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About servicestud

  • Rank
    Woodland Warrior
  1. servicestud

    20 rules of DayZ

    Rule 2x: Don't even TRY to play the game in its current state, even IF (and that's a big if) you succeed you will be disappointed. The hype was generated by previous versions where the mod was either a) new, or B) in a still-playable (albeit buggy) state. Play now and you will have fun for 15 mins (about the time it takes to install) Whereafter hacks, glitches, failures to connect and various other errors will make you question your will to live. I had fun because I got in (and out) before the hax. And "Loading".
  2. servicestud


    Loading... Please look at above word for a day or so. This has been my day. I had fun. RIP
  3. servicestud

    AS50 TWS (hacker found dead)

  4. Yeah, it is sad that your society is so fucked up. In the civilized part of he world, we don't need to carry guns and the homeless are homeless because of mental illness or choice, not poverty. Go ahead, enjoy being "world leader" while your country is in a freefall. Also: STANAG SD plz.
  5. servicestud

    Servers randomly teleporting people?

    HanoverFist, you may want to stop with the thinking, seems you are not equipped for it. OP: Welcome to DayZ. Unfortunately, the game is no longer worth playing since any equipment can and will be randomly stripped from you by hackers mass killing everyone. I suggest you try out Vanilla ArmA II or one of the many other excellent mods. Personally, I'd recommend Project Reality or Vietnam: The Experience.
  6. On STEAM = F12 Not on STEAM = RTFM
  7. servicestud

    C/D Winchester = best gun in game

    Lee Enfield all the way. It only has one real downside and that is the sound. It summons ever single zombie and half the players on the map.
  8. Oh, I see what OP is doing using a new post for every sentence, Postcount++ Clever!
  9. servicestud

    This game is prone to Hackers! Get rid of it!

    Oh. Well I am sorry then. English is a second language to me so I make an actual effort when communicating.
  10. servicestud

    This game is prone to Hackers! Get rid of it!

    Well you said: If you get rid of the game, isn't that basically the same as stopping development? And later: Again, getting rid of the game is hardly the solution.
  11. servicestud

    This game is prone to Hackers! Get rid of it!

    Wait, what? You made maps for the francise for a long time so you obviously care about it. Why then suggest dropping development of the most popular mod because of hackers? Wouldn't it be better to try to remedy the situation?
  12. servicestud

    This game is prone to Hackers! Get rid of it!

    Um, how about YOU get rid of it? Read a bit or GTFO, plz. Or are you offering to create a hacker-proof engine that can handle the scale of ArmA2's maps and recode the mod? In that case, I am sure Rocket would be interested in hearing what you have to say. To be honest, I am confuzzled as to what you are trying to achieve here. Get rid of the game? You realize that the mod is nothing without it, right? Are you saying that Rocket should stop development and we should all uninstall because you had a bad experience? Here's a suggestion: Next time you ragequit and head to the forums to mash your forehead on the keyboard in frustration, don't. Sit a bit and think. What are you trying to achieve? How might you word your post in order to meet your objective? What do you imagine the response will be? I think this might lead to better responses to your "posts" and it would certainly improve the atmosphere in here a bit.
  13. servicestud

    Why this mod is failing

    Wait, your idea of "shortening it up" is to quote his entire wall of text and add a single line?
  14. servicestud

    New Dayz Developer

    Blizzard, really? I would be mighty peeved if Blizz turned my fave "Zombie" survival game into a cartoonish kiddie-fest. But to each his own, I guess.
  15. servicestud

    please do not abuse my tents :(

    Some people just want to see the world burn. Personally, I take what I need and feck off but it is up to personal preference, really.