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Everything posted by WreckItRalph

  1. WreckItRalph

    Connection Issue

    So here is the issue. Me and my brother cant play in the same server at the same time..... i just paid 30 dollars to buy him the game but yet i cant play with him seems there is a IP conflict when i connect to a server and he follows me in i get yellow chain followed by red chain. Why cant my brother play with me. We do not share a steam account and we both own a legit copy of the game. please fix this Dev team.
  2. WreckItRalph

    Connection Issue

    yeah we figured it out shortly after this post. didnt think it would help since in the mod it didnt help we had to use different launchers and add parameter lines and abunch of mumbo jumbo. Port forwarding worked on standalone
  3. Ok so we have a fresh server and everytime you leave and come back even without going to other servers it wipes and spawns you on the coast. Is there a server setting that is needing changed and if so how would you go about that?
  4. WreckItRalph

    Fresh Server Having A Issue With Wipes

    Well its not but if we join and get a item then go to other server we have it. then if we join back to ours it wipes. That's normal?
  5. WreckItRalph

    Need Help Cant Load The Game

    Earlier I was running though the woods headed to meet up with clan members. All the sudden as i was running in dense trees out of nowhere i was what seemed liked teleported into a blank field. Could not move at all i sat for a solid minute hoping it would fix. I didn't. I tried to relaunch the game got past the DayZ Title screen and to a black screen that would not go any further. I restarted my computer. Same issue. Reinstalled the game. Same issue. I have no clue what is happened, but I am lost.
  6. WreckItRalph

    Need Help Cant Load The Game

    I can't get to the character screen and I run the game fine, but thank you for your concern.
  7. WreckItRalph

    Blackscreen upon starting the game

    Well i know that i dont have any issue hardware wise but i get past the first to "Brandings" then cant load past that.....