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About kyleeffect@yahoo.com

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  1. kyleeffect@yahoo.com

    bandit punishment or reasons to player kill u deside....

    Your spelling is atrocious.
  2. kyleeffect@yahoo.com

    Femals and Ghilie Suits

    It would be nice if females shared the same ghilie suit model as the males did. From the looks of it, the ghilie suit is big and lumpy, masking most, if not all your features. This means that ~maybe~ everyone would look the same in it? Just a small suggestion as I would enjoy being able to finally change clothing.
  3. kyleeffect@yahoo.com

    Vehicle Spawning?

    I am sorry but I find your actions to have been very childish.
  4. kyleeffect@yahoo.com

    So I've been just blown to pieces...

    Why on earth would it be a hacker?
  5. kyleeffect@yahoo.com

    Shooting Filled Jerry Cans

    As unrealistic as it is, it does sound fun. I would not mind if it was implimented.
  6. kyleeffect@yahoo.com

    Possible hacker on US328

    I think that is the skin you get when you wear camoflauge...
  7. kyleeffect@yahoo.com

    Disappearing Suits

    Date/Time: 6/13/12 Exact time unknown. What happened: My camouflage suit vanished upon logging in after several unsuccessful attempts. This has also happened to my gillie suit some time ago. Mind you I was not wearing it due to me using a female skin. Where you were: Gorka. What you were doing: Trying to log in an looting the barns. *Current installed version: 1.7.0 *Server(s) you were on: I changed from various ones as for some reason I was stuck on loading or I was froze in place. *Your system specs: All I know is that I am using Windows Seven. *Timeline of events before/after error: -I find the suits. -Give one to my friend where he is then teleported to the ocean when we log back in. -I raid Gorka. -I log out. -I try to log in several times. -I get on and raid the barns only to realize my suit is missing. -I leave and later find out I can post this in the bugs section. All I would like is the ghilie or camo suit returned.
  8. kyleeffect@yahoo.com

    The Best Loot You Have Ever Found

    Just state your best finds you ever, um, found. Mine was a CZ550. I know they are not very rare but I still like it nonetheless. Along with a pair of camouflage suits.
  9. kyleeffect@yahoo.com

    Clothing keeps disappearing

    Date/Time: 07/13/12 Exact time is unknown. What happened: The camoflauge suit I was saving for when I would be able to wear it (Seeing how I use a female model) just vanished. This also happened to my ghillie suit I was saving awhile ago. Where you were: Around Gorka. What you were doing: Looting a Barn. *Current installed version: 1.7 *Server(s) you were on: I was changing a lot due to it failing to load. It could have happened on any server. I was on Atlanta Nine when I noticed. *Your system specs: I do not know. *Timeline of events before/after error: -I give my friend my other camoflauge suit. -We chnge servers and he is teleported to the ocean. -I raid Gorka. -When I return later I find it missing. -I return to my tent ad browse the forums, realizingI can make a bug report. If anything, I would just like one of the two suits I lost, returned. Preferably the ghilie suit.
  10. kyleeffect@yahoo.com

    how many girls play dayz?

    I myself play and I am never harassed. Currently awaiting for females to be able to wear different clothing.