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Everything posted by Mdogg2005

  1. Mdogg2005

    Bullet having better AI than ZEDS?

    There is actually a maximum number of emoticons allowed per post. He hits it every time and I'm sure that's after removing a few he wanted to include.
  2. Mdogg2005

    Zombies respawning on experimental?

    ok It's almost as if the patch notes flat out told us this was happening....... hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm..... Interesting & astute observation though.
  3. Mdogg2005

    How to fix server hopping and combat logging!

    Breaking news!!!! There will be at least 30 of these topics made this week alone! More at 11.
  4. Mdogg2005

    Fumbling Around In The Dark

    Agreed. I can't stand that shit.
  5. Mdogg2005

    How to fix server hopping and combat logging!

    We really needed another thread about this. No really.
  6. Mdogg2005

    Bullet having better AI than ZEDS?

    They WILL GET AROUND TO IT EVENTUALLY :thumbsup: B) Sample text. :thumbsup: :huh: Sample text :thumbsup: :o Sample text. :thumbsup: <_< see what I did there? Also yes that kind of is the point. Finding any amount of error code in your source that is no doubt over 10,000 lines is a bitch. Maybe the devs will invite you to the studio where you can sit down and skim through 10k+ lines of code to find all of the possible errors that cause zombies to clip through walls. Do it in less than an hour and break nothing else while you're in there. Ya know. Since it's so simple.
  7. Mdogg2005

    Where the heck is the long range scope?

    Your mom's house lolololololoooleelellelelelelelel Seriously though, start exploring the rest of the map instead of hopping airfields and certain buildings. You'll be surprised what you can find and where.
  8. Mdogg2005

    Bullet having better AI than ZEDS?

    One line of code. k buddy.
  9. Mdogg2005

    Character wipes still happening?

    Also you do know (or should I say your friend knows) that hardcore and normal are two separate hives and you have separate survivors on each. Your survivor in normal will not carry over into hardcore servers and vice versa.
  10. Mdogg2005

    our map isnt "small" its not "balanced"

    Too many posts here that deserve beans. I agree. The map size is fine. People just need to leave the coast - end of story. There's plenty of loot to be had so long as you're not camping coastal cities or military bases. People just need to learn to play this as a scavenging survival sim rather than a "balota & electro looting sim."
  11. Mdogg2005

    Character wipes still happening?

    I would say to expect character wipes to be a possibility at any point in the alpha. Never get too attached to your stuff. It sucks, but it can, and does happen. Not only that but it's also extremely possible that you were just killed in your 30s logout time, which also blows but you can thank the server hoppers and combat loggers for that.
  12. Mdogg2005

    A rather good find (anti-stab vest)

    I wish I could give you more beans. much beans many approve very satisfy wow
  13. Mdogg2005

    Hunting, vehicles, multiple maps, hordes, wow

    The one thing I like more about Arma 3 "DayZ" is the aim zoom. I hate not being able to zoom while aiming down sights in Standalone but I'm almost positive that'll come back eventually.
  14. Mdogg2005

    Hunting, vehicles, multiple maps, hordes, wow

    It's a lot easier to make a mod of an existing game than use assets that already exist. They didn't want to do that with Standalone, so simply put, that's why. Look at it this way. The Arma 3 mod will have a peak - a plateau if you will - where development will cease and the game will have minor improvements but nothing more. Standalone has a full studio backing it and improving the development incrementally. Eventually Standalone will blow the Breaking Point mod out of the water. The mod is also probably riddled with bugs as well. Let's also not forget that when you buy SA you are paying 30$ for early access allll the way up through the final release and you get to be a part of its development. The mod is something you need to buy a buggy 60$ retail game in order to play. All of that aside, if you want to play the mod play the mod. If you want to play SA, play SA. If you want to play both - play both. Edit: after watching the first few minutes of the video I couldn't help but laugh. Zombie hordes mean nothing when you can walk into plain view in the middle of them, loot a corpse, and stroll off as if nothing happened. Refer to my points above.
  15. Mdogg2005

    Well, that was lame

    You guys should post this stuff in the bug tracker, it's all great info. That's why we're here - to test the game. You guys are doing just that, so good job. Just start reporting things through the proper channels and we'll be well on our way to a better game.
  16. Mdogg2005

    A rather good find (anti-stab vest)

    That does look really good actually.
  17. Mdogg2005

    A rather good find (anti-stab vest)

    inb4 infraction?
  18. Mdogg2005

    Character wipes still happening?

    Gotta be a troll. Surely you know that A) military bases are the most dangerous places in game, B) anyone who logs out there to hop is likely going to get shot by other hoppers. 1/10.
  19. What game needs to be let off the hook exactly? It's advertised as "Early access alpha." If the game said "Now available!" and then had the alpha disclaimer then and only then can people bitch. But until then people really just need to shut the fuck up.
  20. Mdogg2005

    To the scumbags in the SW AF

    Lol what is the joke behind Electro and pants?
  21. Mdogg2005

    To the scumbags in the SW AF

    My favorite part about this post was that a new line never really meant that a new thought began.
  22. Mdogg2005

    [POLL] Do you regret buying the SA?

    I've put a ton of time into the game but lately I've been playing other stuff waiting for updates to DayZ. Doesn't mean I regret my purchase as I've gotten way more out of it than most 60$ games. I voted no, obviously, and I look forward to more updates down the road. 30$ for an early access is definitely steep though.