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About sweaper

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. Thank you, makes perfect sense. I'll find a steeper slope when prone to rectify the problem. Thank you very, very much :)
  2. From my experience, grunting is from pain, it naturally subsides with time. Painkillers can help. You may also have an infected wound which also subsides with time and it doesn't always show that its infected immediately.
  3. So I have a m4a1 and I'm just practicing using it the now. When I am prone however, my bullets seem to be hitting the ground directly in front of me instead of 200 m in the distance. When i crouch I have no problem. If it helps, my M4A1 layout: -Suppressor 556 (worn) -ATLAS Bipod (pristine) -ACOG Optics test (pristine) -M4 Buttstock CQB (pristine) -M4 Handguard MP (worn) -30Rnd STANAG (coupled) (pristine) P.S. I have tried the search function but could not find any similar problems, sorry if this is obvious!