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About Dyre

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  1. Dyre

    Pending Hotfix: Build

    Thanks so much for introducing the melee as quite a few of us suggested. <3 Time to go test it out. EDIT: Considering the amount of of people QQing about being defenceless from spawn, maybe rocket deemed the melee addition critical to hold off the constant whining. ;D Even if we don't spawn with melee, finding a hatchet is easy enough (easier than a gun).
  2. Either, I think. I used the mirror and just got the code file (the only thing that's been updated). Also Six-updater thingie. Mine and my buddy's experience with that program is rather poor though.
  3. 1. Let us eat raw meat, but give it a 30-40% chance of causing infection. Raw meat is edible and can be quite safe to eat (but since this is an infected wasteland...), so it bugs me that we HAVE to cook it. 2. We need ponies Make the alternate skins adjust our invisible player stats versus zombies. (EG: Ghillie suit= -1 visibility [unless in urban area?], +1 noise; Camo suit= -1 visibility [unless in urban area?], +1 torso defence, -1 run speed?) That question: Since I never seem to have the right tools/be in the right place, does anyone know if you can cook meat on warehouse/factory fire thingies or the fire barrels in Cherno? If not, I'd like to add this to my list as well.
  4. This'll probably get overlooked, but be sure to check zombies for food/soda/empty canteens when you kill them. That's where I got my precious beans, coke and canteen from. :O My buddy found a coke in some barn or something so it seems like the %s are just mussed somewhere (though I guess someone could have foolishly dropped their coke for something else). Oh man the epic amounts of tools. <3
  5. And then when you get a rifle and put it on your back in a ghillie suit, suddenly you're a walking loot pile. Why'd I have to die to zombies of all things and lose my ghillie D: (then again, there were like 50 of them and it was night...) Totally can't see him in the second pic. D:
  6. Just a simple idea that may help with some load issues or at least keeping people from going into XYZ server only to discover something they care about is disabled, the time is wrong, the server is an old version, etc. and disconnecting. Something like: Name [DayZ ver./Beta ver.][+/-X GMT/UTC][CH:ON/OFF][3DP:ON/OFF][MM:ON/OFF][NT:ON/OFF] Hosted by XXXX [DayZ ver./Beta ver.] = EX: [] [+/-X GMT/UTC] = server time setting IN GAME. Not the timezone of the server computer. No one cares about that. [CH:ON/OFF] = Crosshairs on/off [3DP:ON/OFF] = 3rd Person view on/off [MM:ON/OFF] = Map markers on/off (working hud display, not just the marker placeable) [NT:ON/OFF] = Name tags on/off No, "Regular", "Veteran", and "Hardcore" don't tell you anything. It SHOULD, especially if the server has it in their title, but it doesn't. I've been on "regular" servers with no crosshairs for example. Also a small, slightly related plea: Even if we can't have consistent server titles, please change current server names to be accurate/make sense. ._. I've seen many servers with these follies: "REQUIRES BETA XXXXXX" -requires 1.6; "BETA 93825" -requires older beta; "Regular" -has nametags + crosshairs disabled; "XXXX east coast server -5GMT [stuff things] +12GMT" -what the hell?
  7. Is it okay to post bugs about gender selection with the new version of DayZ, now? Since you get a choice every time you respawn and whatnot. Or is it still known to be broken? I just noticed that selecting female totally doesn't work--you stay male. :o
  8. Didn't read through the entire thread, so I'm not sure if someone mentioned this but you can get to the island with a gun (at least in my experience). At the very least, a Makarov doesn't drop into the ocean (not sure about other pistols--I think primaries or maybe guns you're not holding drop; ammo doesn't seem to drop), so if someone's super sneaky and swims over, they could kill everyone, loot some stuff and steal a vehicle.
  9. After FishIsTwonk's post, I want to clarify that I think you shouldn't be able to choose where you spawn either. Just the idea of it being more likely to spawn near others.
  10. I thought raytracing was a lighting thing as well-- "confirmed" by wikipedia (lulls). Maybe rocket just used the wrong word to describe the problem?
  11. I've yet to ride in a MOVING vehicle and have only found 2 in playing for a week+. One was a boat out in the ocean out of fuel... no way to get fuel to it. Another was an ATV that had a damaged hull (which I fixed) and a missing engine block (or something), which my buddy and I had no way to fix. The only other vehicle I've seen drove past me in Elektro at night and drew even more zombies into aggroing me. T_T SO, as someone with minimal vehicle contact, I still feel perfectly fine about your group having ~6 vehicles, especially since you guys seem fully legit about it. I think it doesn't bother me because it's 2 people per car, but even if it wasn't, I feel it's still pretty realistic to the whole post apocalyptic thing. I mean if some group had the resources to get vehicles, fix them up and successfully take them away wherever, they totally would. If ONE GROUP ends up with ALL the vehicles in the area, yes it sucks for the rest of the people in the area, but nothing is stopping them from trying to find those vehicles and stealing them--or trying to become part of that group that has all the vehicles. I'm happy about the changes though. I don't like the idea of abandoned vehicles (probably outside the map) never being found and thus never being used again being unavailable and like the idea of unused vehicles dying and respawning. :>
  12. Dyre

    Build 1.7.1 Rolling Update

    I read that several people has the same problem with the 1.7.1. Anyway im in the map again now. Just to let you know rocket. If you spawn in the "Wilderness" (sucks for you), all you have to do is run east along the coast for a while. You'll hit Kamenkha(sp?). No need to change servers. I spawned in the wilderness 3 lives in a row. It totally sucked. >_<;(especially since spawning so far made me impatient and reckless and caused me to die again and again rofl~)
  13. @Castle Good to know. I don't have to worry about it with the main person I play with since we're on the same IP + don't really have connection issues. I'll be careful when playing with my Euro-buddy though. D: