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Everything posted by chompster

  1. chompster

    Q3 Starts on July, Q2 development balance?

    Never said it was, but when you're at 1 out of 7 then things are out of whack. And exactly when did i claim to know anything about development timelines? is pulling things out your ass a hobby..? 2 years later, no vehicles, and you're still going "EHH YEAH WELL TIMELINEZ" You're probably under the complete assumption that i hate dayz and know nothing about early access and i should have never gotten it so early. When in fact, im having an amazing time. Just finished playing with 3 friends and had a intense, long lasting firefight in the military base near Stary. fuck that was fun. And after that super anxious moments raiding the NW tents when it was turning dark. So i am very much enjoying the game. But that doesn't mean we're suddenly all haters and whinners when we point out how off track the roadmap is. No roadmaps aren't promises, yes things change. But i just can't stand when things change THIS MUCH, and we're being left completely in the dark, and then people have the nerve to bitch at other that point out said valid FACTS about these changes.
  2. chompster

    Q3 Starts on July, Q2 development balance?

    facepalming at yourself or the dev team? cus that only backs the point up even more that they are NOWHERE NEAR having achieved any of that IN Q2 which is about to end. Irrelevant. We're pointing out that he didn't in his initial post(very first in this thread) because Caboose and some were accusing him of whining in said OP(post, not poster), which he didn't.
  3. chompster

    Q3 Starts on July, Q2 development balance?

    "aren't exactly" Oh boy that's quite the understatement there buddy. 1 out of 7(mentioned by the OP) isn't "aren't exactly" it's "Nowhere near" Exactly.. OP is stating FACTS. At no point whatsoever did the OP ever whine or even hint at the fact that he was dissatisfied. All he did was mention and then ask for our thoughts. Way to unnecessarily be a complete ass Caboose187..
  4. chompster

    Animal Locations

    boar at 070 060
  5. chompster

    How effective are the notes/paper?

    I always check them if i see one lying on the floor 9/10 are blank though. I won't bother writing anything until they add persistence.
  6. chompster

    Did The Newer Servers Reset Gear?

    sure you werent joining a HC and then a regular server?
  7. chompster


    works fine for me.
  8. chompster

    Animal Locations

    can confirm cows at 070 100. spotted 4 of them there.
  9. chompster

    Animal Locations

    spotted and killed a boar just outside of Grishino 060 056 http://cloud-4.steampowered.com/ugc/3260919109065620455/9C4D22B5C17BA7B794842542E36E96959DF57F95/ http://cloud-2.steampowered.com/ugc/3260919109065621756/0A5089BA1FBD472E5864F0EA0DC4D47BFA2AB2DF/
  10. chompster

    Loving the Amphibia S

    Weren't devs and players recently throwing a hissy fit over not wanting to add a certain type of ammunition because it was too similar to one that was already in? I actually highly doubt they'll add any special ammunition for silenced weapons
  11. chompster

    Animal Locations

    I ran into 2 deer at the barns next to the factory above Solnichniy
  12. chompster

    Any News on Global Chat?

  13. chompster

    REALLY NEEDED Opening and close Door Sound Effect !

    without a doubt.
  14. chompster

    What happened to utes

    watch the video a few posts up. It shows utes in it just off the coast of skalisti. probably about 1.5-2km?
  15. chompster

    Health and medical supplies

    Pretty sure the answer to all of those is.. Not yet.
  16. I fully agree that the amount of food is far to high, especially canned food which should be a precious resource, but a 90% reduction? that would bring the game borderline close to not being fun anymore. UNLESS they tweak the starvation/dehydration rate to balance it out. Which really needs to happen before food amount gets reduced. Even with hunting in exp, there's no way to sustain yourself with how often you need to eat and drink.
  17. I'd only agree if the frequency of needing to eat and drink were made realistic then. Though i wouldn't mind a minor food reduction, removing 90% of the food sounds like an incredibly dumb thing to do at this stage.
  18. They got me good with this a few days ago, message was "i feel like someone is watching me.." i'll tell ya, had me looking around frantically and i fucking ran the hell away from where i was.
  19. OPs example aside, they do have ridiculously good senses. Even when not shooting, They tend to aggro you from over 300m. But yeah, answer is no they wont. Hopefully line of sight will have something to do with the solution as well..
  20. chompster

    Fishing Guide/Tutorial (Exp 0.45.12499 )

    Really nice, thanks a lot!
  21. chompster

    Is character movement too responsive ?

    As just a few have mentioned before, momentum is the word you're looking for. The complete lack of any kind of momentum is what makes movement so incredibly unrealistic. Especially when moving around as you stand still. A fatigue system alone isn't going to change anything, momentum needs to be added to the movement to get rid of everyone being the flash.
  22. chompster

    what would you do in this scenario

    pretty sure he'd have plenty if he's fully geared.. Unless i had any business around where he is, i'd avoid him completely.
  23. chompster

    What to expect in the next update

    No, These guys:
  24. chompster

    Arma3 Third person fix mod...thoughts?

    Fixed that for you buddy. alternative to what exactly? it's the Solution to the 3pp exploit.