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Everything posted by Stiptikspec

  1. Stiptikspec

    I'm stuck.

    I'm afraid nature must take its course :( Walk into the next room have some Tea and biscuits (or insert suitable refreshing break here) and take your time, so when you return nature may already have taken its course!
  2. I wouldn't recommend canirunit.com, that website is more often than not incorrect.
  3. Stiptikspec

    Anti-Hack Suggestion

    Too complicated for my simple mind!
  4. Stiptikspec

    I'm stuck.

    Can try hugging the wall, logging out and then back in. I saw that earlier today or yesterday somewhere. Or as mentioned above let nature run its course and starve! Or you could drink the disinfectant you may have lying around just being saved for that moment you force someone to drink it
  5. Stiptikspec

    Blood types, Blood bags and Transfusions

    Thankyou very much sir! I'm surprised Noone else has commented on how useful this is!
  6. Stiptikspec

    Rolling updates...TBA

    Or you can play the game as intended? With a little thing called skill and tact.
  7. Stiptikspec

    Some suggestions based on my experience with the SA

    As countless people have said before, Soon my friend..soooon At this moment in time the bloody chickens shriek at me like they want to feast on my dehydrated flesh and the zombies stand staring gormlessly at the stairs. Sooon!
  8. Stiptikspec

    An official lore

    We should definitely try and grab their attention about that!
  9. This could add so much more stuff to the game in the later end of development, such as the opportunity to find out how it began (though notes and whatnot) or to broadcast things to players, I imagine bandits would love to control a complex that could broadcast to anyone holding a radio! But it also helps solve that extra mystery surrounding the green mountain area! One of the main places where zombies constantly pour one after the other, perhaps humans were stockpiled there?
  10. Stiptikspec

    Lost all gear from switching server?

    As unfortunate as that is, it's bound to happen due to the game's early levels of development. the kinks are being ironed out! Try not to get too attached to your gear at this point as you may lose it through connections issues, crashes and resets. All the best
  11. Stiptikspec

    Let's up the Fear Factor

    I would like to see that, i think it may be possible because the mapping on glasses has been achieved. I would love to shine my torch into the trees, do a couple of sweeps and then finally notice a pair of eyes (or just one eye!) staring back and then more and more and then a horde comes out attracted to the light.
  12. Stiptikspec

    Idea: Different Type of Zombies

    Or medical zombies for hospitals and for my Green mountain idea, and then some emergency services zombies, I've said it many times before but where the hell did all the services go!
  13. In my opinion Hacking is when someone Cannot play, obviously there's some limits :P
  14. Oh hey it's Mr cool! you get the jist mr cool.
  15. Stiptikspec

    An official lore

    Thankyou very much! I thought of the idea and thought, hey that could work! And the more people we get contributing to it, the more we can adapt and make it click! I did try! I used elements from the insurgency and political unrest
  16. I agree with you to be honest, I would never do it because to put it simple I'm not good enough at the game to! I would be like "Freeze Nub *slide falls off pistol* " After all you did pay for the game and it is an apocalypse "simulation" if you will, a world where people will do literally ANYTHING to survive the next day, including putting down the odd person to achieve that, that's the thrill I think! Running from guys who want your shirt for bandages and your beans for dinner is what makes DayZ enjoyable!
  17. Stiptikspec

    How will flying work? Simulator or Arcade?

    Another good point, there would probably be at least a few left at airbases that either could not be refuelled to leave with the others or the pilot was mauled at the landing zone, perhaps if they needed to be more thoroughly repaired in such a way that if you repair them "half-arsed" then the heli will either not turn on or crash and kill it's pilot.
  18. Stiptikspec

    I can crash any server...at will

    You probably don't want to hear this but you may have to wait until he next character reset, or just keep trying different servers in other countries perhaps.
  19. Stiptikspec

    An official lore

    Perhaps take a look at the link in my signature, I came up with a lore of my own that you may like! Perhaps take a look at the link in my signature, I came up with a lore of my own that you may like!
  20. Stiptikspec

    How will flying work? Simulator or Arcade?

    This does have some sense to it believe me, however seeing as DayZ is open ended with regards to your character, what's to say they aren't a pilot that returned to chernarus at the wrong time.
  21. Stiptikspec

    vehicles you want in the game

    Found in hospitals, for when your character breaks their legs in game, can store small items such as bananas.
  22. Stiptikspec

    Armor, Clothes and Equipment you'd like to see.

    I would like to see remnants of clothing from the emergency services on chernarus, they can't have vanished! it would be cool to use some police riot gear or use a firemans jacket to protect against cold (I've worn one they're bloody boiling!)
  23. Stiptikspec

    How will flying work? Simulator or Arcade?

    I'm fairly sure they'll make it difficult but not Microsoft flight simulator X difficult, I seem to remember seeing somewhere that more difficult helicopter mechanics were potentially on the table.
  24. Stiptikspec

    Let's up the Fear Factor

    I really, Really like the fog idea! Think how much atmosphere that would add as you see either a horde of zombies or a convoy of well armed bandits emerge from the fog like somekind of legion of the damned! It could be integrated into the DayZ weather system which would be very cool to see, and could even affect body temperature. Aswell as this you may have solved being instantly shot in cherno on certain days! Snipers can't see through the fog giving the fresh spawns vital minutes of escape time.
  25. Stiptikspec

    Will DayZ get more unique locations?

    I'd be happy with just the odd extra base here and there to break up the fields after fields, Sometimes the simple things are good