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Everything posted by Mdogg2005

  1. Mdogg2005

    The Ruger MKII Is Coming, But Whats It Like?

    omg dayz is a warz clone. unsubbed. I love .22 weapons in games like this. Can't wait to try em out. And to people who say that these can't kill someone... please do some research.
  2. Mdogg2005

    Rain Needs To Be Turned Down.

    I laughed way too hard at this.
  3. Mdogg2005

    Server login timer is F***ed.

    god dam
  4. Mdogg2005

    Rain Needs To Be Turned Down.

    I love the rain. Basically what OP is saying "WAAAH I WANT TO CAMP ELECTRO BUT CAN'T BECAUSE MY SIGHTS ARE OBSTRUCTED DUE TO RAIN" The weather is great. It's functional and aesthetically different and pleasing.
  5. Mdogg2005

    The day in the life of an utter expert

    lmao same. 000000000.1 is still just 0.1 I think he may have meant 0.00000000000001%
  6. Mdogg2005

    Easter Eggs? Aliens? Mysteries? [Official]

    Wasn't this noticed in like December?
  7. Mdogg2005

    Is duping still in this game?

    I think this is accurate, though I'm not sure. But yes, I'm almost certain that either by in-game duping means or 3rd party scripts / programs, duping is still 100% possible for those little pecker cheaters who need to dupe to play.
  8. Mdogg2005

    Cut Down The HC Servers In Experimental

    Since this thread has devolved into a 3PP vs 1PP topic.... and and I agree that the amount of servers on experimental should be reduced so that there are less servers that include more players per server, but as far as the fucking bullshit 1PP vs 3PP topic is concerned, I once again have nothing to say except "shut the fuck up." Play how you want, and don't worry about how others play. I play on 1PP only servers - do you see me bitching about 3PP exploiting? No. Because it doesn't affect me - and as far as those servers are concerned, it's not even exploiting since EVERYONE CAN DO IT. God DAMN.
  9. Mdogg2005

    How to balance sniper rifles.

    Meh they won't need to hop in private hive.. Servers that spawned you in with a full loadout in the mod made me so upset to see. I betcha they'll be here too at some stage.
  10. Mdogg2005

    I don't understand this game.

    See how adding fists to the game changes everything? Average life of a player was just over an hour in the mod. If you found a zombie before you found a weapon you were really in some deep trouble. In this game it's just a joke.
  11. Mdogg2005

    Fix the loot.

    "omg no loot in one of the most looted towns on the map - fix the fucking loot plis" LOL Edit: Also the amount of time you'd have needed to spend there to starve is so long not even a facepalm will do justice here. If by after 30 minutes you've discovered the place picked dry, why didn't you move on? Also not to mention "hurr durr it's a survival game loot should be rare"
  12. Mdogg2005

    Riddeled with cheaters

    omg so many hax0rz
  13. Mdogg2005

    How to balance sniper rifles.

    Server hoppers called - they want to know what the word "rare" means.
  14. Mdogg2005

    Player Stats

    This. Though I did like the stats from the mod. Time survived, zombies killed, players killed, maybe.
  15. Agreed. I can't actually believe that there's a thread complaining about not being able to VAULT with BROKEN LEGS.....
  16. Mdogg2005

    Experimental - New melee animation.

    Learn to read.
  17. Mdogg2005

    Experimental - New melee animation.

    I'm guessing everyone who posted after this didn't even bother to read that it's a known issue.
  18. Basically what Valadain said. It's not always better. Plus in a game like this you pretty much don't need 2 rifles ever.
  19. Mdogg2005

    getting wet for...?

    Can't agree more.
  20. Mdogg2005

    One other person on the server and he killed me

    I wholeheartedly agree with this.
  21. Mdogg2005

    One other person on the server and he killed me

    1 other person in the server and you go to one of the hottest pvp spots on the map. Great job. :thumbsup:
  22. My mistake, I went full troll at a counter e-peen. Apologies.