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Everything posted by chompster

  1. chompster

    Next patch: a big one?

    holy shit it's been 8 days since an update. how dare they. yes you are. just because they sold a lot doesn't = faster game making.
  2. chompster

    Well Its been fun Dayz

    lesson learned i hope. alpha/beta aren't you thing. don't buy into them again as you clearly don't have any patients or common sense. goodbye. see you in a year or 2 game should be up to your standards by then.
  3. chompster

    See your location on your Map question

    some servers have it, most don't. noticed this awhile back as well, i could see myself on the map with a yellow circle and my friends who were close. i would also see other players that i had seen on my screen their last location on the map. it has nothing to do with walkie talkies as i didn't even know they existed back then and had it.
  4. chompster

    Rolling Update Rev. 0.30.114008

    zomgz. they haven't said anything in a week.. just chill and wait. they'll announce things when they can/want to.
  5. chompster

    Night Time is Unplayable

    Exactly. People who comeplain about it being unrealistic for it to be that pitch black have never been anywhere where there is no light from anywhere. It really is PITCH.BLACK. But from a game-play point of view it is very annoying, boring and uninteresting. Looking forward how they make it more fun to play. (one thing that would really help is making flashlights not shine through some buildings)
  6. http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?154493-Stencil-shadows-vs-Shadow-Maps Gonna start out by saying that i know very little about this topic. But it's apparently sort of a big deal with Arma3 so i'm going to assume it is with Dayz SA as well as i'v noticed the same kind of shadows in it. Yes i know it's alpha(arma3 isn't though..) And i hope it's already something they're looking into.
  7. chompster

    losing blood.

    low blood? use: saline bag (someone else needs to give you it) Blood transfusion with the correct blood (test your blood first then find out which ones you can have) eat and drink a shitload (time consuming as hell)
  8. chompster

    Ammunition/Weapon suggestions

    none-lethal is already planned and idk about stuff like incendiary ammo.. its not really something you'd see laying around somewhere. even in military settlements.
  9. chompster

    Best Character Contest.

    they have the most item slots.
  10. i tend to find press vests at Rify. That's apparently also the only spawn point found so far for(the most rare item?) the down jacket. http://cloud-4.steampowered.com/ugc/506952892134404157/4F1538F487584C631CAF7C54D6867F1165F4DF41/
  11. chompster


    Agree with all your suggestions (most of which have already been mentioned) except for the one above. i see no reason why someone shouldn't be able to ruin a backpacks and other items that are laying on the ground if they feel like it.
  12. chompster

    Labeling Boxes

    use it to write poetical notes damnit(when its fixed)
  13. chompster

    I dont understand why there is no AUTO RUN KEY!!!

    Definitely wish for this every time I play.. I don't have a mechani al keyboard so I can't jam Shit between the keys.
  14. chompster

    A few random suggestions.

    pretty much all you mentioned is already planned to be added. and the rest can be summed up with: it's still in alpha.
  15. chompster

    Clothing suggestion.

    0.3% less chance of being killed on sight maybe? i get what you mean though and i shared that same though. But it simply doesn't happen, people will kill you regardless. The only reason this is happening is because of the limited amount of variety. It's alpha. More will be added later. But yes, i definitely do agree that there need to be jeans and other types of pants with more(or less) slots so you don't see everyone going for 1 type of clothing because it yields the most carrying capacity. Maybe even have it randomized?
  16. chompster

    Sleeping, resting, energy, pet

    energy is already in the game, though not how it will be in the final game. http://dayzdb.com/guide/1-hunger-and-thirst but yeah i agree with sleeping being far too annoying and a deal breaker for a lot of people. stamina system(which i'm sure they're looking into/working on) would indeed be much better and you'd actually have to use the sit down animation.
  17. chompster

    Vertical Hand Grips (Daily Suggestion #2)

    personally a bigger fan of the angled forward grip http://www.outcasttactical.com/shop/images/products/large_392_afgs2.jpg but i'm all for more options/variation.
  18. i have a feeling people would sooner play at night when they fix light going through walls than that..
  19. http://dayzdev.tumblr.com/
  20. chompster

    Labeling Boxes

    would help a lot indeed. or at least have a list of the items inside when you mouse over it in your inventory.
  21. chompster

    Bloodied overlay.

    would seem like a pretty obvious thing to have in a game like this. +1
  22. chompster

    M107 in Standalone

    1 or 2 per server would be good i'd say.
  23. chompster

    Harries Technique Applied to Torches and Combat Knives

    combat knifes are already in the game (m4 bayonet) so? just because you don't have any training with it doesn't mean that it isn't naturally more stable. which it is, just try it yourself. going by that line of thinking you shouldn't be able to swap things the M4 either since most people have never even held a M4 in their life let a lone dis/assembled one.
  24. couldn't care less about that. What i don't like is devs wasting time on things that aren't what the game is about. Dayz isn't about playing a zombie. it's about surviving in a zombie infested apocalypse and that's where it should stay. This also has exploiting written all over it. friends teaming up as a group and survivors and zombies to gang up on people or to lead away other hordes of zombies so that their friends can safely loot areas. just a bad idea in general and it's never going to happen.
  25. NOOOOPE. Don't mind the other ones so much (though the big mutant sounds annoying as hell) but playing as a zombie is a definite no-go. Dayz is about Surviving. not about playing a zombie. Contagion can do that for you.