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About Stiptikspec

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    Wales, United Kingdom.
  1. If your not a fan of the book then refrain from shouting at me :) Hey all,stiptik here. I was wondering is there any kind of group on Facebook for having easy chatter about dayz? I myself find Facebook useful for groups (nothing much else :P) so is there one? And if there isnt, would anyone be interested in one? Cheers
  2. Stiptikspec

    Bandit skins

    Gawd man you put this in the wrong place! If I didn't know you in real life I would be unhappy!
  3. It does add a creepy feeling doesn't it! Imagine walking near green mountain and hearing quiet screaming and groaning from under the mountain!
  4. Stiptikspec

    357 Magnum, STILL EXIST (proof)

    To summarise so your clear, the recent update fixed some issues with despawning bodies, and yes they also fixed the .357 spawning and the .357 speed loader spawns.
  5. Stiptikspec

    Future city discovered

    That's certainly a good find even if it's coincidence, a city or town good fit there.
  6. Stiptikspec

    [Question] Best variant of DayZ Mod

    I do enjoy the vanilla mod, I've just been seing lots of awesome features like self bloodbag and many outfits and I was wondering what these ones are Edit: Must say mustygaming have lots of cool looking servers!
  7. Firstly I'm not a new player I just had no idea where to put this! My question is what's the best Variant of DayZ to play, for example I've heard of ones with loads of new buildings, and new skins Secondly what's the best server to play on for that mod? I've seen some that add new areas, more loot and lots and lots of vehicles, and a good amount of slots. Thanks in advanced, all the best!
  8. Stiptikspec

    Game not as colorful as other people?

    Have you changed settings to try and get a better FPS? watched any dodgy tutorials?
  9. Thankyou for your kind offer, I have decided to give JustSmile a try and I thank you so much for your invitation
  10. Stiptikspec

    Some building variation...

    I agree with this entirely,luckily it is beginning to happen with the new areas and the prison things that are popping up, I would like to see bigger and more populated hospitals and fire stations with vehicle bays with ambulances and appliances
  11. Stiptikspec

    Question about youtube and monetization

    I've disabled monetisation as simply too many of my videos defy their rules and I make nothing from my efforts.
  12. Evening to those reading! I've been playing Arma and DayZ for around a year now and I've decided I want to try and join a community for DayZ. If anyone could suggest one that roughly meets the below requirements you may feast upon my beans! These are very rough and can be bent a little: I must be able to fit the minimum age, I am 16 currently Relatively flexible meet times, I'm from the UK and have to do studies every now and then Not extremely serious And must be relatively open minded towards a younger player (16) Thanks all!
  13. Stiptikspec

    The bandit killer...

    Interesting, an independent bandit who embarks on a cleansing of his once allies, I like it. Its a dog eat dog world.
  14. Stiptikspec

    Bloodlust, my bandit initiation story

    I do enjoy reading these as each experience is different, you sir are a prime bandit and a good example of how people wrongly see bandits as shoot on sight moralless fiends, all the best