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Posts posted by CivicTiger

  1. Honestly.. other than 'having a laugh' with friends, holding people up and killing people.. there isn't MUCH else to do.

    The final game will be much more worth while when you want to do that kind of thing but this early in the Alpha there is little point.

    There isn't much point playing the whole survival game when your character could get wiped at any time.


    Thats my opinion. You bought the game and it's yours to do what you want with it, but if you really, really don't want to be violent in the real game then at least get it all out now so that when it's released you can then take the survival challenge.

  2. To regain health I believe you need either a blood transfusion which will give you 20% blood, which you need a blood bag and an IV start kit.

    The other and better option is using Saline, which will give you 100% blood, and again, you need an IV start kit.


    When I was low on health I drank and ate a full 35 backpack of stuff over the course of two sessions and nothing changed.

  3. tell me one clan that has 40 members active on the same server all the time...

    what the hell man.


    in dayz mod vanilla bases were fine. tents, campfire, razor wire and tank traps. thats it. (also sandbags)


    i hope theyll just add tents and caches thats totally enough IMO


    Incase you haven't noticed, this is posted in the NEW PLAYERS FORUM.

    Why, do you ask? Because I am a NEW PLAYER.


    I posted a genuine, legit question.

    Simply: Are bases server-side or hive-side.


    I asked because I DONT KNOW how big clans are. I don't know how small they are. My general thought was that 2 clans woull fill the MAJORITY, not ALL, of the server - leaving little room for the general public - which is no fun for the clan, and only fun for the public.


    Stop being a try hard, okay?

    I was posting a general noob question because I don't know this game well, just yet.


    Again, stop being a try hard. If you can't stand reading these questions then why you are even on the new player forums, I don't know.. Because with your reply, you clearly don't have the intention of helping people.


    As for the other two people who replied nicely, you have my thanks and my beans (if that even does anything)

    Thank you :)

  4. Now, our characters are in the same location every time we play a different server. This is useful.


    But how about bases?


    My initial thought is that there are 40-60 people per server. And way more than than in-game.


    Having a base on a 60-man server seems problematic as if some clans have their own bases, the server will primarily just contain that clan - the server will run out of slots.

    But having a base on 'the hive' is also probelematic as people can destroy your base from different servers + the gear wont be true?


    So, what happens?

    Are bases server-side? And will the game contain more than 60 people at launch or will it still be 40-60? Because having 2 big clans is already pushing the servers population isn't it?

  5. Simple fix, don't let your two characters ever be able to log onto the same server.


    Have Character 1 plant some sort of 'seed' that doesn't let you log into that server on Character 2.



    I would LOVE to be able to have two characters.

    The ONLY people that are happy with one Character is people that are in guilds, or 'DayZ famous' - but how about the rest of us?


    I like to play DayZ with my friends, but when he logs off, I log off and don't log on because I don't want to risk dying, and spending hours getting back together with my friends.

    I would like to have one Character to solo with, and one to group with and there are some good ideas to combat the abuse of the system but mine ends all of that, permanently.

  6. I am slightly confused..


    The forum post I have read states that the game will get progressively more expensive as it is developed, but once you have it, you have it.


    If I buy it now, for the price of £20, which is to test the Alpha, will I have the full version when it is released or do I have to re-purchase the game? I already bought Arma for this mod and I don't really want to buy it again for the second time, yet alone a third.. But I can appreciate the hard work it is taking to make this game so I would be willing to buy it again, but like I said.. not a third.



    If I buy it now at £20 on Steam, will I have to re-purchase the full version when it is released?
