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Everything posted by chompster

  1. chompster

    What to expect in the next update

    New races? isn't pretty much everything covered? might be missing Latinos.. This would be a very satisfying patch and one to finally get me to play again.
  2. Size of the map also has a lot to do with it. Sure on foot it's fucking huge and takes forever to get anywhere even in a car, but give someone a helicopter that goes 200+ Kmph with nothing in it's way and all that is thrown out the window. Main issue i'd say is the poor graphical quality at far distances. makes it way too easy to see things.
  3. chompster

    Arma3 Third person fix mod...thoughts?

    Players being invisible until you have line of sight on them is the only real solution. The way that Arma3 mod did it. Not that i care, i simply stick to HC servers, and only play 3pp with my noob friends.
  4. chompster


    you answered your own question..
  5. chompster

    how do YOU use the...

    I'll just leave this here... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1nLRymWv-CA#t=82
  6. chompster

    Will the new AKM suck ?

    Cant comment on the way it handles until i actually use it. But we can be guaranteed to get the crappiest sound an AKM has ever gotten.
  7. chompster

    The AK Sound

    did you use the Mosin before the sound update? bashing a pot on the floor produced a more realistic sound that that did. Also the revolver sounds so damn weak in it's current state.
  8. chompster

    Lumberjacks: confirmed?

    We're getting beards..
  9. chompster


    A lot of games lack decapitation and dismemberment.. Dayz could also really do with it imo. Sadly that won't be happening. but yes more gore would be nice. proper gore. not those pathetic red smoke clouds we have now.
  10. chompster

    Stop With the "This is Russia BS"

    Arma2 and dayz might both be set in Chernarus, but they're both seperate universes. Just cus nato was in arma2, doesn't mean they were(in as large number) in Dayz's Chernarus as well.
  11. chompster

    Zombie's Health

    Played yesteday, hit a zombie in the head with a fire axe and all it did was knock him down for a second, then he got back up. took 2 more headshots to kill him.
  12. chompster

    Shitting confirmed.

    "I feel like taking a dump"
  13. chompster

    Night Time

    uhh.. play on a different server where it isn't night? But yeah night is pretty shit atm. flashlights suck as they don't have any illumination outside of the main focus point and they shine right through walls and buildings. Making it even easier for people to spot you.
  14. better Ai and heavy engine optimizations.
  15. chompster

    Your body Feels wet?

    For now nothing happens. But eventually my guess is that you'll get sick from it, and your clothes/gear will get damaged faster or go bad(?)
  16. chompster

    Shipwreck, am I the only one?

    huh.. i never have a problem with it. always know how to get back out. unless its night and i have no light then it can get tricky. but no issue during the day.
  17. chompster

    Wich vehicles do you want to see in the SA?

    Too bad for you, cus they are adding vehicles. thats a fact. you might enjoy running for hours on end taking forever to get anywhere, but most other people dont. and not sure if you noticed, but they're expanding the map to the north, so it'll only be getting bigger. sure sounds like fund running half an hour to get up there,,
  18. At the very least i hope it can be longer than 4 hours, which is annoyingly short.
  19. chompster

    New SMG Announced... Any guesses?

    hope it's either the PPSH41, bizon or the UZI. REALLY hope iti sn't the MP5.. wouldn't mind it coming in later but not as the first SMG.
  20. chompster

    Sneak peek on what's comming

    hmm.. very nice thanks.
  21. that's solid proof... how? how do you know he didn't just happen to log off there a few days ago and happened to have spawned in as you were there? you don't know. you just assume he's a hopper. He might have been, but you can't prove that.
  22. chompster

    Rolling Update Rev - 0.43.116251

    common misconception a lot of people seem to have. there are no zombies. they are infected. they are not dead. the Z in dayZ stands for Zero, not Zombie.
  23. chompster

    So, prone.

    this is how they've been doing it since arma 2, maybe even earlier. it's to compensate for the lack of grass visable at longer distances so you aren't complete exposed and there is still some sort of "cover"
  24. chompster

    Best Character Contest.

    I'm so hips.
  25. chompster

    ArmA 3 Stances in DayZ

    So it takes years of military training to be able to look over a wall just a few inches higher, or under a window frame? Makes all survivors sound pretty retarded. would happily welcome the stance system. have had plenty of situations where being to look a little lower, but not crouching as that would be too low, would have been greatly appreciated.