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Everything posted by chompster

  1. Lack of optimization on an engine that's already known for it's poor performance.
  2. chompster

    vehicles in for christmas ? beta?

    There have been at least 3 or 4 status reports where they talk about it, one of them even has an image of the V3S at the top! http://dayz.com/blog/status-report-week-of-22-sept-14 It's been said on livestreams, interviews and dev forum comments, twitter, reddit posts, so how you (someone who seems fairly active around dayz) could have missed well known information like this is beyond me. But apparently you did. Also there has NEVER been any mention of bikes being the first vehicle other than player speculation, and only because it seems like the most simple thing to implement.
  3. chompster

    Experimental Branch: 0.50 Discussion

    Put your shadows on Low. That works for me.
  4. chompster

    Experimental Branch: 0.50 Discussion

    I really hope they redo this whole % based meat thing, it really doesn't make any sense. First off, why would you waste time cutting neat little pieces like that? Easy of transport? Ok sure, but why/how can i have a 9% piece of meat? how does that even work? Even with a bent and chipped knife i'm pretty sure i could still cut off a significant chunk of meat to take with me.
  5. chompster

    vehicles in for christmas ? beta?

    Can't tell if trolling or... It's been stated and shown quite a few times already in the status reports that the V3S will be the first vehicle.
  6. chompster

    vehicles in for christmas ? beta?

    Sounds fairly normal for game development. Not sure how much you know about it but only a year of development is nothing. Especially when they´re faced with having to make so many engine changes, this stops a lot of other things from being worked on as to not have to redo things later due to engine changes. It isn´t uncommon for games to take 3 to 4 years to develop, unless you rehash shit like CoD does(hence their yearly releases) Beta in a year? that's so unlikely it's comical. ..Or you could just shoot the tires/driver out? Those are only needed if they add armored vehicles like tanks and APCs, which i find somewhat unlikely.
  7. chompster

    How much of DayZ have you experienced?

    I'v experienced all but finding someones tent and a successful blood transfusion. Haven't tried/used a blood transfusion since the first few weeks of release. Took some of my own blood to give to a friend only to have him die from it. Really hope they make it a more viable way of regaining health, healing from eating and drinking is way too easy. Infact those should be the secondary(if not third) way of doing it on the long term.
  8. chompster

    Experimental Branch: 0.50 Discussion

    My friends had that earlier, no problems for myself. Also just had about a 5 hour session without a single CTD on my end, another friend did have it once. Kinda skimmed though the last 40 pages, but has anyone noticed/reported that you can still move around after going unconscious? after i did, i hid escape to respawn only to notice my character standing with my sledgehammer in my hands and i could use WASD to walk around. No idea if this was just a clientside thing but i definitely could move and run.
  9. Have TS and in-game VoiP on two different buttons so never happens to me. But i'v also never come across anyone doing this.
  10. chompster

    Need motivation to play 3p view servers

    yeah but not holding certain items, crouched, moving, running and other animations.
  11. chompster

    loot low on ammo and weapons?

    I find 7.62x51 to be far too common. I don't mind it spawning in residential areas as it does now, but it just spawns too much. within 45 after being killed i had found a mosin and about 6 packs and some loose rounds (equates to about 140 rounds) While the 7.62x39 is far too rare for an ammo type that is relatively common (especially given the geographic location this all takes place in) and has plenty of weapons that use it spawning. Somewhere in the middle of these 2 rounds is the sweetspot for the amount of ammo that should spawn.
  12. chompster

    Cheeki Breeki

    Need to be able to turn up the hood first, or at least have clothing items with the hood up. cheeki breeki iv damke!
  13. chompster

    loot low on ammo and weapons?

    5.56 and 7.62x51 are in abundance. 7.62x39 however is goddamn rare.
  14. chompster

    Need motivation to play 3p view servers

    Only real positive things about 3pp i can think of is like svisketyggeren mentioned, you don't have to listen to the panting and wheezing. And you get to look at your character?
  15. Cooking sets actually do spawn a lot. Portable gas stoves are spawning at an alarming rate it's the frying pan that's scarce. Also it's not hard to cook using nature. Sticks + rags/paper = fireplace kit + log = ignitable fire + raw pieces of mean = cooking. But generally i agree with what you're saying. At least on experimental they should increase certain(mainly new ones) for testing purposes.
  16. chompster

    DayZ engine performance! FFS!

    So you assume. With only 2 pages and the average response being less than 2 sentences long i did read the whole thread and saw that comment you quoted and still conclude you're comparing apples to oranges (hence to 'really'). If DayZ really did simply require a beast computer to run i'd be holding your hand and chanting along with you. But it doesn't. it's just another game running off a faulty engine with poor performance, bad task distribution (CPU heavy) and lacking actual optimization because it's alpha. DayZ or any game that runs off this engine or a variant of it will never be what Crysis was, essentially a benchmark people used to boast how awesome their computer was. If anything the only game that'll be able to do that anytime soon will be Star Citizen when that releases(ironically it also runs on the Cryengine)
  17. chompster

    DayZ engine performance! FFS!

    That's completely different though. Crysis "squeezed your PC into submission" because the game itself (mainly graphics) were far ahead of anything users' hardware could handle at the time. Dayz on the other hand is simply running of a pretty shitty engine known for it's bad performance AND is yet to be optimized.. So really you're comparing apples to oranges.
  18. chompster

    Returning player

    http://dayz.com/dev-hub Status reports on the left.
  19. chompster

    Help Hunting Certain Animals

    3 times now i'v found chickens at Vyshnoye, so it might be worth checking there. Zombies might have killed them already so you might have to look good in the grass but it's not hard to miss since they're white. proof: http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=276058323 http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=276058357 http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=276120650
  20. In my opinion this is one of those cases where gameplay > reality. Backpacks should be a luxury item and not something you can find pretty much anywhere. They should be an upgrade from handcrafted items and not just another option. So i think they're fine as they are if not still too common.
  21. chompster

    vehicles in for christmas ? beta?

    This right here. So i doubt Beta will be this year and hope it's still quite awhile off.
  22. chompster

    I have a dream!

    Which is great and "as it should be" It just comes down to the game being too easy and getting boring once you all that you need(most of the time guns and ammo)
  23. chompster

    I have a dream!

    Hopefully when they start cranking up the number of infected and make certain supplies a bit more rare people will be less incline to shoot as it would draw a lot of unwanted attention.
  24. chompster

    Where the F#%@ am I?

    why alt-tab when you can Shift-tab and open the steam-overlay browser? thats what i do.
  25. Yes i'm sure. I do it all the time. I'm sure you're suppose to add stones to be able to cook but that isn't how it works yet. just combine rags/piece of paper and sticks, add a log, ignite and put the meat on.