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Everything posted by Mdogg2005

  1. Mdogg2005

    Gonna be some ragin'

    So wait.. There's no logout timer? People can still combat log they just can't ghost... Or did I just miss something?
  2. Mdogg2005

    Don't Allow Zombies to Climb Ladders

    Yeah they should be able to walk upstairs but not climb ladders.
  3. Mdogg2005

    Player markers on Maps?

    /Constructive reply
  4. Mdogg2005

    No Surrender types

    Well aren't you a badass. You died because you were so badass.
  5. Mdogg2005

    No Surrender types

    Oh trust me, I know there are. I only brought up KOS once because it was relevant.
  6. Mdogg2005

    No Surrender types

    This. I experience far more positive interactions than negative ones (And I don't mean friendly or unfriendly, I mean positive in the way that the other players are immersed in the game too. Negative being the retard is spamming a dumb song over comms and running around pantsless and combat logs once you shoot at him or something).
  7. Mdogg2005

    No Surrender types

    Ok buddy. Then grats on proving my point.
  8. Mdogg2005

    Player markers on Maps?

    I had no problem with this in the mod, actually. As long as it only shows you (or at least where you spawn) I wouldn't fuss about it too much.
  9. Mdogg2005

    No Surrender types

    This is why people KoS. Make this post a sticky. That lazy bandit you just rushed at with your fists, who probably killed you, is now the topic of your (likely) next "OMG KOS IS SO DUMB" thread you're bound to make after this repeatedly happens. People bitch about KoS, but as you can see demonstrated by this gentleman, most people probably just put their fists up and rush proper bandits - causing them to kill. Step 2 is then bitching on the forums every subsequent time you get KoS'd because proper bandits are tired of people trying to knock them out. You guys crack me up sometimes. You complain that everyone kills on sight and kill on sight ruins the game and that the term bandit means someone that killed you (lol it doesn't), then you try to fist fight them when proper bandits try to perform bandit-y things on you. It's very simple. Either we will have bandits and people who cooperate, or kill on sight because everyone is a moron. You choose. PS: That "lazy" bandit, put in far more work and risk trying to hold you up than any moron KoS player would. Food for thought.
  10. Mdogg2005

    How Many People Were Killed By You?

    I love that people nowadays say they're a bandit when they go around shooting everything that moves. What a joke.
  11. Mdogg2005

    No Surrender types

  12. Mdogg2005

    Problem with ze mosin

    Wow if only the forums had some sort of search function. I'm sure if they did it'd show no less than 10 threads all about the same thing, including the official announcement saying that it's being looked into. If only.
  13. Mdogg2005

    Will Preventing Server-Hopping Increase Kos?

    That's not server hopping. That's choosing a server that you and your friends can all play on before you start playing.
  14. Mdogg2005

    Will Preventing Server-Hopping Increase Kos?

    Stopped reading there. You're scum and contributing to the biggest problem with this game. But hey, at least you're proud of it. I'll enjoy killing players like you when they add the timer next week. Enjoy losing all the gear you obtained before trying to hop. =)
  15. Mdogg2005

    Will Preventing Server-Hopping Increase Kos?

    This. Not to mention in the next patch ruined items are useless and killing a player sets almost all of their items to Ruined. So enjoy KOS when you can't use anything off of the player you killed.
  16. Mdogg2005

    Alt Tab Death

    Lol you don't NEED to use the db map. Learn the map yourself or risk dying when alt tabbed. Or as others mentioned, use a second monitor or something.
  17. Mdogg2005

    Teamspeak 3 Coms

    Please do!
  18. Mdogg2005

    So I Just Shot A Man.

  19. Take a look at what happened with games like Battlefield 3 and Battlefield 4 - and just about any big AAA title that released with a deadline date in the last year or so. People pay 60$ for games that have glaring issues in alpha, beta, and release - and in some cases, after years those issues aren't even fixed. So please, if you want this game to be great (and I'd assume most of you do) stop complaining that they are taking their time on development and let them do their thing. The end result (ie: delayed gratification, something gamers these days seem to lack) will be far greater than them having rushed development to see a specific release date and rush the game out in a worse state than if they had time. I am always ready and willing to support a game / developer that is open about their development cycle and progress. As long as they continue to bring us small fixes / updates along the way and keep us fully up to date on what's going on and what is planned for the next update, etc. then I am fine with them taking as long as they need (within reason of course). I also feel that bugs and stuff being found need to be mentioned - but not 100,000 times in the general forums. The people screaming "It's alpha stfu!" also do nothing but hurt game development. Yes it's alpha.. It's in alpha because things like this need to be addressed before it can move into beta and then final release. So stop derailing valid threads that bring up issues that need to be addressed under the excuse of "It's alpha, scrub!" Food for thought.
  20. Mdogg2005

    For those complaining about development pace

    This. I can't understand why some people would want to see more frequent (than we're already getting) updates that will be more buggy and less tested rather than the pace we're going at now. One patch every 2 weeks or so is incredible. Anyone play Battlefield 4 lately?
  21. Plan on at least one wipe per patch. I'm not being a douche either I'm just saying you really need to prepare for that kind of thing to happen.
  22. Mdogg2005

    Today's Pending Update.

    This. Never server hopped in mod or SA and I gear up and get supplies just fine.
  23. Mdogg2005

    We NEED some way to identify heros and bandits.

    And this thread still lives because people keep posting. Dude, Airborne, we get it - you have your opinion. Which it seems most of the people in here disagree with. Maybe try the new player discussion and see if the first timers agree since nobody here likes your idea.
  24. Mdogg2005

    If your going to KOS....

    Wow yeah you must have that response on copy paste, huh? You just seem to spread the joy to every thread.