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Everything posted by chompster

  1. chompster

    Rad Doll: What do you want to see?

    It's really stiff and characters always end up in a retarded pose on the ground. Also this.. http://cloud-2.steampowered.com/ugc/635295181715378089/5A20FD5A47516465ECBA706B6C79BFCE7DD6D7E7/ yeah..
  2. chompster

    Temporarily buff Melees to make them Useful

    way to pull that out of your ass. he never asked for a complete over-haul. he asked for other melee weapons to get buffs so they aren't useless.
  3. link to a dev statement on that? if not, the answer is we don't know.
  4. that's the arma engine for you right there. CPU heavy as hell while the GPU just sits there and whistles eventhough it could be doing a lot of the work the CPU is doing. something i really hope, but also REALLY doubt will ever gets fixed. It's something bohemia needs to do and seeing as after 12 years they still can't fix this shit engine i'd say all hope is lost.
  5. chompster

    What will make you play the alpha again?

    i have somewhat stopped playing, but these are indeed the things that would get me playing a lot again.
  6. pssshhh.... THIS is where it's at..
  7. chompster

    DayZ should have an inventory similiar to CoP

    if another game does something well then you'd be a damn idiot not to cop... borrow.. it from them. refusing to do so just to "stay original" is the most retarded thing i'v ever heard.
  8. chompster

    Hey guys new masks for game would be cool.

    it'd rather you be able to cut holes in the burlap sack and wear it.
  9. chompster

    Killed by zombies = become a zombie

    ehh.. did any of you even read the OP?? he clearly says: when you die. Your character turns into a Ai ZOMBIE NOT that YOU actually play as a zombie. Anyhoo, idk about that. it could be cool but at the same time you could see a ton of stacked zombies running around.
  10. chompster

    Less Military. More Apocalyptic. (Clothing)

    Still very early in development so of course there are going to be few choices i clothing and the best clothing at the moment is military gear as they have the most slots. The further they get, the more they will add and i'm sure they'll add a ton more civilian/apocalyptic clothing worth taking. But yeah i agree, the less military stuff the better.
  11. chompster

    Non-Lethal Alternatives

    fairly certain that none-lethal ammo / beanbags are already confirmed for being added.
  12. chompster

    Refillable bottles

    Sort of on the topic though, it'd be nice if i had say 2, 50% canteens, one pristine and the other damaged. it'd be nice if you could pour the water over from one to the other filling it up with whatever amount you have in the other one. maybe even have a bit spill out as we all tend to do when pouring something from one bottle to another without a funnel.
  13. chompster

    Damaged Items/Bags - Reduction of usable Slots

    love the idea, definitely hope it's something they'll take into consideration and add if possible. Beans for you my good sir!
  14. chompster

    Please Don't... Add a...

    Finding pieces of paper somewhere with a small "missions" or "quest" note left behind by someone describing what happened and that they left behind something(maybe very vaguely so you don't immediately know what it is) wouldn't be bad actually. Would actually give you an incentive to maybe go somewhere you usually never go. You shouldn't find like mountains of food, guns or ammo or anything. But maybe just a pack with some handy items or a dead player with some nice stuff (good for those not fully stacked yet) Even when the game finally releases it's going to get boring after awhile as you're fully stacked, have a car, base and helicopter as there really isn't anything else to do after that.
  15. Without moonlight or any other source of lighting, it really would be that dark. So it is realistic and as it should be. Having said that, i do agree that it isn't fun at all to play in. So for the sake of gameplay i would agree that it should be adjusted a little. If it isn't then people will just use gamma anyway..
  16. chompster

    Why can't The zombies be More Like This?

    i'd be all for it as long as it isn't like how they are in the mod. spazzy. glitchy. and ALL OF THEM run fast as fuck. that shit gets annoying so fast. having a variety of zombies would be great though. Some fast, others slow, others hop/crawl or "run" on all fours. Which, besides the hoppers maybe, you wouldn't really be able to tell apart. so there could be a horde standing somewhere and you would have no idea that 9/10 of those were sprinters. While another time only 1 or 2 are sprinters.
  17. chompster

    Bandits Bandits Bandits Bandits....

    Hopefully things will cool down as more zombies get added and weapons and (especially) ammo get more scarce. no. either join a RP group that has their own locked server, or play the game as it is and enjoy it for what it is(if possible). KoS/bandits are a well known fact and part of DayZ sadly you're going to have to live with that.
  18. chompster

    Bows, we need BOWS

    idk about bows, but a crossbow is definitely in the works http://www.dayzbuzz.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/07/ldirE7Yh.jpg really hope you'll be able to disable people by shooting them in the leg with it.
  19. chompster

    Add "quests" (not quests...ummm opportunities)

    no shit. nowhere did he say it should be added immediately. it's a suggestion for a reason, with the hope of it being added later on. i'm definitely hoping for those kind of "opportunities" could add a lot to what is otherwise a fairly boring and meaningless game.
  20. chompster

    Why do I wrap vitamins around my arm?

    bugs everywhere yay! the vitamins thing is weird, yes. hopefully they'll change it to you "drinking" it since taking a pill out with gloves on would be weird as well. and currently as far as i know they dont do jack shit. but i would assume they would help you not get sick very fast. antibiotics are just like the alcohol tincture right now, BUGGED. you get sick by using them, but since you used them they're healing your sickness. which you got from using it in the first place.. yeah.. just don't use them unless it tell you you're sick. but if you have don't worry it will slowly heal you and eventually you won't be sick anymore.
  21. no you can't. you need to be on steam, and you can't be on steam on 2 different PCs and have them both be online. so, no. you need to buy a second copy.
  22. chompster

    Bandit? Or just playing the game?

    QFT. But at least you had a reason and wasn't just doing it out of boredom (even then.. ehh, not like there's much else to do atm)
  23. chompster

    DayZ vehicles: complete list

    astounding list. really hope a majority of these are will make it in or something of the sort.
  24. chompster

    Doors- opening mechanism

    on the topic of doors.. door opening sounds? idk about you guys but not a single door in my house, friends houses or school make NO sound AT ALL. even if it was a slight clicking noise or a creak as it opens. i mean fuck, not only is it based on some russian-like country all the buildings look old as hell they have to make some kind of sound..