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General Desire

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About General Desire

  • Rank
    Woodland Warrior

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  • Gender
  • Location
    Hamburg, Germany
  1. General Desire

    Never trust a f*cking newspawn haha

    Was that you? :D I'm sorry! And Kichilron, I'd say 'Never trust a German in general', but I guess we just have to put up with them ;)
  2. General Desire

    Never trust a f*cking newspawn haha

    Oh no I don't let it ruin my experience, this is just the game :)
  3. General Desire

    Never trust a f*cking newspawn haha

    Oooh, love this game ^^ Yesterday I got fully geared because some fully geared dude with broken legs gave me all his stuff. SKS with tons of ammo. I ran towards Elektro cause I hadn't seen people in a long time, but in the firestation my game froze, I could only move forward and strafe left/right, but no aiming. So I just quit. Started again today, heard 3 fully geared men, I climbed up the tall chimney, and even though I'm normally not the bad guy, I've been killed by being friendly too often so I decided to just go rambo on their asses. Shot them all 3, but heard them laughing while dying so I guess they didn't mind. There was still a dude in the bushes somewhere and while coming down I took a hit. Took a long time waiting and checking stuff out, ran towards their bodies but everything was ruined cause I'm such a bad shooter. In the fire department I saw 2 newspawns, they screamed friendly friendly and hell, I'm not going to shoot an unarmed guy. They raised their hands and watched how I tried to loot someone, then got shot all over. First I was unconscious, they were giggling how this was very nicely done etc, so either they had a hidden pistol or they had a buddy in the hills. I gotta give it to them, nicely executed. Then I was dead. I respawned not near, but IN elektro, so I immediately ran back there, there were still 2 newspawns, not sure if they were the same, anyway, I was fully looted, so were the guys I killed. We were still being shot at though and the three for us were kinda running between bullets and zombies. Not sure how, but I managed to climb on the factory opposite of the fire department and there was a guy with just a mosin, an axe and a 60 ammo M4 clip lying on the roof, obviously eyeing on us. I ran to him, knocked him unconscious, grabbed his mosin and ran. Hahaha, I felt so badass for knocking out a guy with my bare fists :') I thought of shooting those newspawns but since I was not sure they were the little brats that grabbed my stuff (I don't think so cause they were naked again, and I doubt they were traffickers for some important druglord), I just kept running, not looking back. Again, never trust a newspawn!!
  4. General Desire

    Random reset to previous position, game stuck

    Chill out bro. Stuck =/= suck. No one's ranting or complaining, just pointing out bugs and asking for advice or solutions.
  5. General Desire

    Random reset to previous position, game stuck

    This isn't rubberbanding. Rubberbanding just flashes you back a couple meters and let's you keep on walking.
  6. Hi, I've been having this issue too often lately, making it impossible for me to play. Every 10-15 minutes, unless extremely lucky, I teleport to previous spot. Often where I loaded the game or spawned. I am then unable to move and need to Alt F4 and reboot the game to continue. However, since this has been happening over an over again I kind of lost the appetite to play. Having to run all the way to Elektro every time, only to respawn before you're there is not fun ;) It's not respawn by the way, if I use an item or I fix hunger e.g., that doesn't come back. So it is only the position that is changed. Any idea? I don't think there's been a patch since the one nearly a week ago, right? Because I have had succesful games since then. Cheers!
  7. I have died already in the meanwhile ;( Shortest play ever. Spawned behind that prison where the server disco'd, wanted to walk in, but I saw the doors were closed. In stead of being smart, I ran in and got shot right between the eyes by a yellow raincoat crouching in the corner. Doh!
  8. Yesterdag evening I logged out, close to Balota. Logging in today, I started with doing some looting in the tents, and proceeded to the airfield. Scouting with my Mosin with uberobvious non-functional bayonet on my back and my M4 with red dot sight in hand, I crossed the strip. Nothing special in the prison on the east, and finally found some magnum ammo in the ATC tower. On to the prison on the other end of the strip. Closed the doors, looked around, and heard a shot. I yelled, "Don't shoot man, I'm friendly. I'm downstairs", thinking he was up. Carefully looked in all the rooms, no one there. By this time I was getting seriously paranoid. Didn't see anything outside the windows but I heard another 6-7 shots, this time clearly outside on the northwest end. I tried to get a better look through the windows. Nothing. I'm sure I've been inside for nearly 20 minutes, yet those minutes were more exciting than a 20 minute BF match. Time to #yolo. I opened the doors, ran outside and immediately took a left, going round the building. There he was, proned in the grass with army backpack and ballistic helmet. There was another man next to him. Dead, as a result of those 6-7 shots. I didn't hesitate, this fella was up to no good. The only other time I tried to shoot someone with an M4 I was Rambo-ing it all up and probably didn't hit a thing. Now I changed me zero to 50, crouched, lifted the gun and shot in burst of 2-3 bullets. He was dead, right after he turned around and looked in my direction. My irl heart raced. I ran to his body immediately, a mistake I will never make again. Looking through his stuff I wondered why the hell someone would carry that much ammo. So far I've always made sure I had a large magazine and some bullets, this guy collected everything, from bullets to non-functional scopes. I suddenly realized I had been standing there a bit too long, and seeing how I mainly had food, water and soda, I quickly swapped my large 35 slot green backpack for his army one, when someone opened fire on me. I ran away, strafing between the bullets of this lousy shooter, and managed to get my way back in the building. Not the best hiding spot of course. The guy I killed had a buddy, determined to take me down. I was bleeding, and it took a while for my bandages to finally apply, something I accredit to the server I suppose. Again, nothing through the windows. I ran out back in a large loop again, and 15 minuted later saw the bodies in the distance. I approached carefully, but got shot at again, this time not being hit. I saw the smokeparticles, so I had an idea where this shooter would have been. I ran away, taking a larger detour and hiding in one of the buildings between balota and the big city up north. I ate all the painkillers, foods and soda I had, hoping for a stop to all this grunting. I went back round tying to take down the second gunner, mainly because I wanted to spend more time looting, and I wanted my food and waterbottles back. By the time I was near where I thought it was, the server disconnected. I will spawn somewhere in Balota, with a screen which I'm afraid can turn grey any moment. I still have some meds and bloodbags, but the Saline IV was in the backpack I left with the dead bodies. I'm afraid I will have to find a good soul who wants to bloodbag me. I think I played for roughly 1.5-2 hours. Not much happened, but what a suspense. What a game. I'm embarrassed to say that my last two nights were occupied by dreaming about a zombie apocalypse. General Desire out.
  9. General Desire

    Will somebody please come save me?

    Take of your pants and go for it.
  10. General Desire

    gate opening sounds ? QUESTION

    Yeah I feel like the gate sound is the most frequent. Yesterday I ran from 2 zombies and since then I heard the zombie sound every 20 seconds for like half an hour. Very disturbing :p
  11. General Desire

    I'm a dirty little hoarder

    Yeah besides this I had 100 mosin bullets as well.. :) Backpacks are huge. I reached the NW Airfield, there was tons of stuff, also found a pistol, a magnum (so decided to throw away food and stuff!), then got killed out of nowhere in an open field (not at the airfield :() And I know I shouldn't take so much food, I just do cause I'm scared at some point I won't find anything lol.
  12. General Desire

    change name

    I had the weirdest thing. I had a Steam account with some games, but forgot the login info. The remember password mail wouldn't arrive, I didn't want to wait so I made a new account to buy DayZ. I login on Steam using the new account and open DayZ like that, and, guess what; my character has the name of my other Steam account :/
  13. General Desire

    I'm a dirty little hoarder

    I was just there in hopes of a better life but there was NOTHING O,o and if there's anything, it's spawned in the floor and you can't get it... BTW, random piece of info, just had the same bug twice; running along the NW airfield, on the little dirtroad that comes from the east. At some point I get sent back to the little village, mustve been at the same location twice, can not have been coincidence... I dont want to enter it from the east side lol, I suck at confrontations :') Third time, and not completely unimportant; you can not move when it happens so basically you have to alt f4
  14. General Desire

    Zeroing a gun/scope

    Is this a real process and if so, how do you do it (in particular the PU Scope)? Or is it just a "term" for shooting at a tree or a can of beans and then kinda figuring out from that where you actually have to aim if you want the bullet to go in a certain direction? Cheers
  15. General Desire

    My first 24 hours

    Hehe, welcome :) I've only been hanging here for a while (and haven't played as much as you in 3 days lol..) but it's a nice community here.