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Everything posted by chompster

  1. probably on the to-do list. ACOG has the same thing.
  2. very nice idea, i would definitely they rather be crafted with a extensive list than just being found somewhere. List looks nice detailed with all the items needed and spread out as well.
  3. chompster

    Playing this game as an FPS is the worst.

    If i have the option for 3rdP then i can't help but use it every now and then, but i tend to stick to FPV. Won't deny that i do use it to peak around corners when i encounter hostile players, but that's because they most likely are as well and there is no way i'm purposely putting myself at a huge disadvantage. I have no issues playing on FPV only servers though. Actually like it a lot more.
  4. chompster

    Defibrillator ?

    starvation, dehydration, shock, downing(?) and such should be reason to use the defibs on people. not sure about poisoning.. could if you go unconscious from it but not if you died from it.
  5. chompster

    Weirdest Mugging Ever

    They are quite rare indeed but i'v come across my fare share of mags. Once i did throw a FNX with 3 mags away though for a .357 with 19 rounds though lol but yeah that was pretty stupid of that guy, were you running away in a straight line? if so could have easily taken it out and put one through your head, look your body real quick and run off. oh well, be glad he was stupid.
  6. why the zombies though? why not the loot? you rarely see loot outside from a distance, so just instead of zombies spawning in (how it's done in the mod and bad way of doing it) make the loot spawn it when you're within a certain radius. unless it's already being handled this way, if so then too bad just try and optimize it as much as possible. Dchil already explained why it's kinda moot to have zombies spawn in when within range and it would also be an easy way to see if players are/were there.
  7. chompster

    Defibrillator ?

    Doesn't work yet i believe so no point in carrying it with you. But when it does work i hope it won't work on people who got shot, that's just dumb. if you get shot, you're dead. done.
  8. chompster

    Describe your first kill

    Was looting a church (think it was in pavlovo) when a guy with an axe ran in and started swinging at my friend, so i shot him.
  9. chompster

    Sun is very bright...Something is wrong

    sun shafts also could do with a serious nerf. they might be pretty but they're unrealistic and annoying as fuck.
  10. chompster

    Movement up Hills.

    you'd still be able to go up faster than the pace currently in the game. and what if you aren't wearing a full backpack and weapons? you're still going at that very same walking pace. plus in real life you wouldn't just walk up straight, you can lean forward and use your hands which you can't in the game. bottom line is that you need to be able to go up hills faster.
  11. chompster


    it's in alpha is for getting most of the features in. bugs are to be expected. beta is when you start ironing out majority of the bugs, but if things can be fixed before that by all means.
  12. chompster


    sure let's wait till the end of this year for vehicles..
  13. chompster

    Harries Technique Applied to Torches and Combat Knives

    That doesn't really make sense since you actually are more stable when using the harrier technique. Recoil would be stronger though. Though i don't think you should get a accuracy increase, it definitely shouldn't be lowered either. Very nice idea btw, really hope they consider it and it eventually makes it in.
  14. chompster

    What is ghosting

    i believe it's when you see someone, join a different server move closer than go back and kill them
  15. chompster

    Anyone seen an M4 lately?

    very very few and LOVING IT. the less US weapons the better (especially an m4 with so few weapons in the alpha already)
  16. it won't. it will always remain a open world Deathmatch with "survival" somewhere far far off in the background.
  17. chompster

    put bag browsing in

    he means that you can walk up to someone and have the action menu(scroll wheel) to open, look, take and put stuff in other people bacpacks. i also say NO. or at least not as easily as in the mod. unless the person is uncouncious or cuffed you need to get permission to look in someones backpack.