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About Sarg_Scorpio

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. Sarg_Scorpio

    Hello from MjR

    Hey Guys / Gals MjR now have 2 servers running DayZ SA (for AUS/NZ) 40 Player - Very smooth server 30 Player - little unstable this server.... Just search mjr in the filter if you are looking for some good guys to play with :D we also have our site and TS if you want to come chat :) http://www.majorclan.com/ Heres a pic of us saying hello :) http://cloud-4.steampowered.com/ugc/687097840224495023/65A28F6542B5C1C874ED8ADB6113CBCFCF31BEE1/
  2. Sarg_Scorpio

    Want DayZ (swap for BF4)

    Bf4 is totaly difrent, and yea i aint arguing the fact about BF4 has had its issues and bugs, (altho alot of them now are fixed) BF4 is much more amazing in game that this due to actually being a battlefield. But i would like to try this sort of game too.. Again if you arent intrested cool.. move along :) this is IF someone is intrested the offer is there for them :)
  3. Sarg_Scorpio

    Want DayZ (swap for BF4)

    hardly lol as i got it from anther player to start with and EA support helped me change everything over.... its a offer if anyone is intrested in BF4 that doesnt have it yet. It worth it if someone wants a cheap copy of the base game.
  4. Sarg_Scorpio

    Want DayZ (swap for BF4)

    Hey Guys, Been looking at DayZ and really want to give it a go :) I have a 2nd BF4 account (base game only) im willing to give if someone wants to gift me DayZ on steam? Add me on steam if intrested: Sarg_Scorpio Cheers guys :)