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Everything posted by Mdogg2005

  1. DAT TEXT DOE Edit: after actually reading your post, I gotta say that's pretty dumb. I play on 1PP only as well but I think if people like 3PP they should be able to play it. To each their own. In no way does it affect you. Comic Sans.
  2. Mdogg2005

    Dayz Steam Trading Cards

    I didn't oppose anything. I said they're pointless. Which they are. Fun to collect for some? Okay cool, but they serve no practical purpose.
  3. Mdogg2005

    beards and stuff

  4. Mdogg2005

    Goodbye Dayz

    Isn't that what usually happens?
  5. @OP: <--------------------- ------------------------------> CoD that way Battlefield that way
  6. Mdogg2005

    Steam Achievements

    This is a joke, right? .....right?
  7. Mdogg2005

    Is circlestrafing/zigzagging ever going to be fixed?

    Ummm strafing: <----- -----> Serpentine: \ \ \ / / / \ \ \
  8. Mdogg2005

    Dayz Steam Trading Cards

    Yeah because Steam cards have a point. lol wtf
  9. Mdogg2005

    Is Dayz over?

    Umm excuse me but WarZ was in development for 6 years before DayZ mod released. DayZ copied WarZ. Sergey is the revolutionary, not Dean. huehuehue
  10. Mdogg2005

    Goodbye Dayz

    I wish I could give you negative beans. You had no reason to kill him and he was probably on cloud nine since he met someone who didn't kill him on sight. Fucking scumbag. This was a great story too until that 2nd to last paragraph.
  11. Mdogg2005

    Calm the hell down about Dean allready....

    You must be new here.
  12. Mdogg2005

    Grimey Rick standing down from DayZ within a year.

    I need to stop checking these forums while at work. I laughed uncontrollably at that shit lol
  13. Mdogg2005

    Goodbye Dayz

    I have more than he does. Yes it's necessary. A few for home defense, even more for recreational shooting. Hell I just bought 3 more since Dec 15. ^_^
  14. Mdogg2005


    You answered your own question within the question itself. It's because that's what streamers and youtubers do. Therefore the people who bought this game because everyone else they knew bought it, or because the streamer they like bought it, does this and thinks it's what the game is about. To most people this game is basically beach warfare and people run at you with their fists up "because yolo."
  15. Mdogg2005

    Ok so now what?

    Right. I actually enjoy trying to stay alive as long as possible either with myself or with a friend or two. We never go near the coast because it's almost always a death sentence. I don't snipe in this game - I see no reason to. But on more than one occasion I've been shot dead from a mile away so I just avoid it these days.
  16. Mdogg2005

    beards and stuff

    I like having my beard. Until it itches. Or until I have to shave it. Or until my girlfriend makes me shave it. My girlfriend doesn't like my beard. But I like my beard. You see my dilemma.
  17. Mdogg2005

    Is Dayz over?

    Yes it's over we're all in the matrix and they're about to pull the plug. It's the end of DayZ.... heuehuheueheuheuheueheuheuhuehue
  18. Mdogg2005

    Calm the hell down about Dean allready....

    Whine-ception. The struggle is real.
  19. Mdogg2005

    Grimey Rick standing down from DayZ within a year.

    How did Minecraft end up? O.o
  20. Mdogg2005

    Just wanted to share this

    DayZ logic. "I killed that guy on sight because he was scavenging in that place. He must have been a bandit."
  21. Mdogg2005

    Calm the hell down about Dean allready....

    This thread is just as bad as people making threads about Dean leaving. Edit: td;dr, inb4lock, etc.
  22. Mdogg2005

    beards and stuff

    I want beards too. brb better make another thread about it.
  23. Mdogg2005

    Ok so now what?

    Once I get fully decked out I don't go "help people at the coast" I hang out up north and survive. Finding food, ridding the world of zombies, etc.
  24. Mdogg2005

    "Flawed Concept" - Discuss

    I was trolling to be ironic, sorry T. <3