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About broadside

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  1. broadside

    Semi-immersive Let's Play

    I'll be experimenting with more dramatic sequences once I've a few episodes under my belt, thanks for the advice and I'm glad you enjoyed the video! I'll definitely be looking to have people join me as I advance through this series, I'll drop you a PM. I reduced a few things for the second episode and it seems to have done the trick, what do you think?
  2. broadside

    Semi-immersive Let's Play

    Hi all, Come with me on a journey of discovering what not to do during the Zombie apocalypse! Barely Coherent Productions embarks on a semi-immersive Let's Play of DayZ Standalone where I stumble about in the wilds of Chernarus trying not to die. Enjoy!
  3. Not at all dude, sorry if that didn't come across clear. It was aimed at all the insta-flame responses on the first page.
  4. The stupidity of some people is baffling. Why reply to a thread if you don't even read the opening post? It gives off the impression you're all 12 year old pump-n-grunts who are too eager to get your jumbled opinions in before anyone else regardless of their relevance.
  5. broadside

    Feeling naive on my "no KoS" policy

    My gun is insurance. Long before I consider talking to someone over DC, it's aimed at them, usually from a position where they have their back facing me. They get a friendly reminded not to turn around but they can move their head. Stow their weapon and we can be the best of friends. If they ignore me, I move off and leave them to it. If they turn around, they get a round. Yes, I'm friendly, but I'm not so trusting. It's called survival, I play it as a survival game so the longer I can keep a single character alive, that's me winning my game. 8 days I've kept this dude alive for and I'll be damned if I'm gonna lose him any time soon. I'd suggest making sure you have the advantage in a situation before revealing yourself dude, that is, if you want to stay a friendly person and not just devolve to shooting everything on sight.
  6. broadside

    where are all the heros?

    Our group the [MISFITS] are an odd bunch. There's about 8 of us scattered about and have very different styles of play. Some of us help others, some ignore and stick to being bear grylls and some kill on sight for the sheer sake of it. When we are together, there is an interesting dynamic that helps keep us alive. The heroes of the group stick together and pool resources, helping those that need it and making sure the entire group is well stocked on food, water and meds. The survivalists (myself included) scout out towns and villages, keep tabs on the entire area as a scouting party. We keep in communication with each other at all times and establish meeting points (example: Church in 5mins), but the kill on sight dudes? Well, they have their place in our group. They protect the medics. They have seriously itchy trigger fingers, so if anyone gets past us scouts with the intention of not being friendly they slip their leash and pump the guy full of lead. We've lost one player in 8 days playing like this, just one and that was a scout, who we expect to be the ones to die first. We've helped about 10 new players find their feet. Us heroes are about, don't lose faith. If you can't find a hero, be one.
  7. I second the title change dude, evidently people don't read anymore. You're totally right about it the being the little things that make the game. Me and the lads holed up in a house to bandage, re-coop after a bit of a firefight with some other dudes and the loot spawns were placed pretty perfectly. Cereal and a banana on the table, cans in the cupboard. Discarded clothes and boots upstairs by the bed. What really set off the feeling of that house being occupied tough was the massive struggle stain of blood at the foot of the stairs and all the hand prints in it. You can even see that whoever died tried to smear HELP into the blood. It suddenly made the immersion factor sky rocket, this wasn't just a loot location, for us, it was someones house who woke up sleepily from their bed, came down the stairs to eat a nice breakfast only to be pulled apart and killed savagely in their hallway. Have my beans.
  8. Why do I not shoot on sight? Because there's no risk involved. I play this game for the risk factor, the thing that gets my heart pumping. You place your trust in a complete stranger not to kill you because that is what trust is, the inability to know what the other intends. It's paid off for me and I now have a solid system for confrontation and I've not been shot yet because of it (8 day old Character and counting). KoS is the easiest and safest way to play the game, sure, but I don't want simple and safe.
  9. broadside

    Played for an hour or so today and...

    I play Day-Z the exact same way I play STALKER. If I have a rifle with more than 10 rounds and a backpack I don't need anything but water, food and exploration. I only open fire on another soul when they force me to out of sheer ignorance.
  10. broadside

    Did I do the right thing?

    I always give them a chance. Directional chat is simply the best tool for diplomacy because bullets = time. If I can get him to holster his weapon and walk in the opposite direction to me without him knowing where I am, then that's the best encounter I can have in this game. Even if I drop off perishables for a new player, I make sure their hands are in the air and they don't move as I'm just too paranoid to trust anyone I'm not in constant voice comm's with. Doesn't make me shoot on sight, because I don't need to. In your situation it was a pretty easy choice, he was a very relevant threat and that threat needed to be removed. I'd have shot him too, if I were in that situation and I ALWAYS feel bad for killing someone as I'm a genuinely nice guy but survival is paramount. Unless, you know, they're dicks.
  11. broadside

    The true reason behind KoS

    Yerp, hanging around Balota, Cherno and Elektro (at a stretch) is guaranteed to get you killed. Once I head north, the furthest south I'll go is Zelenogorsk. Hit Kamenka, run north, fully geared in 15 minutes. From that point I just like to explore, find my friends and teach them how to use a map (always hilarious and frustrating at the same time) and observe other players. I rarely kill anyone. If someone shoots at me, I'll take him down, basic logic but if someone doesn't see me, but I'm observing them, I'm happy to let them be on their way and enjoy their game. If I feel actively threatened, I'll kill another survivor, but it's never for giggles or for wanton murder and that's how I play my game.
  12. I followed a dude in Cherno for 15 minutes today, killing all the zombies following him as silently as I could with my axe, elevating myself with my M4 to watch his back as he looted and kept to his flanks in the open ground to avoid detection while he figured out the best places to hide. All without him knowing I was there. Felt good to help someone like that.