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Posts posted by Nihlathak

  1. orlok, i was in the ts3 server with jamie and shroom, and i can confirm that jamie is indeed a complete pain in the ass. Shroom goes out of his way to help new players and returning veterans alike, and rather than take advantage of the experience and kickassedness that LoH has provided me since joining, jamie made a conscious and deliberate choice to be extremely disrespectful to everyone, especially to shroom after threatening to report him to the leader of LoH and do his best to have shroom kicked out of the clan. Im glad he wont be a part of LoH, and I am of the opinion that any dayz community out there would also be better off without jamie.

    In conclusion, shroom does have his faults (shooting me on accident mainly...) but his dedication to providing a good environment to new recruits is as excellent as it can possibly be, and most assuredly would not dare troll the forum where most of his recruits come from. I believe that shroom does not deserve an infraction point for his post, perhaps a commendation for attempting to spare another clan the asspain of dealing with jamie's condescending attitude toward clanmembers, his utter disrespect at the imaginary notion of the slightest offense, and his thirst for drama which he attempts to quench via nasty PM's on teamspeak. I hope this post clarified the issue for you.


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  2. http://www.twitch.tv/pixelatedmonster

    We've been streaming the entire event from our perspective, and our visual proof counteracts your absurd claims.

    Including the event where we requested you turn around from our base and then proceeded to shoot you from the shore with M16s and M4s (as opposed to your claims that we fired upon you from our base with M107s and AS50s).

    The third person that was with you and your friend was with us. He was in our Mumble chat and was giving us your position for the entire duration of your unfortunately short life. In fact, your false report that we were killing you from our base prompted several hacker assaults that led to the events you're reporting here. None of these hackers was affiliated with us. We were not scripting at any point in time. We also had several players serverhop to our base and fail miserably to kill us and loot our gear, yourself included.

    We've been streaming for upwards of twelve hours. Feel free to watch any and all of it.

    We were going to give you medical supplies if you came back to shore. We were going to give you maps and GPSes and compasses. All legitimately obtained by completely legitimate efforts, from the hours of our time that we spent playing today. Instead you shouted obscenities at us. So we shot you. Actually, I shot you. I blasted you away from about 100 meters out with my M16A1. I was the one shouting at you in direct chat. I'm sorry that my shooting you in the face led to so many bad feelings.


    You and nixel made me lol. Beans sir!

    Also, if you either require or want my help in securing your campsite from the many threats seemingly brought upon you by leo, let me know. It would be an honor to set aside my usual bandit ways and help you out of this unfortunate situation.

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  3. (TL;DR at bottom for you lazy folk)

    Scratchz, you are a very special person. Typically I just let people with your style of logic just hang themselves with their own rope, but in this case, I feel compelled to have a short conversation with you. You paint a picture of yourself as a champion of the defenseless new spawns, campaigning against "idiots without cognitive skills" that derive their enjoyment from PvP. There are a good many people who share your viewpoint, and look upon people like myself as some sort of tyrant. However, there is plenty of evidence on these forums of "Bandit Hunters" banding together to help give new spawns a chance, grouping up in truly epic fashion to preserve the style of gameplay that they think should be had. You could have done something similar, and been far more productive in my opinion. It beats the hell out of this retarded ass statement you wrote...


    Wth is your problem, it doesn't make any sense to kill anyone that has just newly spawned. It's useless especially because you won't find SHIT on their bodies, and still it happens. WHY! Why should you do such a thing, it has no use you only annoy everyone you shoot for no f*cking reason. People playing games are no-lifers already but doing that, that makes you alot lot worse as a normal bandit. At least bandits shoot other people to survive, you don't do shit. You're just being a faggot by killing new spawns. It didn't happen to me that often, just twice, but all the stories I hear jesus christ get a f*cking life or something stupid dickheads.

    In regards to you telling me to get a life, I could go on a tirade about how I have a full time job, provide for my wife (emotionally and financially) and soon to be born child, have other hobbies including hunting, fishing, and vehicle restoration... blahblahblah. However this would boil down to a petty "he said she said" bullshit argument. So lets just keep this shit simple, I play games because I like to play games, and I will never stop playing games based on some ignorant forum trolls opinion that I need to go outside. The fact that you even throw around baseless insults such as these makes you and the cause you are fighting for look sad.

    In regards to the original topic, you wanted to know why I do this. Dumb question, but the answer is because its FUN. I earned the right to do it by surviving the hell that is spawning on the coast. The fact that it is tough to survive in this game is A GOOD THING. I dont play DayZ to have some generic pussified gaming experience where some faggot holds my hand and skips with me all the way to the northwest airfield. It would cheapen the entire experience, and DayZ would have died long ago. I have been spawn killed before. I changed my tactics, I adapted. The fact that there are people out there looking to slay my noob ass makes my successes that much sweeter. Getting off the coast and getting geared is an accomplishment, and your reward is to gear the hell up and do whatever you want. For me, it is going back to the coast for some good ol' PvP. At the other end of the spectrum, you have successful survivors, who have adapted to the environment, and established order in the wasteland. CQF and Freeside Trading Co. come to mind, however there are others out there that successfully enjoy the unique challenges this game has to offer. You seem to derive enjoyment by attempting to belittle people on the forums for legit playstyles. Perhaps you are the one who needs a lifestyle change? But hey, it isnt my place to judge.


    Your not accomplishing anything by posting this trash. You are polluting the DayZ forums of all places with shit like "fairness" and made up statistics such as;

    Btw, not all people are like that.

    At least a quarter of all people on the world are different than that, and I think even more.

    May I suggest that you attempt to start a bandit hunting group, like many other reasonable dayz players have? It would accomplish both of our goals. You would make Chernarus a safer place, and I would very much love hunting your ass! Make the game what you want it to be, and everyone wins. However, in the end it is your choice, and you can choose to continue with your garbage posts and baseless insults. Just like I can choose to continue with my killing sprees!

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  4. I shamelessly shoot fresh spawns all the time! sometimes i get lucky and find NVG's or somesuch, but most of the time i just shoot you guys for kicks. I would be doing this tonight, but alas, karma caught up with me and i was murdered by a hacker. Serves me right I guess, but ill be back. just need a day or so to get geared up again. Not much else to do really when you get geared.

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  5. I just lost a 32 day character to hacks. i feel your pain. I really do want this game to survive, it is incredibly fun when its played as intended. When i say "as intended" i mean as a brutal apocalypse survival game. Not a lets see how long before you get aimbotted or teleported game. The developers see this, and I am assuming that they are burning up the wires with battleye trying to get this shit straightened out, or looking for an alternative solution. Pissed off I may be, but it is still a good game with a fantastic concept. DayZ is early in development, and as such I will continue to support it, because it still beats L4D and goddamned Dayzlite! (War Z)

  6. my educated guess is that vanilla arma 2 had a far more mature audience than dayz. Youll find that alot of people who play simulations are typically in their late 20's at the youngest. Hell, a few years back I was in a clan ran by a 71 year old englishman who went by the name of Sid. Another thing is that people who play simulations arent so much interested in K/D ratios as they are in getting an authentic experience, and hacking is far from authentic.

    Having all the extra exposure for Dayz and arma is, in my opinion, fucking great. However, as with any large crowd of people, your going to get some assholes. Were going to have to deal with them for now, until they get banned, bored, or just plain blocked with anti-cheat software.Until then if you are interested in helping rocket and the dev team out, try to give them the hackers information. You are alpha testing after all, so next time some hacking is going down, make a note of the time and what server. That way you can email a server admin and they can determine who was hacking. Most of the servers I play on give you some way to get in contact with the admins.

    Hacking this profound will be difficult to deal with, and the solution i provided is FAR from ideal. Still, discovering the identity of hackers and getting them banned will go a whole lot further helping this game than calling rocket a cocklord and just all around behaving like a child on the forums.

  7. Let me reiterate a very key point I keep trying to make:

    You are the inhabitants of the world. I am the architect. You guys are going to decide how this world plays out. Don't compare this to other games and look for different balancing mechanics. This is an attempt at something different, it is an experiment. There is no balance, other than the balance you will put in. I will put in the features required for you to either destroy this world into mindless PVP, or create something else. Don't look to me for that balance, because I will not give you it. We started this in a particular way, we're going to finish in that way.

    Some of keep looking to me to provide you a structured experience, balanced. That's not what is happening here. I'm not looking at something realistic, that isn't possible. I'm aiming for authenticity to the extent possible, but I'm realistic about what can be achieved there.

    You guys keep saying I'm trying to encourage this or that with that mechanic, I'm not. I'm trying to model thought processes. The interactions are too complex to breakdown into simple mechanics so I have to focus on situations and thought processes I am trying to put into your head as you play. So I'm not doing this to support/remove PVP.

    I wish I could find the quote where rocket says Blizzard and EA arent here to balance the game for you, but alas, this quote is the best I could get for now. Quit your whining about sniper rifles. If you think they are such a big problem, play on servers without nametags. The fact that the built in rangefinder is missing deters most of the snipers. Even if you run across some, they are not that hard to avoid. Hell, I would hazard to guess that at least 70% of the "snipers" I have encountered couldnt hit water if they fell out of a boat. Movement seems to throw them off. And before you ask, I am not a sniper. I can snipe, and am actually pretty damn good at it, but sniper weapons in DayZ are situational weapons. I personally find that it is easier to be a bandit with weapons that do not have scopes, due to the fact that they can be utilized in a variety of roles beyond long range support/PKing.

    Also, in order to add some perspective to the argument that scoped weapons are too common, I would like to state that the 3 bandits in my squad that have M107's spent a good three weeks finding them. One was found in a barracks, and the other two were on shitty bandits that we murdered. While it can be argued that the two weapons we obtained off the bandits might have been scripted in, that leaves 1 M107 that we found in 3 weeks of playtime. That is not common at all! And i havent seen a CZ550 spawn since about 3 patches ago. Again the only one i have spotted recently was in the backpack of some random survivor. All of our weapons were obtained legitimately, and by that i mean we did not script/hack/sacrifice a virgin to get them. So, even if you still believe that the number of snipers is a problem, the fact that rocket will fix the scripting/hacking/virgin sacrificing issues before the final release of the game will fix this problem.

  8. Nothing annoys me more when I hear ppl talking like They're in the fucking army


    I c hostiles

    Or I have a murder I repeat I have a murder

    Shut the fuck up its a game not the army

    And nothing annoys me more than reading a perfectly good forum topic and getting visually assaulted by bullshit posts like yours. If I ever find you in-game, im going to break your legs and feed you to a zombie, filth.

    In regards to the OP, nice story.

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  9. yea... DC'ing is pretty weak. Could have been worse I suppose, you coulda DC'ed in PvP Combat. If that was the case I would tell you to die in a fire. However, since you are rather new, Ima give you some helpful tips.

    1. Dont DC. Fucking ever.

    2. To lose aggro on zeds~ you either run to a building with 2 doors, let them all get inside (they get all retarded indoors) and exit out the other door, thereby breaking line of sight. A second method, is to take your zombie train to a very steep hill. The zombies will slow to a walk allowing you to get away. the hill method is more dangerous to use due to all the open ground you usually have to cross, but it beats looking for buildings to enter when you dont know of any off the top of your head. Basic rule, is to break line of sight.

    3. Avoiding zed aggro in the first place~ first off, dont run anywhere near zombies. they are really good at visually detecting movement. Just crouchwalk or crawl through town. Also, pay attention to the terrain you are walking on, grass is good, forest grass is even better. Roads, farmland, and railroad tracks are to be avoided. If you have to cross one, look both ways first to make sure a zombie is not looking down the road. If there is one, and he looks far away, you can crawl across. if your close enough to hear him moaning and bellyaching, dont try it. An alternative method for those who dont give a fuck is to just run into town and aggro everything, and take all the zeds to a shop or something.

    Hope this helps turn you from newbie into a "super-experienced-nerd-pro" as you say.

  10. Throwing hand grenades at vehicles is one of my favorite passtimes, Im getting pretty good at it! It sounds pretty wasteful, but hell, if i needed the loot i would just search the forests for camps.

    In reference to the topic, you just gotta start a new adventure. Next time you get a vehicle dont drive it toward unidentified light sources and you will live longer. Even the most dedicated of survivors would probably turn bandit for a car. Thats just a guess on my part, having never really been a survivor, but i think its a good guess.

  11. I dont post much, but seeing that this asshat admitted to disconnecting twice, I feel I have to. I am a bandit. I generally do a bunch of dastardly bandit shit, such as shooting people on the coast, hunting around stary, carjacking people at gunpoint... ect. The point I am trying to make is that I have very few scrupels when it comes to dayz. I dont fight fair AT ALL. That being said, I dont disconnect in combat EVER. If somebody is good enough to kill me (generally with the odds stacked against them) they earned my gear. Oh well, i will start over. And my question for mastiff, how do you know he wasnt lying about the graphical glitch? Ive had some glitches in the game but never to the point that it made me ALTF4 convieniently away from a hand grenade. And if that is the truth, how do you explain the second DC? The OP said that he does not like to die for "retarded" reasons. But the second disconnect occured when he approached a KNOWN bandit that shot him before, and, doing what bandits do best, opened fire on him. The only thing retarded about dying in this situation is the fact that the op walked up to him a second time. Tell your friend that headshots fix the whole ALTF4 problem.

    TLDR: DC'ers are the lowest of the low. Beef, please throw your computer into a fire and dont get a new one untill you learn that dying in a videogame is not the end of the world.

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