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About PoweredBySoy

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  1. PoweredBySoy

    Sensitivity Broken for Anyone Else?

    Came here to post this. While acceleration seems to be gone, it's now entirely too sensitive. One swipe of my QcK mousepad will perform multiple 360's in game. In-game X and Y sensitivity is turned all the way down. Optical mouse DPI is set at 1800 and Windows sensitivity is at about 3. These settings are certainly not abnormal, and if anything they're low. I'd rather have the old mouse-look back. I'll check back for hopefully a fix.
  2. PoweredBySoy

    7 of us wiped out by a single teleporter.

    Well, maybe the V formation just isn't as strong as you thought?
  3. PoweredBySoy

    Mosin Compensators

    I can't find a picture, but there's like 3 or 4 of them in Svetlojarsk. They're small - roughly the size of a train car - with 3 sets of doors on the front.
  4. PoweredBySoy

    Mosin Compensators

    Yeah, I just found one tonight in the storage sheds (3 double doors). Here's a questions though: what do they do?
  5. PoweredBySoy

    The grass problem

    Yep, was just about to post this. It worked really well.
  6. PoweredBySoy

    your choice in weapons?

    Question about melee weapons: Is there any of the one-handed weapons that is better than the others? I realize they all suck, and I can only assume that will be addressed in a future patch, but any one that sucks less?
  7. PoweredBySoy

    KOS HQ

    KoS in airfields and MB's. That's just the way its gotta be. Other than that I'll try to figure out if you're friendly or not.
  8. PoweredBySoy

    Relog timer has to be reworked

    But it doesn't punish equally. It punishes those wanting to hop from server to server considerably more. Do back-to-back disconnects happen, thereby punishing the innocent? Sometimes.
  9. PoweredBySoy

    Mosin Compensators

    I can't even find a Mosin anymore. I have a friend who says he found one in the piano bar though..... Is that the only place they spawn now?
  10. PoweredBySoy

    Broken leg with no morphine

    lmao. I think this is my fate.
  11. PoweredBySoy

    Broken leg with no morphine

    I'm pretty accepting of the jank in DayZ, but the fact that this predicatment exists is pretty ridiculous. I went up a steep stairway and while I was on the second floor all of a sudden my character grunts and drops to the ground. I can no longer move except by crawling. I've been told my leg is broken and that I need morphine. Of course I have no morphine, and now I have no way of searching for any. The 'respawn' button is also grayed out so I can't suicide the character. Am I missing something to help me out of this situation, or am I destined to wander the apocolypse on my ass?
  12. PoweredBySoy

    Persistence of dropped gear

    It often takes 15-20 seconds, but I've never had something NOT appear. Move around a bit, make sure you're just not missing it. Oh, and i read to not drop stuff on upper floors of bulidings, as it can fall through the geometry.