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Everything posted by chompster

  1. Actually it can be held off. They are still very much in the "production phase" with no real sign of leaving it anytime soon. So there will be plenty of time for it to get worked on and again, there are things that are simply far more important like the actual gameplay. if they're suggestions shouldn't this be moved to the, oh i dont know.. part of the forums that is dedicated to suggestions? http://forums.dayzgame.com/index.php?/forum/128-suggestions/
  2. The rocks don't do anything yet, so you don't need them for a fireplace kit yet.
  3. Yes it does, because it isn't important. yet. The game has enough performance issues as it is. Priority needs to be on content(as in items) and features. Pretty(well ugly in apocalyptic way) looking cities can be hold off for later.
  4. All of that comes down to: will get done at some point.
  5. chompster

    Experimental Branch: 0.50 Discussion

    I can't agree enough with this.
  6. chompster

    The new running animation, Why?

    The new one looks really awkward.. he leans way too far forward and the way you move your arms seems a bit... special...
  7. chompster

    Experimental Branch: 0.50 Discussion

    Star Citizen. Dayz isn't an mmo so I don't really see how that's relevant but ok.Steam has a whole section dedicated to early-access games and there are many more all over the interwebs. So again it really isn't anything special.
  8. chompster

    Experimental Branch: 0.50 Discussion

    Don't really want to get in on you guy's argument, but this statement is hardly true.. early access has become a huge thing and a shit ton of games are doing it now. So i agree that you can hardly call this a privilege. my 2 cents. Back on topic, holy crap eating is broken. Once you're energized you're good, but getting there you have to be pretty damn fortunate. just died of starvation for the first time(in the exp) because i would be stuffed yet starving at the same time(how does that even work?) and anytime i ate anything it would hardly make a difference, i would get it to go away or yellow but not 2 minutes later it's back to orange and he's bitching that he's starving. Ate 5 apples, tactical bacon, 2 sodas and a tomato in a row and after 5 minutes boom i'm back to orange. As i was dying i was trying to catch a fish to cook on a fire but the bastard got away, and before i could catch a second one i went unconscious. Didn't even bother to try and get back up as i still wouldn't have food and fishing takes too long. Knew i should have made a bow instead and go hunting for cows in Berezino.. So yeah mayor 3 gripes so far. 1. Even worse random zombie noises(driving me up a $%*#&%$ wall) 2. Metabolism is completely out of whack 3. Zombie aggro/detection/speed seems to have been turned up by 200% As for anything new, so far all i noticed was the snare trap and that pub building with the chairs turned upside down on the tables now has doors for every room
  9. chompster

    Experimental Branch: 0.50 Discussion

    Latest status report confirms it. http://dayz.com/blog/status-report-week-of-29-sept-14
  10. chompster

    Experimental Branch: 0.50 Discussion

    No, and i highly doubt vehicles are even in.
  11. chompster

    When do you demand Vehicles?

    You are indeed wrong. On the last live stream they said that graphically it's near completion, but they're still working on some parts. And after that it still needs to be coded up and animated. So we won't be seeing this till around the end of this year or nearly next year.
  12. chompster

    Cant skin animals

    The edge isn't narrow. At least not as narrow as a blade, just like a letter openers http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Paper_knife Regardless, i agree that you should still be able to cut with it. I was really surprised/disappointed after whichever patch it was that removed its ability to cut.
  13. On the last livestream they stated that the new renderer will not be coming this year and that it'll be somewhere near the end of Q1 next year. So no, it won't be in beta nor have many of the features planned or asked for.
  14. chompster

    Realistic Gunshots? + My little Show Off.

    Yes. PLEASE. No offence to the devs, but proper realistic weapon sounds have never really been BI's strong point. These sound amazing, but as they say in plenty of Q&As and interviews, sound is the one thing that doesn't frequently gets updated. But rather in one big go(pretty much what they said last live stream)
  15. chompster

    Cant skin animals

    That isn't the one we have in-game. You're thinking of this one http://www.milsurps.com/images/imported/2009/03/UK20No207-1.jpg <--- blade while what we have in-game is this one http://picturearchive.gunauction.com/4798182719/9737849/92ebb3fa8dec1bc7c70ffae28e882722.jpg <-- spike
  16. chompster

    Ghillie suit, rangefinder ?

    I was overjoyed when i heard them say that on the live stream.
  17. chompster

    Cant skin animals

    Negatory. http://cloud-4.steampowered.com/ugc/3260919109285191208/4A9685B389DAE134EA53C46BA48088D7501740A7/ http://cloud-4.steampowered.com/ugc/3260919109285192593/91D0CEF4AAB6412B2621C499337EB95244BA231B/ http://cloud-4.steampowered.com/ugc/3260919109287602358/012145EC3E11E4D18AC925A7BECD37042CCA002A/
  18. chompster

    Flashlight pool

  19. chompster

    Cant skin animals

    SKS and mosin bayonets are for stabbing, not cutting they don't have sharp edges. The M4 bayonet should work when it doesn't, so that's a bug.
  20. i hope they add the one with just 2 holes for your eyes.. that ones way cooler.
  21. chompster

    My character is freezing..help!

    build a fire and wear a rain coat = never get cold.
  22. chompster

    Anyone using the Blaze 95?

    I think i'v killed another player with pretty much every weapons besides for the Cr75 and Blaze. I usually find one after i'v found a mosin, or if i do find one and take it i wouldn't hesitate to drop it for a mosin or SKS(unless i had more ammo for the blaze) I just see it as an inferior weapon to all those other ones in every single way (besides the CR275 maybe due to how rare the mags are at the moment)
  23. chompster

    Anybody remember when Dean Hall said...

    Sounds more like they need to improve the wilderness then. Which actually is the issue. Things are very poorly rendered at a distance making it really easy to spot things in the already incredibly thinned out "forests" 90 most likely would become problematic if they want to add a large number of zombies(which i hope they do) so maybe scaling it back down to 50-60 would be better. But as it stands 40 right now just isn't enough. I'm playing on full servers everyday and 3 weeks long i have only met 5 people. All the while hitting busy places (except for Berezino of course. we all know why..) which is pretty lame. And regardless if it stays at 40 or not, people will use some sort of hack and find someones wilderness stash.
  24. chompster

    A look at one of the new zombie models

    Not sure what you mean with competing with other games? i never said anything about that? What i'm talking about is the fact that the game is already plenty clunky with its controls. Sure you might say it's still the early days but none of BI's fps games have ever not had clunky controls. and the Zombie count is suppose to increase. So more zombies(with shoddy Ai), relatively poor performance(in dense areas where you mainly find zombies) and grabbing would be pretty disastrous. Even worse so on 1st person servers. But lets say it wasn't, unless we as players get some kind of shoving ability i'd still not want a grabbing mechanic for zombies.
  25. chompster

    A look at one of the new zombie models

    controls are, and always will be, clunky enough. Adding a grab for zombies would be the last nail in the coffin imo.