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Posts posted by Nihlathak

  1. I wish to thank you for all the goodies your bullet-riddled corpse bestowed upon me. Namely the M249, all the tools for self sufficiency, the new backpack, and especially, ESPECIALLY, the night vision goggles. It is a shame that I only remember the clan tag you had, and not your actual name. I am cursed with a terrible memory, my wife hates it. Nevertheless I hope this message finds you, because you did me one helluva favor.

    I had recently n00bed it up and had to start a new character, and finding you in the Berezino hospital with your back turned to me was really a blessing. After I scattered your skull and its contents all over the wall, I was wondering what a perfectly healthy guy like yourself was doing in a hospital, particularly in the daytime with NVG's, but i try not to worry about such things. Instead i will put all your weapons/tools to use killing survivors n' such. Might even use the night vision to farm chopper parts. Again, thank you!


  2. Today, I made it to the North West Airfield for the first time.

    This particular version of myself spawned near Balota, and may be the first toon ive played that may actually have had some shred of kindness.

    He started out just like any other bandit, and by that I mean he went about marauding for beans and bullets! One particular engagement involved me interrupting a battle between another bandit and a survivor. Easy kills considering I had the drop and superior weapons. This quickly turned into a third kill when another survivor came to investigate all the ruckus, and his donations to my gearbag were rather substantial. So, since now I had plenty of beans and bullets for my journey, I head north to find the NWA!

    I do not claim to be 1337, and what follows exemplifies the fact that I am anything but. After a few other engagements with other, increasingly well armed and rewarding victims, I found myself surrounded by zombies in the town of Lopatino. My supply of beans, bullets, and blood were considerably lessened by the hectic melee that followed. And yet I survived with about 5000 blood left and my food icon had just started to blink from all the running.

    Starvation began to take its toll, but I will be damned if I get that close to my objective, the NWA, and fail to even see the bastard. So, after failing to find food in a house and an abandoned survivor compound (Karma?) I set out for the airfield! Upon arrival i had 3800 blood left, and zombies were everywhere. I hurled a smoke grenade at the gate, ran through, climbed a guard tower and made my last stand. Zombies threw themselves at me, and I threw bullets at the zombies. The fight ended with exactly zero living dead, and one round left in my M9. My objective was accomplished, but the cold reality of my red blinking food icon reminded me that instead of dying in a blaze of glory, I would shortly die from starvation. I briefly wonder if the game will let me shoot myself in the face, since the damn zombies couldnt seem to finish me off properly, when lo! Off in the distance I hear my salvation in the form of gunfire!

    I ran toward the sound, the frequency of which seemed increasingly desperate as time went on, and arrived at one of the garages on the base. I ran inside, and there he was! fighting off the undead all by himself! It was a textbook bandit scenario, survivor expends a clip into the zeds, and bandit pops him as hes slowed by reloading. I leveled my M9 squarely at his face, when all of a sudden, i decided to expend my last round, my chance at surviving this mess, on a zombie. This last second change of heart surprised me just as much as it did the survivor I am sure! We greeted eachother properly and traded supplies, just in time as I had drifted down to 500 blood. He agreed in broken English to help me restore my health, and I found myself enjoying the game with a teammate for once! I have no qualms about lone wolfing, but when we teamed up, both bleeding and desperate to survive, the game took on a whole new dynamic that you dont see by the coast. Maybe, if we survived this debacle, we could go camp the airfield! Or even go hunting in cherno!

    We developed a plan, and it required me to follow him. This was not well thought out, as anyone who is familiar with blood loss in dayz knows all to well. I lost sight of him amongst the zombies and trees, and I myself finally perished, being pulled down off a ladder and consumed by the horde. So ended the life of Nihlathak #22, whose discovery of humanity in dayz will definitely influence my playstyle in the future. Not to the point of becoming a survivor, hell freakin no. PvP is where its at! But perhaps if i see someone sniping survivors I will sneak up and ask to join him, instead of shooting him the the back of the dome and taking his beans. Working in a team really made it feel like a different game, if only for the briefest of moments. RIP Nihlathak #22 and whoever was with me.

  3. Now I am aware that you must use "," and "." to switch channels, and "/" to type, but when I am playing dayz, I only have access to 3 channels. Those are Group, Direct, and Vehicle. I do not know how to access side or global chat. I have even tried making a keybind for side chat voice comms and people do not hear me on that either. I would appreciate any help in the matter, because communication means i get shot at less. Thanks in advance!
