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Everything posted by Mdogg2005

  1. Mdogg2005

    We NEED some way to identify heros and bandits.

    So you posted in the thread about the topic, saying that you used quotes and ideas from said thread to make ANOTHER thread of your own about the same topic........................................................
  2. Mdogg2005

    Hero/Bandit system made by the players

    Do we really need another one of these threads? Why not post this in one of the 1,000+ others on the same topic?
  3. When I first started playing I loaded into a random server. Just finished installing the game. I had no idea where I was. I went to go adjust my volume settings and heard a zombie and a gunshot. Shit my pants and closed my game.
  4. This. This is why I get frustrated with these forums and why I post things like my previous post in here.
  5. Mdogg2005

    likely item locations

  6. Mdogg2005

    We NEED some way to identify heros and bandits.

    People need to stop with the retarded suggestions. Seriously? Killing X of number of bandits = hero? No. Heroes aren't supposed to be murderers. I'm sorry but most of you need to stop posting suggestions because they're terrible. I just hope the devs have enough sense to realize good suggestions from the crap being spewed all over this thread.
  7. I kind of have to agree. We know that the devs know these problems exist. We know they already have fixes for them in mind, and likely are playing around with development builds. Why do suggestions like this keep popping up? -_-
  8. Mdogg2005

    The game needs nametags

    I'm glad to see a good number of people shutting down ridiculous threads like this. They will continue to pop up. We just need to continue to say how ridiculous things like this are.
  9. Mdogg2005

    We NEED some way to identify heros and bandits.

    Agreed. It's this topic, nameplates, and KoS / Serverhopping threads. If we don't get about 100 per hour, Dean might shut down the DayZ servers (apparently).
  10. Mdogg2005

    Server hoppers: A renewable resource.

    They can. As many suggestions offered have already indicated, log-out timers and preventative measures have already been discussed. There's no reason why they should or will make characters server-specific.
  11. Mdogg2005

    Stream Sniping A Huge Problem

    Wait there is actually a thread about this? facepalm.
  12. Mdogg2005

    We NEED some way to identify heros and bandits.

    Exactly. Some of the best bandits in the game are the ones that lull you into a false sense of security and friendship then steal your beans. Definitive identifiers of who is a bandit and who isn't would take a LOT away from the game. PS I am not a bandit and don't KOS.
  13. Mdogg2005

    The game needs nametags

    You beat me to it. Also I lol'd.
  14. Mdogg2005

    The game needs nametags

    Agreed. I'm baffled with the amount of threads that pop up every day saying how DayZ NEEDS (feature) or ADD (feature) FROM (other similar game). If you don't like DayZ being so challenging and hardcore, play another game. It's simple. Stop trying to dumb it down because you can't manage with the game being so hard.
  15. Mdogg2005

    The game needs nametags

    I read the first post. Name tags are not needed.
  16. Mdogg2005

    The game needs nametags

    Ok dummy, let me explain this to you. If you want to know who someone is, ask them or they may even tell you on their own. If they don't want to be noticed or stay hidden, you should not be able to aim around a tree line and find someone hiding because their name tag pops up. They're so easily exploitable it's not even funny. So no, dummy, name tags are not needed. Also, is your day not complete without making a complain / "DayZ needs _____" thread? Every whiny "DayZ NEEEEEDS THIS NAOOO" thread is made by you. And you get aggressive almost immediately in all of them when people disagree.
  17. Mdogg2005

    The game needs nametags

    This game 100% does not need nametags. I think it's funny when someone creates a thread about what the game "needs" as if they somehow speak for everyone else. So no, the game does not need name tags. These forums need less "This game needs X" threads. See what I just did there?
  18. What they need to do is give stats from the mod back. Time survived, zombies killed, murders, etc. Just give us time-tracked stats that can make us feel good about surviving. Do not make leaderboards for K/D ratio or people killed, etc. Make them for zombies killed, time survived, animals hunted, etc.
  19. Once again, you have seen no hacking and no hacking is going on. People are cheating and exploiting by changing their .ini files or loading scripts / .exes. Nobody is hacking anything. Sorry for the rants on the semantics between cheaters and hackers, but there is a serious difference between the two and it's a huge annoyance when people call no-life script kiddies and people who buy cheats "hackers."
  20. SIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIGGGGGGGGGGGGGHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH......... Another post calling script kiddies and .exe loaders "hackers." They are CHEATERS, people. Let's get that straight please.
  21. Mdogg2005

    Fell to my death

    Just thinking of that scenario in DayZ coupled with the way he says that line in the movie lol brilliant.
  22. Mdogg2005

    10 Man Squad getting Ghosted On?...

    Although I do have to say, Zeet got pretty mad and some of the comments were pretty funny lel
  23. Mdogg2005

    10 Man Squad getting Ghosted On?...

    Just posting to raise awareness again on this. Even if they were using aimbots or similar 3rd party programs to gain an advantage, they are cheats - not hacks. Sucks about people ghosting you though because that's pretty lame, but yeah, these are script kiddies / .exe loaders at best. They are cheaters, not hackers.
  24. Mdogg2005

    Poisoned bullets?

    What? People should be able to respond to being attacked. If you shoot them several times you kill them; shoot them once they have a chance to escape. Maybe stop using a mosin from miles away and actually fight up close and you'll get more kills.