me yours, I'll show you mine

    I get that, and that's the problem. As soon as someone refuses to reveal his stats when you ask him he's pretty much untrustworthy and you're better off just killing him (at which point he's point blank making him a huge threat to yourself). So those that kill a lot of players have pretty much no use for this system as it outright tells the other person he's a killer.
  18. chompster

    Experimental Branch: 0.49 Discussion

    What slot does the balaclava take up? hats or classes? (assuming hat unfortunately)
  19. chompster

    You show me yours, I'll show you mine

    Though i get where you're going, and agree that without any form of body language it's impossible to truly trust someone you don't already know in Dayz. But having stats show what the player has been doing is in my opinion too much of a hard fact. There's no guess, or finding out (on your own) exactly whats going on or what he's up to. It just flat out tells you, this guy is a murderer. Watch out/Kill him. And for those that play a more hostile way have no way of getting around it. Because as soon as they refuse to show their stats it's revealed what they'v done. While it's the same the other way around, there's a far smaller chance (but then again this is Dayz..) for them getting killed after having shown their stats "oh this is a nice guy, look at how many beans he's given to people and all those infected kills. Those 3 player kills were probably bandits" while a bandit gets "oh look at all the players this guy has killed" *shoots him in the head* Though this of course varies based on who is looking at the stats, it could be a fellow bandit who wants to know where he's killed so many people, but even then most bandits won't team up and will kill each other just as easily. Which is why i don't think it's a good idea to have.
  20. chompster

    You show me yours, I'll show you mine

    Either the other person refuses to show his "stats" (which shouldn't be a thing in DayZ at all) making him suspicious, or he shows them and then you find out he's killed a ton of people. What then? you shoot him? Sounds like something i'd never use. Also, suggestions go here http://forums.dayzgame.com/index.php?/forum/128-suggestions/
  21. chompster

    Rejoice! 5.45x39mm is coming to Dayz

    Well that depends if they even decide to go with the RPK-74 and not the RPK/S(7.62x39) But yeah accuracy would probably be it's only upside, and even then it'd heavily depend on if they even add weapon resting and the ability to deploy bipods in window, low walls and other objects. Otherwise you constantly find yourself on the ground where you could find yourself in grass not seeing shit (while they see you just fine due to render distance limit) Another thing they could do(though a bit hypocritical since we just talked about pointless weapons) is the RPD. Have the RPK-74 with 5.45x39 and the RPD with 7.62x39.
  22. chompster

    Rejoice! 5.45x39mm is coming to Dayz

    Sounds like it'll be an inferior AKM then. With interchangeable magazines you'd just see people use 40 round mags on the AKM. Not that everything needs to be balanced, variety is more than welcome. Just sounds so pointless.
  23. chompster

    Rejoice! 5.45x39mm is coming to Dayz

    ehh.. i'd rather have some more SMGs and pistols before more rifles and other big weapons are added. Like a Uzi or Mac10
  24. chompster

    Respawning on every server

    You weren't respawning, the timer is a Anti-Ghosting countermeasure.
  25. chompster

    I think it's time.

    I really don't think vehicles will be as wide spread as you make it sound. You could probably go for a whole week before seeing or even hearing someone with a working car (if they're implemented right) No doubt the map will shrink due to vehicles but hopefully they'll continue to expand it by quite a bit in all directions.